The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Surely that's a photoshopped parody? Surely?
*weeps for humankind*
I just "wish" that someone could "teach" the poor guy the "correct" way to use fcuking quotation marks.

I'd love some simple questions from the press core;

"Mr President. Would you like someone in this room to give you a 15 minute lesson on quotation marks?"

"Why did you go bright red and look at the floor when photographers looked for a handshake and photo opportunity"

"Why do you lie so often?"

"Why have you gone on holiday for 50% of the weekends you've been in office?"

"Do you know that you are the only person using the term 'Southern White House'?"
*Must be quite high
*Must be wall-like
*Must have view of Hanging Gardens of Babylon (from U.S. side only)
American education and its consequences. If you are only investing in the elite, you end up with a whole bunch of deplorables. Reading r/the_donald really is an eye opener, other reddits as well. Trump supporters did not know how a parliamentary system works for example, they really thought Wilders would win if he got the most votes. That's the kind of people you are facing. They are just dumb.

Hold up. I'm educated and consider myself somewhat intelligent but I have no clue how the parliamentary system works as 1) I have never needed to know, and 2) don't care. This is a poor example to equate Trump supporters (or Americans in general) as "dumb." There are plenty of proper reasons to label Trump supporters/general Americans dumb.

Furthermore, what exactly do you expect social warriors in a reddit thread to display? Everyone knows the majority of persons posting in those kinds of threads are asshats, imbeciles, or trolls, possibly all three in one. Yes, I would think if someone is going to post in a political forum about Dutch/Wilders then he/she should understand how that system works. But it's feckin reddit.
I have a feeling, so no proof, that that wasn't above board. I wouldn't be surprised if he and his family walked out of that casino several times with big winnings before it went bankrupt. It's a near perfect tax dodge.

Interesting. A coworker and I were talking about the Powerball lottery and what we'd do if we won millions. He said he'd frequent casinos which he already does every 2-3 months. We both mentioned about helping family and closest/most trusted friends but I brought up the annual tax-free amount that limits how much you can give, $14K. I mentioned I would just open up like 20 separate checking accounts and grant access to one account to each family/friend, then drop like $25-50K each year.

My friend said the easiest way to give unlimited tax-free funds is to frequent casinos. He said just drop $1M at a casino, play for a weekend or so, then cash out in full. Then you'll have six-seven figures in cash to do as you please, like give mom $75K and your buddy $25K to which the IRS and Feds will never know (as long as they don't go dropping $50K in cash on cars and stuff).
That looks more like a Rover shot of Mars.
I'm just hoping Shane McMahon does a flying elbow from the top of the wall.
Mexicans should take the challenge and set new Pole Vaulting records.

The Republicans don´t even try to hide their contempt for the ordinary people at these town hall meetings. I think the part of being a representative of the people is lost on them and ignoring this part can really backfire on them in the future. I really hope people won´t forget their behaviour at the next election as most of them really don´t care about the people nor want to be a part of a democracy it seems. They just want to force their legislation through the senate and the house regardless of the cost to the people. They even try to sell the something better will be implemented in the future to try stop people from protesting but this is horse shit as whatever they plan to in the future it won´t be good for the ordinary people.
My favourite bit is "Difficult to climb or cut through." Like they've gone "okay let's make it a challenge, but with an inherent weakness. Like the Death Star."
Lower than Obama ever was in his eight years, as well.

Important to note though that Gallup is by far his worst figure, the rest are all in the low to mid 40s currently. Which is still awful (I believe the worst on record) for a new President.
Hold up. I'm educated and consider myself somewhat intelligent but I have no clue how the parliamentary system works as 1) I have never needed to know, and 2) don't care. This is a poor example to equate Trump supporters (or Americans in general) as "dumb." There are plenty of proper reasons to label Trump supporters/general Americans dumb.

Furthermore, what exactly do you expect social warriors in a reddit thread to display? Everyone knows the majority of persons posting in those kinds of threads are asshats, imbeciles, or trolls, possibly all three in one. Yes, I would think if someone is going to post in a political forum about Dutch/Wilders then he/she should understand how that system works. But it's feckin reddit.

Not the point. At least you know there is difference between a parliamentary system and a presidential one. Seriously, they thought you just get the majority of the vote and you get elected to be prime minister. You can't tell me that this is matching your understanding of a parliamentary system, however basic it might be.
Not the point. At least you know there is difference between a parliamentary system and a presidential one. Seriously, they thought you just get the majority of the vote and you get elected to be prime minister. You can't tell me that this is matching your understanding of a parliamentary system, however basic it might be.
Yeah, they have to form a government first. I think by building their own capital building.
Is it a parody account?
I don't know, Raoul had linked to the account and I found this tweet too funny. Apart from the 'impotent fool' the language is typical for communication by NK.
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Wow, just wow. Strong words, let's hope they are not hollow.

With so much hype and expectations, I doubt if the reality will live up to it.

Trump will spin it as fake news being fake news. Fox will say it is a nothinburger.

Anti-Trump folks will be reinforced by this. Trump supporters will be harden by the 'world' going after their man.
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