The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yeah but what people forget is that in terms of getting America out of debt, he's probably the best person for the job. It's the debt that's causing the problem and who enforces the debt. These corporations are too much and people can talk about other politicians but many of them bent over and got fecked up the arse willingly by corporations. "Oh yes sir, yes sir..your too big to fail sir...ohhhhh' I hope he'll do a good job but am reserving judgement for now

1. The best person for the job? If that is the case, then you are well and truly fecked. I was shocked when he won the election because all his campaign it was empty rhetoric, slogans and nonsense. He had one redeeming quality in my eyes, which was his promise to take on corruption is Washington. He then proceeds to fill his cabinet with super wealthy cronies, denies to release his taxes, give a huge tax cut to the rich, have plenty of fishy business in his staff and lastly fires the most prominent anti corruption attorney in the country. "Draining the swamp" my arse, hes the biggest ogre of them all.

Then you have his miserable policies and the completely embarrassing way he conducts himself. I was honestly trying to give him a chance, because i wanted to believe that the Trump we saw in the election was just a facade, but it turns out hes even worse than that, which is quite an accomplishment in my eyes

2. Regarding your debt it's quite easy: The US state spends a lot more money than they get in, and have for quite some time. It Trump actually wanted to take the numbers into the black he would have increased taxes and cut some spending. Instead he cut taxes and increased spending on the military (which is like 600 bn$) and completely cut the funding on some small, but important fields. Besides, his reputation as a self made billionaire is vastly overblown. He started out wealthy in the 80's, a time when pretty much everyone could make a fortune in real estate.
Supreme Overlord Trump spends yet another week golfing:

And his frequent trips are costing Palm Beach a lot of money


In seven weeks, Drumpf has golfed nine times..
Supreme Overlord Trump spends yet another week golfing:

And his frequent trips are costing Palm Beach a lot of money


In seven weeks, Drumpf has golfed nine times..

Which journalist is going to have the stones to ask him outright if he thinks it is appropriate to be spending his time and public money on something he vehemently criticised Obama for?
Let me address the bolded bit in order.
  • Germany has a long history of being pro immigration and have been known to welcome refugees since the end of World War II. What they're doing today isn't really new, conflicts included.
  • Trump does not bring honesty. He brings the opposite of it.
  • You may not like it but that's the essence of politics. If you thought the world's way of conducting politics got us nowhere, then I'd like to be the first to welcome you from your escape from your nuclear bunker for the past several decades.
  • You are overthinking Trump way too much and this would suggest that he's coy in getting what he wants. That's not really upfront and honest as you suggested earlier.

  • Why? Recent events like Trump causing a stir about wiretapping before intelligence makes a statement and ending up with the administration having to apologize to the UK show that this is not a good thing. You seem to have this weird ideal that not having a scripted tweet = good.
  • Ironic you say this when in defense of Trump's public persona. So ironic.

  • Have you seen hid budget, proposed spending, and tax plans?
  • Have you seen who he's brought into his administration?
  • Probably should have reserved your comments. You come across as out of depth, man.

Senor Hammer say hello to Master Nail.
So many people talk about shit that is a waste of oxygen. It's amazing to me that people cannot see how fecking stupid they've become and how involved they get in topics that are just not important. It's good for people to face reality for once.

What a shit show of a post.

The reality, is that the world is more complex than just the few topics YOU take an interest in. Do you understand the mess we would be in if everyone only cared about X, Y and Z and not the rest of the alphabet?

It's incredible that Trump is still sat atop this carriage being dragged along by insular thinkers, revelling in this change with a clear misunderstanding of what's going on and foaming at the mouth to defend Trump without looking back to see what the feck he is getting up to.
What a shit show of a post.

The reality, is that the world is more complex than just the few topics YOU take an interest in. Do you understand the mess we would be in if everyone only cared about X, Y and Z and not the rest of the alphabet?

It's incredible that Trump is still sat atop this carriage being dragged along by insular thinkers, revelling in this change with a clear misunderstanding of what's going on and foaming at the mouth to defend Trump without looking back to see what the feck he is getting up to.

