The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I don't know the guy. But I understand it would be easy to make an assumption and a spelling mistake here and there doesn't mean they are not smart regarding some things. It just means they cannot spell ;)

I think there is far more evidence than him not being able to spell.
I think there is far more evidence than him not being able to spell.

Like his lack of vocabulary and his elocution. It's perplexing though because he comes from a rich family, rich people generally go to classy schools where those things are important.
Like his lack of vocabulary and his elocution. It's perplexing though because he comes from a rich family, rich people generally go to classy schools where those things are important.

Yeah but what people forget is that in terms of getting America out of debt, he's probably the best person for the job. It's the debt that's causing the problem and who enforces the debt. These corporations are too much and people can talk about other politicians but many of them bent over and got fecked up the arse willingly by corporations. "Oh yes sir, yes sir..your too big to fail sir...ohhhhh' I hope he'll do a good job but am reserving judgement for now
Yeah but what people forget is that in terms of getting America out of debt, he's probably the best person for the job. It's the debt that's causing the problem and who enforces the debt. These corporations are too much and people can talk about other politicians but many of them bent over and got fecked up the arse willingly by corporations.

That's another subject and that's based on noting else than wishful thinking.
I don't know the guy. But I understand it would be easy to make an assumption and a spelling mistake here and there doesn't mean they are not smart regarding some things. It just means they cannot spell ;) The American people heard what they needed to hear. Most of his election stuff was classic ass kissing - but they didn't care. He would say, this person was amazing or this group of people....throwing compliments around like confetti. Everyone likes a compliment ...and he charmed his way in. So people need to wait and see. America is rotton to the core - there's lots to fix.

He opened a casino. A business where people give you all their money, and you get to decide how much of it you hand back to them.

And he bankrupted it.


In Atlantic City, a place full of gambling addicts.

Sure as shit he is an inept moron.
Yeah but what people forget is that in terms of getting America out of debt, he's probably the best person for the job. It's the debt that's causing the problem and who enforces the debt. These corporations are too much and people can talk about other politicians but many of them bent over and got fecked up the arse willingly by corporations. "Oh yes sir, yes sir..your too big to fail sir...ohhhhh' I hope he'll do a good job but am reserving judgement for now

Based on what?

I thought he was smart during the campaign, but feck me, since entering the White House he has proven to be thick as pig shit. He's got money because of daddy and because if you loan enough off the banks... they'll prop you up for life.
Have you actually had a conversation with him - in reality?

I don't need to. The evidence is all there and it's not just a small amount, there is shitloads and first hand accounts from people who know him personally, such as the man who wrote his autobiography for him, Tony Schwarz. That's just to name one out of dozens. All his TV interviews, his inane ramblings, the fact he gets his news from Fox, Breitbart and InfoWars should be enough really. Alex Jones, the shirtless, raving nutter, yet the President of the USA listens to him and regularly cites him as a source of where he gets his information. He's not only thick, he's also mentally unstable.
Yeah but what people forget is that in terms of getting America out of debt, he's probably the best person for the job. It's the debt that's causing the problem and who enforces the debt. These corporations are too much and people can talk about other politicians but many of them bent over and got fecked up the arse willingly by corporations. "Oh yes sir, yes sir..your too big to fail sir...ohhhhh' I hope he'll do a good job but am reserving judgement for now

hes just placed 6 Goldman Sachs execs in positions of power in his government and an exxon exec at the state department, and you think he will be tough on corporations?

Fecking hell.
It's good! How many stupid arguments happen on twitter? What a change in terms of exposing people to reality. I think it's a good thing. I really do. The same old same old wasn't working. There is a public image and a private one. Perhaps not everything is as spontaneous as it appears? We could make an assumption that it is, but what if it's not? :)

Listen we live in a world, where some people take photographs of themselves....where some people claim to not have a gender. The world is absurd and it's only when people talk and not censor that people maybe grow up a little. People don't need pampering. They need some reality.

So many people talk about shit that is a waste of oxygen. It's amazing to me that people cannot see how fecking stupid they've become and how involved they get in topics that are just not important. It's good for people to face reality for once.
The person who needs to grow up is - the current POTUS.
Fecking stupid is - the current POTUS. And everybody who turns a blind eye on the threat he, Bannon, Miller and their gang pose on democracy and a civilized world.

