The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Pence is another cnut but with nice smile or in my eyes, a smirk.

Oh Pence is a prick of the highest level. He is a nasty, vindictive, dangerous and completely conscienceless cnut. I personally despise everything he stands for, BUT! I do believe he is principled and he has a relatively high moral standard. I also think he would have a completely different cabinet filled with actual politicians with experience in each field and I think he would have appointed many more positions and filled more jobs and have a more fully functional Government. On top of all that he would at least be relatively intelligent and articulate and greet foreign leaders in a respectful manner rather than the way Trump has. Most importantly of all, at least he wouldn't be making a joke out of his country, at least he wouldn't be purposely insulting foreign countries on Twitter and causing serious problems for the USA.

I honestly don't think many people are taking this all seriously enough, quite simply because Trump isn't being taken seriously by anyone but his own supporters, and I think that is the real problem because you can bet your arse foreign leaders ARE taking it seriously as are the USA's enemies. Hyperbole or hysteria aside, you really can't go around insulting or embarrassing foreign countries and think there will be no consequences. Especially not somewhere like China where respect, honour and integrity are absolutely key parts of their tradition and culture, losing face is not something they can ignore, and too many more insults on Twitter and I think we will start to see China respond. I'm not suggesting war, far from it, however I just don't think many more countries will accept being trolled by Trump much more, and I think he's pushed it way too far this week with the UK and China.
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Oh Pence is a prick of the highest level. He is a nasty, vindictive, dangerous and completely conscienceless cnut. I personally despise everything he stands for, BUT! I do believe he is principled and he has a relatively high moral standard. I also think he would have a completely different cabinet filled with actual politicians with experience in each field and I think he would have appointed many more positions and filled more jobs and have a more fully functional Government. On top of all that he would at least be relatively intelligent and articulate and greet foreign leaders in a respectful manner rather than the way Trump has. Most importantly of all, at least he wouldn't be making a joke out of his country, at least he wouldn't be purposely insulting foreign countries on Twitter and causing serious problems for the USA.

I honestly don't think many people are taking this all seriously enough, quite simply because Trump isn't being taken seriously by anyone but his own supporters, and I think that is the real problem because you can bet your arse foreign leaders ARE taking it seriously as are the USA's enemies. Hyperbole or hysteria aside, you really can't go around insulting or embarrassing foreign countries and think there will be no consequences. Especially not somewhere like China where respect, honour and integrity are absolutely key parts of their tradition and culture, losing face is not something they can ignore, and too many more insults on Twitter and I think we will start to see China respond. I'm not suggesting war, far from it, however I just don't think many more countries will accept being trolled by Trump much more, and I think he's pushed it way too far this week with the UK and China.

Nobody trust him both within the US and outside. The constant question you hear is how the hell did the people vote him in -- and he represents you regardless of whether you voted for him or not.
With this comes the degradation of 'respect' and the 'USA' brand. And this is only 2 months -- what happens after another 46 months? Its gets baked in.

You wont be the 'big man' sitting on the table anymore even post-trump.

How do you recover from that?

They are all a basket of complete fruitcakes.

But once again Shep Smith has to come in and do the right thing, and yet again Trump has pissed off Fox News who must surely be getting fed up with him dropping them in the shit.

Nobody trust him both within the US and outside. The constant question you hear is how the hell did the people vote him in -- and he represents you regardless of whether you voted for him or not.
With this comes the degradation of 'respect' and the 'USA' brand. And this is only 2 months -- what happens after another 46 months? Its gets baked in.

You wont be the 'big man' sitting on the table anymore even post-trump.

How do you recover from that?

Thankfully he doesn't represent me. Theresa May is supposed to. Ugh, she's fecking awful, but at least she's not Trump.
Oh Pence is a prick of the highest level. He is a nasty, vindictive, dangerous and completely conscienceless cnut. I personally despise everything he stands for, BUT! I do believe he is principled and he has a relatively high moral standard. .
We disagree on this point. If Pence were to have relatively high moral standards, he wouldn't be 45's VP, he would call 45 out on all the stupid, hypocritical, immoral and dangerous issues. Most importantly he wouldn't have many positions he actually has.

In Germany we have a saying that can be roughly translated as 'Nobody is that bad that (s)he could not serve at least as an anti role model'. 45 is a prime example of how true it is.
German parties, i.e. SPD, the Green party and the Left party, see a surge in new party members since the US elections. Many of them refer to 45's victory as the tipping point for their decision to become engaged in a political party, say that you have to engage in democracy to protect it against populists like him.

I'm sceptical that Pence would have the same effect although he might pursue the very same route. In that sense, 45's presidency is a great wake-up call to everyone who has been taken democracy with half-decent politicians for granted.
We disagree on this point. If Pence were to have relatively high moral standards, he wouldn't be 45's VP, he would call 45 out on all the stupid, hypocritical, immoral and dangerous issues. Most importantly he wouldn't have many positions he actually has.

