The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I've tuned out recently with Trump but caught this latest buffoonery.

I just laugh now thinking about how I was so convinced in my naive teenage years that you couldn't get a dumber President than Bush Jr (who to be fair in hindsight was more uncultured than stupid I guess).
Spicer's such a perfectly pathetic comic figure. Where the feck did they find him? :lol:

He's great, every government administration should have a memorable spokesman. Can't for the life of me remember any of Obama's, but for sure we'll be talking about Spicer for generations to come.
I realise this whole debacle might not mean much to non-Irish folks, but my mind is blown. It's spectacularly bad. Dumpster fire full of roman candles. Beyond laughable :lol:
Here's what Trump actually said. I think you'll be amused. My people came over here from Ireland in the 1650s (Cromwell) and 1840s (famine) and I'm still mind blown by this.
Many distinguished themselves in the American Civil War with their grit and their bravery and their courage, earning the nickname, the “Fighting Irish.” And I know a lot about the Irish -- they fight. They’re tough. (Laughter.) I know a lot. I know more than I'm ever going to tell you. (Laughter.)

And when American Armed Forces joined the fight in Europe during World War II, 75 years ago, our heroic troops first stepped off ships in Belfast Harbor in Northern Ireland.

Throughout the centuries, hardworking Irish-Americans contributed mightily to America’s innovation and to America’s prosperity. They often overcame great hardship -- really, I mean, it's like the hardship they overcame for us, for our people, is inspiring and really helped a relatively young nation beyond what anyone really understands or knows. So we want to thank you -- just an amazing, an amazing history.
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Here's what Trump actually said. I think you'll be amused. My people came over here from Ireland in the 1650s and 1850s (famine) and I'm still mind blown by this.

I feel like this needs a whole new term to describe the utter ineptness and casual couldn't-give-a-f**kness that characterised this, and his 3-second Google search for an Irish proverb.

Perhaps it could be "Dribble Puke Diplomacy".

Bleurgh. Uhhhh. Pukedmyselfabit. Donnnncare. Drunk. Bleurrgh.

And wow, considering the San Patricios, the bit about the Civil War is even more mindblowing than the Fighting Irish bit. I could go on and on. There's just so much to revile in such a short piece of text.
I feel like this needs a whole new term to describe the utter ineptness and casual couldn't-give-a-f**kness that characterised this, and his 3-second Google search for an Irish proverb.

Perhaps it could be "Dribble Puke Diplomacy".

And wow, considering the San Patricios, the bit about the Civil War is even more mindblowing than the Fighting Irish bit. I could go on and on. There's just so much to revile in such a short piece of text.
I also found it strange he included American soldiers landing in Belfast while addressing the leader of the Republic of Ireland.

He will have never heard of the San Patricios battalion.

The Civil War bit I can somewhat understand... the Irish Brigade in the Army of the Patomac is one of the most storied units in US military history. I've got one of their regimental flags hanging in my classroom. BUT, he acts like they were still Irish fighting in America instead of (Irish) Americans fighting for America, and I don't like that.
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I also found it strange he included American soldiers landing in Belfast while addressing the leader of the Republic of Ireland.

I think we could do a very long point-by-point break down of that and find lazy dead-eyed unconcious insults by every single sentence. This administration have Dribble Puke Diplomacy down to a fine art.
I think we could do a very long point-by-point break down of that and find lazy dead-eyed unconcious insults by every single sentence. This administration have Dribble Puke Diplomacy down to a fine art.
Agreed. As I edited above, I can understand the Irish reference in the Civil War, but they way he talks about it and then the next paragraph makes it seem like he doesn't accept them as Americans
Slightly surprised Naplitano's not been fired as a Fox News contributor. He claimed 3 sources had told Fox that Obama used GCHQ, which means he lied if Fox cannot verify the claim about the 3 sources.
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There's nothing wrong with Trump doing any of these things - as long as he transparently admits it and doesn't try to sweep it under the carpet to obfuscate from the perception that he has Russian ties.

Absolutely, but having Russian customers does not equal having Russian ties. Dworkins tweet is bordering on fake news.
The look... what does this doll want...


My cock, hopefully. :drool:

@langster ;)
He still never fails to shock me with his stupidity. Those comments about FOX saying it rather than him...the President claiming ignorance to the responsibity he has when choosing his words.

On a daily basis he says things that would, for any other President, create headlines that would run for weeks. I know people moan about these sorts of comments in here but this sort of thing can never allowed to be normalised.

Agree 100%, it's getting tiresome repeating myself (ourselves) continually saying how he just keeps lowering the bar. You are damn right about it not being allowed to be normalised, it really can't, it's completely not normal behaviour, and I reiterate again that he's the leader of the free world and he really is such a piss poor example to children. My 10 year old mocks him repeatedly and apparently they have had lessons at school about how lying is not to be accepted and Trumps behaviour is not to be copied. It's ridiculous that schools are actually telling kids that the President of the USA is not a good role model.
The American President blaming Fox News for providing him with poor intelligence... :lol:

You can't make this shite up!

Amazing lack of accountability. At times like these I wish I knew more Trump supporters. I don't know how you'd rationalise it all.
I know it's poor form to wish injury or death on someone but I don't care. I'd love it if something massively unfortunate happened to him.

Such an odious, pathetic, vapid, narcissistic, slimy pile of shite.
Amazing lack of accountability. At times like these I wish I knew more Trump supporters. I don't know how you'd rationalise it all.

After reading on social media the only explanation I have is that it's exactly the same sort of phenomenon as a cult. They're so ignorant and so overwhelmed with confirmation bias that they are incapable of seeing the wood for the trees. Their mind is no longer capable of logical inference, presented with any facts they instantly dismiss them or justify them in their head with whataboutisms.
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