The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Paul Ryan genuinely being criticised for the quality of his pint of Guinness.
So he pretty much told people to ask fox news for more evidences. He is good at laying shit on 'his' people.

If people are stupid enough to back him after all these, they deserve what they are getting though.
The lack of accountability is one of the most annoying things, and is one of the most childlike aspects of his Presidency. Granted, very few politicians are going to come out and admit wrongdoing but his tendency to blame his very obvious mistakes on people who aren't him is incredibly tiresome.
Its like he really doesn't understand that he's now president. There hasn't been any shift in conduct.

The funny thing is i wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it was true and he was spied upon in some capacity and why not. Yet even if he had substantial evidence i don't think he'd ever understand why he shouldn't just blurt it all out on twitter.

He's quite simply a psychopath but one that doesn't have the intellect to manipulate anyone with an ounce of reason.
If we're going to have a President who comes out with any old crap and then says "Hey, I was just putting it out there", then we might as well have Piers Bloody Morgan as leader. Pathetic.
Its like he really doesn't understand that he's now president. There hasn't been any shift in conduct.

The funny thing is i wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it was true and he was spied upon in some capacity and why not. Yet even if he had substantial evidence i don't think he'd ever understand why he shouldn't just blurt it all out on twitter.

He's quite simply a psychopath but one that doesn't have the intellect to manipulate anyone with an ounce of reason.

Because a recognition that he's now President would require him to actually start governing. Which means taking responsibility for the direction of the country, and no longer being able to blame Obama/Bush/Hilary/Streep/Ali G for the problems facing the US, and finding solutions himself. He wouldn't be able to hold those massive rallies he has anymore, and wouldn't have time to forge out conspiracy theories and rant on Twitter, because he'd be busy doing things like going to national security meetings instead of playing golf.
Because a recognition that he's now President would require him to actually start governing. Which means taking responsibility for the direction of the country, and no longer being able to blame Obama/Bush/Hilary/Streep/Ali G for the problems facing the US, and finding solutions himself. He wouldn't be able to hold those massive rallies he has anymore, and wouldn't have time to forge out conspiracy theories and rant on Twitter, because he'd be busy doing things like going to national security meetings instead of playing golf.

I'd love Ali G to be around today focusing on Trump and Brexit :lol:

Am i the only one who thinks he probably was spied upon/tapped? With the question of his ties to Russia i imagine world powers took a very active interest.
I'd love Ali G to be around today focusing on Trump and Brexit :lol:

Am i the only one who thinks he probably was spied upon/tapped? With the question of his ties to Russia i imagine world powers took a very active interest.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to be fair. Trump strikes me as someone who's probably so lax someone could get away with it if they pandered to his ego.
It's alright. Republicans can still save the US from this madman. They have constituents that they have to look out for still, won't let any harm come to them surely.

Oh wait yeah, I forget sometimes that they too are evil.
Go Fareed...

:eek: I'm quite shocked that someone has finally had the balls to get up on live tv and tell the truth and say what most of us have know and been thinking for years. People have skirted around it for months now, but nobody has actually come out and said it like that. Everyone has been too afraid to say it so they have kind of sugar coated it, but this needed to be said. Now everyone needs to repeat it and say it at every opportunity, people simply cannot dodge it anymore. The President of the USA is a grade A bullshitter, he's a compulsive liar, pathological to be precise. He lies constantly and he lies about other people constantly, he never takes the blame for anything and always passes the buck, now, more than ever, he needs to be held accountable.

He's the President of the USA and millions of people look to him to be not only their leader, but also a shining example of excellence and decency. So even if you forget the awful cabinet picks, the disgraceful laws, the ridiculous conflicts of interest you are still left with his outright lies and petulance towards the press and his insults to people on Twitter. It really needs to stop now and he needs to be held accountable for his actions and he needs to be told straight just what a petulant childish twat he really is.