American education and its consequences. If you are only investing in the elite, you end up with a whole bunch of deplorables. Reading r/the_donald really is an eye opener, other reddits as well. Trump supporters did not know how a parliamentary system works for example, they really thought Wilders would win if he got the most votes. That's the kind of people you are facing. They are just dumb.
So many people talk about shit that is a waste of oxygen. It's amazing to me that people cannot see how fecking stupid they've become and how involved they get in topics that are just not important. It's good for people to face reality for once.

Agreed. It's great to have an American president talking about the things that matter and focusing on reality...
Yeah but what people forget is that in terms of getting America out of debt, he's probably the best person for the job. It's the debt that's causing the problem and who enforces the debt. These corporations are too much and people can talk about other politicians but many of them bent over and got fecked up the arse willingly by corporations. "Oh yes sir, yes sir..your too big to fail sir...ohhhhh' I hope he'll do a good job but am reserving judgement for now

So he's the best person to tackle the debt while cutting taxes and planning huge investments in infrastructure. You do realise that would increase the debt?

As for corporations, his office is full of their CEOs and Executives and he is you know, a corporate mogul. Probably be against his interests to go against the corps, especially as he is deregulating and reducing their taxes to help them.
Like his lack of vocabulary and his elocution. It's perplexing though because he comes from a rich family, rich people generally go to classy schools where those things are important.

It doesn't puzzle me. I use to know a teacher at a private school. He reckoned all the kids of billionaires were entitled and didn't bother because they knew they'd inheritate billions.
He opened a casino. A business where people give you all their money, and you get to decide how much of it you hand back to them.

And he bankrupted it.


In Atlantic City, a place full of gambling addicts.

Sure as shit he is an inept moron.

I have a feeling, so no proof, that that wasn't above board. I wouldn't be surprised if he and his family walked out of that casino several times with big winnings before it went bankrupt. It's a near perfect tax dodge.
I'm sceptical Ivanka has any influence whatsoever. The stuff he's done on climate has been even worse than feared.
I'm sceptical Ivanka has any influence whatsoever. The stuff he's done on climate has been even worse than feared.

Or she does have an influence, just not the one hoped for.

Seriously, other than being a pretty doll, what proof do we have that she identifies with liberal values? Being friends with Chelsea Clinton?
Or she does have an influence, just not the one hoped for.

Seriously, other than being a pretty doll, what proof do we have that she identifies with liberal values? Being friends with Chelsea Clinton?
Or that. Ditto Kushner, who's looked perfectly happy to be in photo ops for the travel bans. And Priebus being another one mentioned as a moderating force, that noble fellow traveller of Ryan. Their only difference is they seem slightly more embarrassed by the more obviously egregious things Trump says, mainly because it affects their image.
You expect the occasional error in vetting. Someone not disclosing a donation to someone else, membership of a special interest group, embarrassing comments from the past being dragged up.

All told though, missing someone being a Nazi is a fairly massive oversight.
I'm sceptical Ivanka has any influence whatsoever. The stuff he's done on climate has been even worse than feared.

She has the most influence imo. That doesn't of course mean he's going to implement her preferred policies. He has to take the broader coalition of right wingers who helped elect him into consideration when making policies.
Or that. Ditto Kushner, who's looked perfectly happy to be in photo ops for the travel bans. And Priebus being another one mentioned as a moderating force, that noble fellow traveller of Ryan. Their only difference is they seem slightly more embarrassed by the more obviously egregious things Trump says, mainly because it affects their image.

Yeah, for all the talk of Ivanka and Kushner being more moderate influences it's ultimately kind of useless if they're sort of just standing around smiling and achieving next to nothing.
I had the impression that he was rather fond of the mid-Thirties...
Tweet by Nicholas Kristof, New York Times. Spoiler because the photo in it is drastic. Direct link to the column:

'The worst famine in decades looms, just as Trump proposes to slash humanitarian aid. My column on a perfect storm'

Approval in the mid-thirties barely two months after talking office. Not even a honeymoon period.

There hasn't even been anything for him to react to for opinion to shift on him that much. It's all his own doing. There's no great market crash, no terrorist attack, no missile crisis, no hostige situation. All the shit has been dumped on his own door by himself.
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