Look at the pictures of the past between Merkel and Obama...
What a difference...

Love is in the air?

They even made a movie about it:

hes just placed 6 Goldman Sachs execs in positions of power in his government and an exxon exec at the state department, and you think he will be tough on corporations?

Fecking hell.

:lol: Not only that, he's signing off on a health plan that will not only cause up to 24 million people to lose their insurance and make millions more bankrupt, it will actually give millionaires a near $250,000 a year tax break! But yeah, he will be tough on corporations and he's for the people, for the working class. Feck my life.
:lol: Not only that, he's signing off on a health plan that will not only cause up to 24 million people to lose their insurance and make millions more bankrupt, it will actually give millionaires a near $250,000 a year tax break! But yeah, he will be tough on corporations and he's for the people, for the working class. Feck my life.
Let's not forget the tax breaks for corporations and that all sorts of regulations will be dumped, including environmental ones. Really tough on corporations, yeah.
Her image is, but not her decision-making. As I said: The marketing is strong.
With all due respect: I entirely disagree with your perception. Merkel's rather objective decision making is actually what sets her apart from most politicians.
Based on what?

I thought he was smart during the campaign, but feck me, since entering the White House he has proven to be thick as pig shit. He's got money because of daddy and because if you loan enough off the banks... they'll prop you up for life.

Mate I've met you. You are clearly a well put together lad. Speak multiple languages.

HOW did you think he was smart during the campaign? ;)
Let's not forget the tax breaks for corporations and that all sorts of regulations will be dumped, including environmental ones. Really tough on corporations, yeah.

Yeah but "regulations are bad for the economy"*

*regulations stop the 1% from exploiting the people, the planet and stop them taking huge risks which inevitably end up with public money being spent on bailing out private corporations and banks just to save the economy from collapsing.

But, jobs! Right?!
Mate I've met you. You are clearly a well put together lad. Speak multiple languages.

HOW did you think he was smart during the campaign? ;)

He won against an opponent who was objectively better. He gambled in states that were Democratic and got the tiny margins he needed there. He appealed directly to the people, setting up everyone else: his own party, the media, Democrats, as enemies, or elites.
If he had run a "competent" campaign, he had no chance. By running in this unconventional way, he had an extra appeal. She helped too, by making sure it was about personality and abandoning any positive policy message from her platform. He stood for toughness (towards others), old days, and glory. She was a less bad human being than him. Those were the messages from their campaigns.
He opened a casino. A business where people give you all their money, and you get to decide how much of it you hand back to them.

And he bankrupted it.


In Atlantic City, a place full of gambling addicts.

Sure as shit he is an inept moron.

Those casinos were likely not legit business and were a front for money laundering.
He won against an opponent who was objectively better. He gambled in states that were Democratic and got the tiny margins he needed there. He appealed directly to the people, setting up everyone else: his own party, the media, Democrats, as enemies, or elites.
If he had run a "competent" campaign, he had no chance. By running in this unconventional way, he had an extra appeal. She helped too, by making sure it was about personality and abandoning any positive policy message from her platform. He stood for toughness (towards others), old days, and glory. She was a less bad human being than him. Those were the messages from their campaigns.
I maintain that the media made it impossible for her to do it. Right from the primaries, they made it obvious they weren't interested in policy.
Yeah but "regulations are bad for the economy"*

*regulations stop the 1% from exploiting the people, the planet and stop them taking huge risks which inevitably end up with public money being spent on bailing out private corporations and banks just to save the economy from collapsing.

But, jobs! Right?!
Right! Likewise, protection of health of workers, citizens and the environment (air, water) is overrated anyway.
I maintain that the media made it impossible for her to do it. Right from the primaries, they made it obvious they weren't interested in policy.

Ye folks should read the study I posted where they tested role-reversing gender with the same words, mannerisms and delivery. Hillary blew it on all fronts, though it's a very relevant debate whether gender expectations on women shaped the way she delivered her message.

Edit: here it is
Even Fox viewers want investigations.

It's illogical not to at this point no matter what side of the fence you fall unless your opinion is "he probably collided with them but I don't care".