So exactly 24 hours after a story resurfaced in the media about Trump selling an apartment to a lady who worked for the Chinese military intelligence, he Tweets about China not doing much to help in the battle with North Korea. Coincidence? Maybe, but even so the story in the press needs further examination and yet again he throws insults and accusations at a foreign country via the medium of Twitter. The fact he is partially right has nothing to do with it, it's highly unprofessional and also highly inflammatory. It's certainly not going to be well received in China, and once again it brings Trump's diplomatic skills in to question. He just keeps giving ammunition to people who want to attack him, and he keeps making it easy for foreign governments to have reason to not take him seriously or to not trust him.

Also, why the feck has the moron put "playing" in speech marks? It's yet another of his really fecking irritating habits. I bet his English teacher sits cringing each time he/she reads one of his Tweets.
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Ohio rep governor seems to be a bit more sensible than most reps I have seen talking on TV.

I don't know if it is because he is a good stateman or it is because Trump was his rival before.
I'd love to have a beer with Merkel and find out who of the politicians she has had to deal with during her chancellorship she despises the most: Berlusconi, Sarkozy, Putin or 45.
Ohio rep governor seems to be a bit more sensible than most reps I have seen talking on TV.

I don't know if it is because he is a good stateman or it is because Trump was his rival before.

Is that Kasich? If so he's generally been perceived as one of the more respectable ones of the bunch, yeah.
:eek: I'm quite shocked that someone has finally had the balls to get up on live tv and tell the truth and say what most of us have know and been thinking for years. People have skirted around it for months now, but nobody has actually come out and said it like that. Everyone has been too afraid to say it so they have kind of sugar coated it, but this needed to be said. Now everyone needs to repeat it and say it at every opportunity, people simply cannot dodge it anymore. The President of the USA is a grade A bullshitter, he's a compulsive liar, pathological to be precise. He lies constantly and he lies about other people constantly, he never takes the blame for anything and always passes the buck, now, more than ever, he needs to be held accountable.

He's the President of the USA and millions of people look to him to be not only their leader, but also a shining example of excellence and decency. So even if you forget the awful cabinet picks, the disgraceful laws, the ridiculous conflicts of interest you are still left with his outright lies and petulance towards the press and his insults to people on Twitter. It really needs to stop now and he needs to be held accountable for his actions and he needs to be told straight just what a petulant childish twat he really is.
IMO every sensible and responsible journo needs to press on a daily basis every single public figure of the GOP on it: Cabinet members, senators, congressmen and -women, governors - everyone who does not stand up. They are enablers of and complicit in a regime that is not just a laughing stock but dangerous to the US and the world.
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Ohio rep governor seems to be a bit more sensible than most reps I have seen talking on TV.

I don't know if it is because he is a good stateman or it is because Trump was his rival before.
Is that Kasich? If so he's generally been perceived as one of the more respectable ones of the bunch, yeah.
Ugh, the Steve King effect. He's a super religious loon.

So exactly 24 hours after a story resurfaced in the media about Trump selling an apartment to a lady who worked for the Chinese military intelligence, he Tweets about China not doing much to help in the battle with North Korea. Coincidence? Maybe, but even so the story in the press needs further examination and yet again he throws insults and accusations at a foreign country via the medium of Twitter. The fact he is partially right has nothing to do with it, it's highly unprofessional and also highly inflammatory. It's certainly not going to be well received in China, and once again it brings Trump's diplomatic skills in to question. He just keeps giving ammunition to people who want to attack him, and he keeps making it easy for foreign governments to have reason to not take him seriously or to not trust him.

Langster. . It's only been two months but his behaviour is getting normalised for me. It's no longer real but more like 'reality TV. '

I noticed it suddenly looked weird to me seeing Merkel who represents the real world meeting our reality TV star.

That's the only time my two world's have collided.
IMO every sensible and responsible journo needs to press on a daily basis every single public figure of the GOP on it: Cabinet members, senators, congressmen and -women, governors - everyone who does not stand up. They are enablers and complicits of a regime that is not just a laughing stock but dangerous to the US and the world.

I think that's the very least they should do. Personally I think it's crystal clear what needs to be done, and a plan of action needs to be followed, but everyone needs to be on board.

The public need to protest at every opportunity, they need to boycott his TV appearances and speeches and they need to protest each state/town he visits. Then they need to email their congressmen and women and most importantly, they need to vote.

