The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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'Jobs are coming back to the United States bigly' - did 45 really say this with Merkel and business leaders around the table? :wenger:

Edit: Ivanka sitting next to Merkel, praising her father's efforts. Ugh. Nepotism swamp.
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Yes, that would be his son Don Jr. - which Trump later denied, thus the phone number is just one of many crumbs indicating Trump was telling tall tales.


Yes, because Russians never stay in hotels, right?

I'm not tub thumping for Trump but when you see a shite tweet, it needs to be called out. International hotel chains will set up toll free numbers for customers in many countries. Trump Hotels taking bookings from people in Russia is a nothing story. It's rare that a chair will not take bookings from an entire country. That's more idiotic than anything Trump has ever said.

Ooh, he lied cuz he says he don't do business with Russians. Dworkin needs to learn the difference between deals at the micro level (hotel bookings) and the macro level (building projects) and then come back with real evidence.

the VA sec won't be there and didn't even know a meeting was happening :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I appreciate that people want to be partisan but come on. How can you convince yourself, this guy is the best person for America?
The look... what does this doll want...


He looks pissed, as if the meeting didn't go well.

Obviously this'll never be anywhere near healthcare as a concern that folks will protest about, but it's interesting how the administration is once again so far out of step with the population.
In fairness, so are most Republicans, and it's not as if all Democrats think fighting climate change is important. I am pleasantly surprised by the numbers of the poll, hopefully these concerns will be voiced at townhall meetings.
German journo with the tough question...Trump not very appreciative

'we are a very powerful country' :lol:

thinking out loud again!
He doesn't enjoy any meeting where the other person doesn't suck up, I'd imagine.
My thoughts exactly. :D I'm guessing that he finds Merkel's dry, factual and stoic personality very hard to handle. From what I'm hearing from her in this presser, she didn't budge on a single issue.
I fail to see why this meeting was even necessary.
Merkel and 45 disagree on many issues. Furthermore, 45 insulted and accused her and the German businesses on many issues during his campain and now in office. That's more than a good reason to talk face to face.
Merkel and 45 disagree on many issues. Furthermore, 45 insulted and accused her and the German businesses on many issues during his campain and now in office. That's more than a good reason to talk face to face.

The issue part yes, the insult and accusation part no.
If only the UK didn't have to be so cowardly towards the US leadership at the moment.
The issue part yes, the insult and accusation part no.
The false accusations and the insult need to be addressed, regardless of who said what about whom. The best situation to do this is IMO f2f.

That would be awesome.
I look forward to him coming to Berlin, wanting his history book picture in front of the German wall just to face a wall of protesters showing him the finger.
He will have a complete meltdown.
He'll be in Hamburg for the G20 summit. I plan to attend the rallies.
I'm with @Dwazza on this. It's an international company, they're bound to cater for all nationalities. It's not just Russians that speak Russian either, a load of east European countries do and some in Asia. It's also not illegal to do business with Russia so they're doing no wrong by not ruling it out in the future even if they haven't done any so far.

I want there to be a smoking gun as much as anyone but this really is so benign.
Trump really act with out tact and behave like a little child when he won´t apologize for the wiretapping accusation. A simple apology and this would go away fairly fast. Instead it keeps going on and on and make him look bad. The accusation against the British intelligence community really puts May in a difficult situation as she needs U.S.A to give her a good FTA. May have to stand up for the British intelligence community to avoid looking like a total dummy that won´t stand up for Britain. This is a difficult situation and i don´t think she got the diplomatic skills to get out of it unscathed in public perception. This is a lose lose situation for her.
I'm with @Dwazza on this. It's an international company, they're bound to cater for all nationalities. It's not just Russians that speak Russian either, a load of east European countries do and some in Asia. It's also not illegal to do business with Russia so they're doing no wrong by not ruling it out in the future even if they haven't done any so far.

I want there to be a smoking gun as much as anyone but this really is so benign.

There's nothing wrong with Trump doing any of these things - as long as he transparently admits it and doesn't try to sweep it under the carpet to obfuscate from the perception that he has Russian ties.


Inside job. Trump Tower is now deemed a security risk and Melania and Barron are going to have to move to another location (think White House... saving hundreds of millions of dollars...)
The Press and Merkel are literally laughing at him, right to his face. The you should be ashamed, you are a fecking laughing stock to the entire world. It really is that simple. LOL! Only joking
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The Press and Merkel are literally laughing at him, right to his face. The you should be ashamed, you are a fecking laughing stock to the entire world. It really is that simple. LOL! Only joking

He still never fails to shock me with his stupidity. Those comments about FOX saying it rather than him...the President claiming ignorance to the responsibity he has when choosing his words.

On a daily basis he says things that would, for any other President, create headlines that would run for weeks. I know people moan about these sorts of comments in here but this sort of thing can never allowed to be normalised.
So Trump told Merkel they'd both been wiretapped AND laid the British spying claim at the feet of Fox.
(Sorry - just got off work)
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