The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So that is how Trump looks next to a real political heavyweigth. The G8 and G20 meetings will be real fun for him :lol:
I fully expect him to enjoy G20 with Putin and Erdogan around. He'll regret that neither Berlusconi nor Sarkozy are still around though. These guys are his cup of tea.

Look at the pictures of the past between Merkel and Obama...
What a difference...

I really like the topic of body language, I often use Desmond Morris material in my lessons, and there are so many signs of weakness in these Trump photos. The contrast in confidence is stark with your photo.
:D I know, and I'm even in the camp who expected he wouldn't tone down one bit once being president; so it's no surprise to me. But nevertheless, I do wonder sometimes if he doesn't have these moments in which his fassade crumbles and he's well aware what an utter joke of a president and politician he is. Everything he says and does is so pretentious, pumped up and hollow. It's obviously scripted to compensate his lack of depth and character. It's beyond me how he cannot realize moments after he was throwing a tantrum in the Oval Office how embarrassing he behaved.

He's a senile old man, who's grown up without having to consider what it was like to be anything other than ridiculously rich and privileged. The way he talks to and about women, minorities and those with differing opinions to him tells you all you need to know. And because he's had such a plush life, why would he need to change or question himself? He's reached one of the highest pinnacles in Western democracy, if anything this is just validating is opinions & actions at this point.
He'll never change.
I was going to say the same thing mate. Germany has the largest US base and the most troops outside of their own country, it's also a strategic base for many reasons, especially Russia. The trouble is, Trump has proved time and time again that he really does not understand this at all. Like most things, he looks at it in one way and usually the completely wrong way. He really has no comprehension about how any of this works at all. I haven't checked the replies but I hope someone has said the same thing and put him straight.
You really need to ask yourself which country in the world benefits the most from a deterioration in US-German links?
:D I know, and I'm even in the camp who expected he wouldn't tone down one bit once being president; so it's no surprise to me. But nevertheless, I do wonder sometimes if he doesn't have these moments in which his fassade crumbles and he's well aware what an utter joke of a president and politician he is. Everything he says and does is so pretentious, pumped up and hollow. It's obviously scripted to compensate for his lack of depth and character. It's beyond me how he cannot realize moments after he was throwing a tantrum in the Oval Office how embarrassing he behaved.

Why do u think he tweets at 4am.... he would wake up in cold sweat. .. fearing people think he has been found out. Then he takes a few pills to calm himself down.. then proceeds to go into attack mode.. tweet warrior that he is.
Then all is good again.

Sad fellow really.

Boy does he look pissed! Who took the jam out of his donut? and why?

He is such a weirdo. I wish I had a more eloquent opinion at the moment, but he really is just such a weirdo. He may go down as the most studied President in decades when all this is over (assuming we're all still alive), because he really is a weirdo and there's books to be sold about that.
He is such a weirdo. I wish I had a more eloquent opinion at the moment, but he really is just such a weirdo. He may go down as the most studied President in decades when all this is over (assuming we're all still alive), because he really is a weirdo and there's books to be sold about that.

Moat criticised n laughed at/parodied when all is done.

Why do u think he tweets at 4am.... he would wake up in cold sweat. .. fearing people think he has been found out. Then he takes a few pills to calm himself down.. then proceeds to go into attack mode.. tweet warrior that he is.
Then all is good again.

Sad fellow really.
I think you're quite close to the truth - except that of course he has been found out.

On another note, the US blocked a common G20 statement that should have included a commitment against protectionism and to fight climate change. SAD!
What are the bets he calls off sick from the G20 and G8 meetings? Or causes a massive argument?

I shudder to think how he is going to act and react at those events. It's going to be like his first day at Wharton University again, he will be completely out of place, out of his depth and only there because he bullshitted and bought his way in. It's not funny really because it's serious stuff and he's just a laughing stock and now a national embarrassment.

I'm really shocked he hasn't jumped on the events in Paris today by a man on the terror watchlist. He's normally right on anything like that to try to strike fear in to the American public to justify his travel ban and wall and hatred of Muslims and Islam. Normally Trump the opportunist would be Tweeting this to the extreme, I take it Fox or InfoWars haven't reported it yet, but it won't be long. I truly shudder to think how nasty and racist his Tweets are going to be. No doubt he will slag the judges about his travel ban, that's a given, I just wonder how much further he is going to go.
What are the bets he calls off sick from the G20 and G8 meetings? Or causes a massive argument?