The press need to go hard after Trump and his shady cohorts. They need to unify and if one question is ignored or they don't like the answer given then the next reporter needs to answer the same, or a follow up. They need to combine efforts and collaborate on all Trump related stories. Feck the scoop, treat it all like the Panama papers and work together. The TV media need to stop giving air time to people like Kellyanne Conway and they need to start really hammering home the policy issues like the problems with his healthcare bill, and then they need to call him out on all his lies and show the proof of it. Counter everything with the facts, then there can be no argument about it at all.

The Democrats, independents and decent Republicans need to fight everything every step of the way and they need to publically condemn everything they disagree with. They need to say this will not be accepted and show the people, and more importantly the children that this behaviour is not acceptable and will not be tolerated and it should definitely not be mimicked. I also think as many as possible should ask for investigations in to all areas of Trumps conflicts of interest, they should push for his tax returns to be released, and then investigated and they should go hard after him just like they did Hillary over Benghazi. They also need to reach out to Muslims and minorities and immigrants and show them that they are just as important as the rich white people in the country. There's a lot of scared and bewildered people out there, a bit of love and recognition would go a long way.

Combined it could work. Everyone moaning and complaining and doing their own thing will not. It really is time for the USA to come together and show the rest of the world why it really is one of the greatest countries in the world and why it is almost as good as Canada.

Ugh, the Steve King effect. He's a super religious loon.

Damn right. Kasich is a feckwit, he can talk a good talk, but just look at some of his beliefs and you can see he's just as bad and dangerous as Pence is. Also, next to Trump Mongo from Blazing Saddles would look like a sane choice for President.

Langster. . It's only been two months but his behaviour is getting normalised for me. It's no longer real but more like 'reality TV. '

I noticed it suddenly looked weird to me seeing Merkel who represents the real world meeting our reality TV star.

That's the only time my two world's have collided.

I completely agree and I hate seeing him next to someone like Merkel. It irks me no end that she and other world leaders have to meet him and listen to his bullshite and be subjected to his buffoonery and be part of his circus. I detest everything Pence stands for and when Trump was first elected I said that Pence would be just as bad, maybe even worse, I regret that now, he wouldn't. You know exactly what you would be getting with Pence, and I think he would have pretty much done the same as Trump has so far, but he would at least be a respectable face. At least he wouldn't be making a mockery out of everything and turning it in to a TV show. Yeah, he's a right wing Christian loon, but at least he's a polished and civilised one.
I completely agree and I hate seeing him next to someone like Merkel. It irks me no end that she and other world leaders have to meet him and listen to his bullshite and be subjected to his buffoonery and be part of his circus. I detest everything Pence stands for and when Trump was first elected I said that Pence would be just as bad, maybe even worse, I regret that now, he wouldn't. You know exactly what you would be getting with Pence, and I think he would have pretty much done the same as Trump has so far, but he would at least be a respectable face. At least he wouldn't be making a mockery out of everything and turning it in to a TV show. Yeah, he's a right wing Christian loon, but at least he's a polished and civilised one.

Your reaction is precisely the difference on how you see the POTUS and how Trump sees the POTUS.
You still see him as a representation of your identity and as an American and thus the embarrassment. He doesnt behave or have the conventional view of POTUS.

'Spoils to the victor' -- so it's all about him and his journey with the rest of the country in his wake. He just doesnt give a shit about the rest of the people. He won and conquered.

Pence is another cnut but with nice smile or in my eyes, a smirk.
The American President blaming Fox News for providing him with poor intelligence... :lol:

You can't make this shite up!

I wish i knew how his supporters felt about this, especially the ones with a triple digit IQ, because there were loads of "clever" people who endorsed him in the election. Even looking away from his despicable character, his lies and his political circus of a presidency.

No, what would be worst (i imagine) is the completely embarrassing way he conducts himself on a daily basis and all the monumentally stupid shite he says. Imagine if Obama even had one of these episodes, the Fox news expertes would be rolling around on the desk, frothing at the mouth.


Edit: never mind, it seems they construct their own reality
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