The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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For rlz? I knew that the Donald was lazy, but thought Rex was a legit, globetrotting exec, who bangs out 8 countries, 5 time zones in a week like its nothing.

Also, remember when we thought the Sec State pick was an important indication of the FoPo direction the administration would take?
For rlz? I knew that the Donald was lazy, but thought Rex was a legit, globetrotting exec, who bangs out 8 countries, 5 time zones in a week like its nothing.

Also, remember when we thought the Sec State pick was an important indication of the FoPo direction the administration would take?
yup - he cut short 2 meetings citing fatigue. I mean, it's not the end of the world...people are allowed to get tired. Especially when you consider, he's been in hiding somewhere since taking over as SoS.

Having said all that - imagine if Hillary had done this...the abuse she would have gotten
"tremendous people. great fighters. ..earning the nickname 'the fighting irish'. Believe me, I know. No-one knows more about them than me, and I'm not telling you"

what a twit

substitute a letter
yup - he cut short 2 meetings citing fatigue. I mean, it's not the end of the world...people are allowed to get tired. Especially when you consider, he's been in hiding somewhere since taking over as SoS.

Having said all that - imagine if Hillary had done this...the abuse she would have gotten
I was thinking that. All these hard men wanna be cowboys. The president works 9-5/m-f, HUD sec refuses to wake up, SoS needs to get home for a nap and congressional republicans come back every year to reduce the days they have to do the people's business.
A woman in her late sixties who worked her whole life to improve the life of others and has globe trotted for the past 10 years nearly faints in 90 degree New York while suffering from pneumonia and deemed not fit for office. A 70 year old man who spent his life ripping people off and sexually assaulting woman while perving over underage girls who is also clinically obese with mental health issues and wears make up who had to fly home every night to sleep in his own bed and now takes vacation every weekend despite being nominated for the busiest job in the world.
People in this country need a punch in the fecking face.
yup - he cut short 2 meetings citing fatigue. I mean, it's not the end of the world...people are allowed to get tired. Especially when you consider, he's been in hiding somewhere since taking over as SoS.

Having said all that - imagine if Hillary had done this...the abuse she would have gotten

Remember when John Kerry broke his leg in Switzerland during Iran negotiations, got flown to the US for surgery, and was soon back in Switzerland? Fatigue? He had so much energy left over he was cycling! I guess whatever someone might say about Kerry, gotta admit he's pretty tough.
In a way I'm kinda glad Tillerson has been bold enough to finally admit they're done placating North Korea.

Years and years of sanctions and the like have done absolutely nothing and now they have nuclear weapons and very soon will have the ability to launch them on an ICBM.

It's scary as hell obviously but it's inevitable so...

As President Donald Trump aims to slash funding for the Environmental Protection Agency and dismisses concerns about global warming, American worries about climate change are at a record high, according to a new poll.

A Gallup survey found that 68 percent of those polled believe humans are causing climate change, and 62 percent are convinced we’re already experiencing its negative effects.

Almost half of Americans — 45 percent — say they worry a “great deal” about climate change. An additional 21 percent say they worry a “fair amount” about the problem, according to the poll, which was conducted March 1-5.

A separate poll found that 57 percent believe Trump will do a “poor job” of protecting the environment. (Gallup found at the start of Barack Obama’s presidency that 79 percent believed he would do a “good job” on the environment, compared to just 36 percent for Trump — though the poll was conducted before Trump unveiled his proposed cuts to the EPA budget.)

Worry about the issue is at its highest in 30 years, Gallup found.

Obviously this'll never be anywhere near healthcare as a concern that folks will protest about, but it's interesting how the administration is once again so far out of step with the population.
I've been saying it for a while, someone needs to shine a big fecking bat signal on these two cnuts.

They kind of remind me of these two crazy cats.
Pardon me for my ignorance with US politics.

Most of those deep red states are some of the poorest states right? So, Am I right to think that people in those states would be on the support of fed/state welfare mostly? Which usually Dems are more generous with them than Rep?

But, they still support Rep?

IF SO, is it the case of being too uh not bright or something else important is playing a part?

I know it probably can't be that simple as no politic is. Just thought I was seeing the irony.
Pardon me for my ignorance with US politics.

Most of those deep red states are some of the poorest states right? So, Am I right to think that people in those states would be on the support of fed/state welfare mostly? Which usually Dems are more generous with them than Rep?

But, they still support Rep?

IF SO, is it the case of being too uh not bright or something else important is playing a part?

I know it probably can't be that simple as no politic is. Just thought I was seeing the irony.

The republicans align themselves with their conservative Christian view points.
Pardon me for my ignorance with US politics.