I shudder to think how he is going to act and react at those events. It's going to be like his first day at Wharton University again, he will be completely out of place, out of his depth and only there because he bullshitted and bought his way in. It's not funny really because it's serious stuff and he's just a laughing stock and now a national embarrassment.

I'm really shocked he hasn't jumped on the events in Paris today by a man on the terror watchlist. He's normally right on anything like that to try to strike fear in to the American public to justify his travel ban and wall and hatred of Muslims and Islam. Normally Trump the opportunist would be Tweeting this to the extreme, I take it Fox or InfoWars haven't reported it yet, but it won't be long. I truly shudder to think how nasty and racist his Tweets are going to be. No doubt he will slag the judges about his travel ban, that's a given, I just wonder how much further he is going to go.

Fake news, he wasn't on a terror watchlist.
:D I know, and I'm even in the camp who expected he wouldn't tone down one bit once being president; so it's no surprise to me. But nevertheless, I do wonder sometimes if he doesn't have these moments in which his fassade crumbles and he's well aware what an utter joke of a president and politician he is. Everything he says and does is so pretentious, pumped up and hollow. It's obviously scripted to compensate for his lack of depth and character. It's beyond me how he cannot realize moments after he was throwing a tantrum in the Oval Office how embarrassing he behaved.

I sincerely hope so, but honestly i don't think so, not yet anyway. I honestly think i've never seen any person with such an inflated ego as him, not in sports, politics or any kind of entertainment. Just look at the way he handles criticism, it either brushes off him completely or the rare cases where he actually takes it in, he behaves like a complete loon/child. He thinks "hes the best" at everything and "no one knows more about [insert subject]" than him, which is just bullshit through and through.
Members of the Upside Down media are paying attention, too. “It’s even happening to people who have reputations in the media for being pretty normal,” new right blogger and Twitter personality Mike Cernovich told BuzzFeed News. “I saw this great meme the other day that said if there’s ever a terrorist attack in America under Trump the left is going to go full Infowars. And I think that’s totally true.” For Cernovich, the rise of the left’s conspiracy-theory tendencies is an opportunity to appeal to a broader audience.

“Honestly, that’s why I’ve pivoted with my brand and my trolling today compared to a year ago is mild,” he said. While Cernovich is still waging a Twitter war against the mainstream media and the left, his admitted softening highlights just how much the roles of the duelling media ecosystems of the far left and far right have reversed.

“They’ve adopted that fringe-level mentality aggressively,” Cernovich said. “People on left are making themselves look ridiculous and so I see it as an opportunity to look reasonable by comparison.”
Fake news, he wasn't on a terror watchlist.

BBC are still reporting he was. :wenger: Anyway, that's neither here nor there, the point is there was another shooting incident carried out by a terrorist and Trump has yet to pounce on it, just wondering how long before he does.
BBC are still reporting he was. :wenger: Anyway, that's neither here nor there, the point is there was another shooting incident carried out by a terrorist and Trump has yet to pounce on it, just wondering how long before he does.

Must be preoccupied still with Merkel. You know the way he is when things don't go his way. He'll be stewing away.
Merkel’s image as rational, objective, post-partisan politician must be one of the biggest marketing successes in the history of modern political campaigns.
Compared to most other politicians in Germany or elsewhere she actually is.
BBC are still reporting he was. :wenger: Anyway, that's neither here nor there, the point is there was another shooting incident carried out by a terrorist and Trump has yet to pounce on it, just wondering how long before he does.

Well, the reports say that he wasn't on a watchlist which in France are named "fiche S". He was known by the police for drug trafficking and theft, he has also been the subject of an investigation for radicalization but wasn't put on a list.
BBC are still reporting he was. :wenger: Anyway, that's neither here nor there, the point is there was another shooting incident carried out by a terrorist and Trump has yet to pounce on it, just wondering how long before he does.
He's busy playing golf, one of the rare occasions where he isn't out of his depth.
Well, the reports say that he wasn't on a watchlist which in France are named "fiche S". He was known by the police for drug trafficking and theft, he has also been the subject of an investigation for radicalization but wasn't put on a list.

Ah ok, thanks. Just noticed the BBC and MSN have updated their sites, and now running the new story of the attacker sending a text message.

He's busy playing golf, one of the rare occasions where he isn't out of his depth.

Yeah, I've heard he's very good, but so he should be, he spends enough time playing. BUT! I've heard he cheats like crazy too. Numerous reports of him cheating and he really doesn't like losing either, so even playing golf, something he is better than the vast majority of people at, and yet he still has to fecking cheat. Just shows how pathetic he is and how much of an untrustworthy cnut he is.
He is such a weirdo. I wish I had a more eloquent opinion at the moment, but he really is just such a weirdo. He may go down as the most studied President in decades when all this is over (assuming we're all still alive), because he really is a weirdo and there's books to be sold about that.

