The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Late Friday afternoon, when few were paying attention, one of the smartest judges on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals went out of his way to throw Donald Trump a lifeline. In a surprising and late dissent to the 9thCircuit’s ruling on Trump’s first travel ban, Alex Kozinski argued that it would violate the First Amendment to take Trump’s campaign statements evincing anti-Muslim animus seriously (or literally).

Adam Schiff dropping some serious bombs this morning - claiming Putin pal Igor Sechin offered Trump 19% of Rosneft via talks with Carter Page - all from the Steele dossier.
Stock market is behaving oddly this morning - completely frozen for a few minutes - now SPY slightly down and VIX up.
Has anyone got a transcript? Comey referenced he had a meeting with a group of people whereby he disclosed information to them about the current case (which is unprecedented).

But i'm not sure who those people were?
Has anyone got a transcript? Comey referenced he had a meeting with a group of people whereby he disclosed information to them about the current case (which is unprecedented).

But i'm not sure who those people were?

Following a meeting with FBI Director James Comey, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) briefly spoke to reporters, but gave very little details about what was discussed.

The two top lawmakers on the Senate Judiciary Committee met with Comey after Grassley threatened to hold up the vote on Deputy Attorney General nominee Rod Rosenstein unless the FBI gave his panel a briefing on their investigations into Russian meddling in the election, any potential ties between Russia and President Donald Trump, and Trump’s claims that he was wiretapped by his predecessor.
Following a meeting with FBI Director James Comey, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) briefly spoke to reporters, but gave very little details about what was discussed.

The two top lawmakers on the Senate Judiciary Committee met with Comey after Grassley threatened to hold up the vote on Deputy Attorney General nominee Rod Rosenstein unless the FBI gave his panel a briefing on their investigations into Russian meddling in the election, any potential ties between Russia and President Donald Trump, and Trump’s claims that he was wiretapped by his predecessor.

Cheers, so neither of the senators are on the panel currently quizzing Comey (and the other guy)?
'We just heard that the FBI is investigating associates of the president (the president himself?) for election-year ties to Russia. The first questions, however – from the Republicans who control the committee – don’t touch on that historic news, instead focusing on the mechanics of intelligence collection and leaks'
On this line of questioning (that someone unmasked and leaked comms. involving Gen Flynn), shouldn't Adm. Rogers point out that the NSA is not the only organization that collects SIGINT in the US Govt?
The Reps seem more interested in killing the messenger than having their own traitors exposed. Surprise, surprise.
Wasn't expecting much but the mini meltdown is making me curious again :lol:

He's shitting himself, he knows he's guilty, he just doesn't know how much they have, maybe not on him, but on his bunch of deplorables.

Here they go about Trump's tweets. He just got fecking owned :lol: No information that supports anything Trump said about Obama. Priceless!
The Republicans at this meeting seems to put an awful lot of focus on whistle blowers rather than the content that get leaked. This should tell everyone that there are serious information out there that could get a lot of these guys into serious trouble if caught. They are feeling the heat i think. Why else put so much stress on whistle blowing if you have nothing to worry about. I most emit it is going to get very interesting when or if people will be charged with criminal activity.
I love it, I think it's brilliant. Twitler :lol: as you say, accurate and very witty. Mind you, I expect nothing less from George, he's a very clever and funny guy.

:lol: Indeed, calling him 45 still commanded more respect than he deserves. Twitler is perfect.
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