Most of those deep red states are some of the poorest states right? So, Am I right to think that people in those states would be on the support of fed/state welfare mostly? Which usually Dems are more generous with them than Rep?

But, they still support Rep?

IF SO, is it the case of being too uh not bright or something else important is playing a part?

I know it probably can't be that simple as no politic is. Just thought I was seeing the irony.
You're right. Once these cuts take effect, they will be the first ones to suffer.
Pardon me for my ignorance with US politics.

Most of those deep red states are some of the poorest states right? So, Am I right to think that people in those states would be on the support of fed/state welfare mostly? Which usually Dems are more generous with them than Rep?

But, they still support Rep?

IF SO, is it the case of being too uh not bright or something else important is playing a part?

I know it probably can't be that simple as no politic is. Just thought I was seeing the irony.

People have a habit of voting against their own best interests, especially Republican red states voters. Most of these people are on Medicaid, some form of Obamacare or are on public assistance. They still vote for Republicans who vow to cut these programs while they cheer in a crowd of the peers of idiots that illegal immigrants are the ones leaching off these same programs. I was a student in the US for 3 years and I can personally tell you that if you're not part of the system, it's EXTREMELY hard to benefit from it in any way. I had to pay my way for everything.
In a way I'm kinda glad Tillerson has been bold enough to finally admit they're done placating North Korea.

Years and years of sanctions and the like have done absolutely nothing and now they have nuclear weapons and very soon will have the ability to launch them on an ICBM.

It's scary as hell obviously but it's inevitable so...

I fear America's ability to own a nuclear weapon far more than I fear North Korea's. Especially with a 5 year old holding America's nuclear codes. North Korea would provoke the US a lot more now simply because they know that there's an unstable, easily taunted kid in the White House. All they would need is an excuse to do something stupid and you can guarantee that Trump, Bannon and Tillerson would accommodate this. It's not that hard to rile someone up when you know they're easily provoked.
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Merkel just arrived. Surprisingly, 45 shook her hand like a normal human being would. No pissing competition games but I'm scpetical he can resist for the whole time of the visit.

I'd like to see how much he is set to make from Accomodation charges at each of his resorts he insists on retiring to each weekend.

Didn't he up the rates of the rooms at Mar a lago when he won the election? I assume that most rooms are full each trip with officials and security.

He's a fecking grifter.
Merkel just arrived. Surprisingly, 45 shook her hand like a normal human being would. No pissing competition games but I'm scpetical he can resist for the whole time of the visit.

Update on Merkel's visit: No handshake in the Oval Office. I smell trouble. :wenger:
I fear America's ability to own a nuclear weapon far more than I fear North Korea's. Especially with a 5 year old holding America's nuclear codes. North Korea would provoke the US a lot more now simply because they know that there's an unstable, easily taunted kid in the White House. All they would need is an excuse to do something stupid and you can guarantee that Trump, Bannon and Tillerson would accommodate this. It's not that hard to rile someone up when you know they're easily provoked.

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, the world is in serious, mortal danger right now because of this but it's almost refreshing (if a little nihilistic) to hear them come right out and finally say it with North Korea. Years of pussy footing around NK has done absolutely nothing.
Official White House Website:

They linked this satire piece thinking it was real: ... bc4ee7a74f Trump’s budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why

Holy shit :lol: . So somebody did not even read it in its entirety, or was OK with a part like this one:
There will be no LABOR in the future. Labor is what women do, I think. All fetuses will burst out of wombs brandishing an Uzi on each arm. (Also, we will cut the funding to the people who would have explained that this is not how birth or labor works.)
"I don't know anything about Russia, I don't do business there....."

Ooh a multinational corporation has a contact number for potential clients in a specific geographical region (that probably resolves to a call centre in India).

Give that man a detective's badge!







Ooh a multinational corporation has a contact number for potential clients in a specific geographical region (that probably resolves to a call centre in India).

Give that man a detective's badge!








It would be irrelevant if not for Trump lying about not having business interests there.
It would be irrelevant if not for Trump lying about not having business interests there.

Come now, mate. There are smoking guns and then there are steaming piles of shit like Dworkin has left us, there. Call that number for member support and reservations. Russians, last I checked, do travel internationally.

And honestly, you know how corporations work. It's unlikely that Trump has anything beyond a passing knowledge of that number and its purpose.
Didn't one of his brood say they did loads of business in Russia just a few years ago?
Didn't one of his brood say they did loads of business in Russia just a few years ago?

Yes, that would be his son Don Jr. - which Trump later denied, thus the phone number is just one of many crumbs indicating Trump was telling tall tales.
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