Listen weird is the world we're living in. She opened up Germany to immigration. Not sure that was a good idea. To me it's logical that they wouldn't get on :) And i'm glad there's no pampering to the camera. What the world needs is honesty and whether that's what we're seeing? Who knows - but the reality is the smarmy politics is hopefully a thing of the past. It's got us nowhere. Weird is different. Not automatically good or better but it sure makes it more interesting. Obama didn't give two shits about America but you'd think he was an alright dude.

To me Trump is very raw but that lowers peoples expectations of you and then it's easier to see who is real and who think's they're on top of you. So I wouldn't pay much attention to his twitter or public demeanor. Smart people ALWAYS will never mind having people underestimate them because it encourages chancers and then it's just a case of knowing your enemies.
Are we seriously going to let major geo-political interactions play out over twitter?

The British, German, Chinese intelligence services using well established and secure back channels to ensure global stability, and negotiate on military and economic issues.

Trump on twitter. "China. Failed careers. Isn't doing enough. Sad."

Seriously, what the feck is happening?

This is funny etc. etc. but eventually this is going to result in some major international tensions, and potentially conflicts.
Are we seriously going to let major geo-political interactions play out over twitter?

The British, German, Chinese intelligence services using well established and secure back channels to ensure global stability, and negotiate on military and economic issues.

Trump on twitter. "China. Failed careers. Isn't doing enough. Sad."

Seriously, what the feck is happening?

This is funny etc. etc. but eventually this is going to result in some major international tensions, and potentially conflicts.

Imagine how tense the intelligence community must be? At some point Trump is going to cross the wrong person.
Are we seriously going to let major geo-political interactions play out over twitter?

The British, German, Chinese intelligence services using well established and secure back channels to ensure global stability, and negotiate on military and economic issues.

Trump on twitter. "China. Failed careers. Isn't doing enough. Sad."

Seriously, what the feck is happening?

This is funny etc. etc. but eventually this is going to result in some major international tensions, and potentially conflicts.

It's good! How many stupid arguments happen on twitter? What a change in terms of exposing people to reality. I think it's a good thing. I really do. The same old same old wasn't working. There is a public image and a private one. Perhaps not everything is as spontaneous as it appears? We could make an assumption that it is, but what if it's not? :)

Listen we live in a world, where some people take photographs of themselves....where some people claim to not have a gender. The world is absurd and it's only when people talk and not censor that people maybe grow up a little. People don't need pampering. They need some reality.

So many people talk about shit that is a waste of oxygen. It's amazing to me that people cannot see how fecking stupid they've become and how involved they get in topics that are just not important. It's good for people to face reality for once.
Listen weird is the world we're living in. She opened up Germany to immigration. Not sure that was a good idea. To me it's logical that they wouldn't get on :) And i'm glad there's no pampering to the camera. What the world needs is honesty and whether that's what we're seeing? Who knows - but the reality is the smarmy politics is hopefully a thing of the past. It's got us nowhere. Weird is different. Not automatically good or better but it sure makes it more interesting. Obama didn't give two shits about America but you'd think he was an alright dude.

To me Trump is very raw but that lowers peoples expectations of you and then it's easier to see who is real and who think's they're on top of you. So I wouldn't pay much attention to his twitter or public demeanor. Smart people ALWAYS will never mind having people underestimate them because it encourages chancers and then it's just a case of knowing your enemies.
Smart people ALWAYS will never mind having people underestimate them because it encourages chancers and then it's just a case of knowing your enemies

:lol: Trump, smart? He's as thick as pig shit. He can't even talk properly, let alone spell. TAPP!

Obama didn't give two shits about America but you'd think he was an alright dude.

What the hell?

Nah, both those statements, you have to be on the wum. Surely.
:lol: Trump, smart? He's as thick as pig shit. He can't even talk properly, let alone spell. TAPP!

What the hell?

Nah, both those statements, you have to be on the wum. Surely.

I don't know the guy. But I understand it would be easy to make an assumption and a spelling mistake here and there doesn't mean they are not smart regarding some things. It just means they cannot spell ;) The American people heard what they needed to hear. Most of his election stuff was classic ass kissing - but they didn't care. He would say, this person was amazing or this group of people....throwing compliments around like confetti. Everyone likes a compliment ...and he charmed his way in. So people need to wait and see. America is rotton to the core - there's lots to fix.
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