If you were the most ardent Trump supporter that truely believed his innocence. You'd want this investigation to go ahead and clear his name so he can crack on with his job.
I don't know the guy. But I understand it would be easy to make an assumption and a spelling mistake here and there doesn't mean they are not smart regarding some things. It just means they cannot spell ;) The American people heard what they needed to hear. Most of his election stuff was classic ass kissing - but they didn't care. He would say, this person was amazing or this group of people....throwing compliments around like confetti. Everyone likes a compliment ...and he charmed his way in. So people need to wait and see. America is rotton to the core - there's lots to fix.

The only fixing going on is a collection of republicans fixing to line their own pockets. You talk about reality a lot, time to wake up and smell what you're being served up
Yeah but what people forget is that in terms of getting America out of debt, he's probably the best person for the job. It's the debt that's causing the problem and who enforces the debt. These corporations are too much and people can talk about other politicians but many of them bent over and got fecked up the arse willingly by corporations. "Oh yes sir, yes sir..your too big to fail sir...ohhhhh' I hope he'll do a good job but am reserving judgement for now

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Numerous failed businesses say otherwise
The only way he gets out of debt is by stiffing hard working Americans, typically small businesses, over and over. Get the US out of debt. Laughable. How did the first budget look? See a path to lowering the debt from it?
The only way he gets out of debt is by stiffing hard working Americans, typically small businesses, over and over. Get the US out of debt. Laughable. How did the first budget look? See a path to lowering the debt from it?

The budget reflects his personality -- hard power. Cuts in soft power departments.

Highly insecure about his own masculinity.
Listen weird is the world we're living in. She opened up Germany to immigration. Not sure that was a good idea. To me it's logical that they wouldn't get on :) And i'm glad there's no pampering to the camera. What the world needs is honesty and whether that's what we're seeing? Who knows - but the reality is the smarmy politics is hopefully a thing of the past. It's got us nowhere. Weird is different. Not automatically good or better but it sure makes it more interesting. Obama didn't give two shits about America but you'd think he was an alright dude.

To me Trump is very raw but that lowers peoples expectations of you and then it's easier to see who is real and who think's they're on top of you. So I wouldn't pay much attention to his twitter or public demeanor. Smart people ALWAYS will never mind having people underestimate them because it encourages chancers and then it's just a case of knowing your enemies.

Let me address the bolded bit in order.
  • Germany has a long history of being pro immigration and have been known to welcome refugees since the end of World War II. What they're doing today isn't really new, conflicts included.
  • Trump does not bring honesty. He brings the opposite of it.
  • You may not like it but that's the essence of politics. If you thought the world's way of conducting politics got us nowhere, then I'd like to be the first to welcome you from your escape from your nuclear bunker for the past several decades.
  • You are overthinking Trump way too much and this would suggest that he's coy in getting what he wants. That's not really upfront and honest as you suggested earlier.

It's good! How many stupid arguments happen on twitter? What a change in terms of exposing people to reality. I think it's a good thing. I really do. The same old same old wasn't working. There is a public image and a private one. Perhaps not everything is as spontaneous as it appears? We could make an assumption that it is, but what if it's not? :)

Listen we live in a world, where some people take photographs of themselves....where some people claim to not have a gender. The world is absurd and it's only when people talk and not censor that people maybe grow up a little. People don't need pampering. They need some reality.

So many people talk about shit that is a waste of oxygen. It's amazing to me that people cannot see how fecking stupid they've become and how involved they get in topics that are just not important. It's good for people to face reality for once.
  • Why? Recent events like Trump causing a stir about wiretapping before intelligence makes a statement and ending up with the administration having to apologize to the UK show that this is not a good thing. You seem to have this weird ideal that not having a scripted tweet = good.
  • Ironic you say this when in defense of Trump's public persona. So ironic.

Yeah but what people forget is that in terms of getting America out of debt, he's probably the best person for the job. It's the debt that's causing the problem and who enforces the debt. These corporations are too much and people can talk about other politicians but many of them bent over and got fecked up the arse willingly by corporations. "Oh yes sir, yes sir..your too big to fail sir...ohhhhh' I hope he'll do a good job but am reserving judgement for now
  • Have you seen hid budget, proposed spending, and tax plans?
  • Have you seen who he's brought into his administration?
  • Probably should have reserved your comments. You come across as out of depth, man.
To expect more honesty from a pathological liar who cannot even accept that his inauguration crowds weren't as large as Obama's is just - WOW.

On another note, Kim Jong Un is testing the waters again.
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