In Germany we have a saying that can be roughly translated as 'Nobody is that bad that (s)he could not serve at least as an anti role model'. 45 is a prime example of how true it is.
German parties, i.e. SPD, the Green party and the Left party, see a surge in new party members since the US elections. Many of them refer to 45's victory as the tipping point for their decision to become engaged in a political party, say that you have to engage in democracy to protect it against populists like him.

I'm sceptical that Pence would have the same effect although he might pursue the very same route. In that sense, 45's presidency is a great wake-up call to everyone who has been taken democracy with half-decent politicians for granted.

I went to school at Indiana (Kelly School of Business) and still have a friends who still like in Indiana. They all think he is a cnut despite the differences in political spectrum.
We disagree on this point. If Pence were to have relatively high moral standards, he wouldn't be VP, he would call 45 out on all the stupid, hypocritical, immoral and dangerous issues. Most importantly he wouldn't have many positions he actually has.

Yeah I see your point and can concede it may be correct, but I honestly think he is just waiting to be President. He's hardly been seen or heard since being sworn in as VP. I sincerely think he cannot stand Trump despises him even, and I think he's hoping and praying for him to be impeached so he can step in. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if some of the leaks were coming from him or his team. I reckon he's looked at Trump as not having the stamina to stay the course of a dead cert to be impeached so he's seen an opportunity and run with it. If any of the other 15 Republican candidates that were running had been elected, not one of them would have picked Pence as their VP, not one. Trump gave him an opportunity he would never have had before, and although he has to hold his nose from the stench, he's seen it as an opportunity to get things done that he's wanted to do for years, and after 8 years of Obama, he's seen his chance and taken it. If he has to sacrifice his integrity to do so, then that's something he will just have to live with. That's just my opinion, but that's the way I see it.
Merkel's reaction to 45's response on wiretapping as a gif:

Angela Merkel seems to have taken the mantle of being the leader of the Western World. I'm not sure if the Germans feel the same way, mind.
Angela Merkel seems to have taken the mantle of being the leader of the Western World. I'm not sure if the Germans feel the same way, mind.
Seems that way. And Germany was on course to replace the UK as the Special Relationship partner with the US before Brexit-Trumpit.
Whilst the world is connecting ever closer in terms of people movement, transport links, internet, etcetera...USA is going in the opposite direction with this government verging on the ideology of isolationism, nationalism, corporate power with Trump giving platform to odious white nationalists hostile to liberal democracy.

They are all a basket of complete fruitcakes.

But once again Shep Smith has to come in and do the right thing, and yet again Trump has pissed off Fox News who must surely be getting fed up with him dropping them in the shit.


Just the gall of him :lol:.
"Obama tapped my phones"
"Well there is no evidence of that"
"I meant surveillance in a broader sense"
"There is no evidence of that either"
"It was the redcoats!"
"No Mr President, it wasn't"
"Fox said it, blame them"
Whilst the world is connecting ever closer in terms of people movement, transport links, internet, etcetera...USA is going in the opposite direction with this government verging on the ideology of isolationism, nationalism, corporate power with Trump giving platform to odious white nationalists hostile to liberal democracy.

America has always been the trend setter. :(
The UK was 5 months ahead of them in this case.

Germany some 70 years before they.

I guess these guys knew something we didnt years ago:



@langster I fully agree with you on Pence's motivation, ambitions and hopes. The only point I disagree with is your statement of him having relatively high moral standards.

Angela Merkel seems to have taken the mantle of being the leader of the Western World. I'm not sure if the Germans feel the same way, mind.
When The Guardian wrote early this year that during the last phone call of Obama as president with Merkel, he passed the baton of the leadership of the free world to her, I found the wording a bit pretentious but the gist felt - sadly enough - not incorrect. I can say with respect to my immediate family, friends, neighborhood and job world that it's nothing we expected, strive for or feel very comfortable with but recognize.
I guess these guys knew something we didnt years ago:




I've never understood people like that. If a nuclear apocalypse ever happens I hope I'm vaporised nice and early. Screw living in a bunker for a while and then trying to forge some sort of life in barren wasteland afterwards. I'd be bored out my mind.
I've never understood people like that. If a nuclear apocalypse ever happens I hope I'm vaporised nice and early. Screw living in a bunker for a while and then trying to forge some sort of life in barren wasteland afterwards. I'd be bored out my mind.
You probably have fantastic sunsets though.

When The Guardian wrote early this year that during the last phone call of Obama as president with Merkel, he passed the baton of the leadership of the free world to her, I found the wording a bit pretentious but the gist felt - sadly enough - not incorrect. I can say with respect to my immediate family, friends, neighborhood and job world that it's nothing we expected, strive for or feel very comfortable with but recognize.
Merkel has become the unintentional leader of the western world since Trump got the keys to the WH. Germany are now the most powerful nation in Europe with it's people educated, able and productive, and her values very liberal-democratic. At the same time, our politicians in the UK cling to itheir delusion of it's special relationship with US. Check Mrs May inviting him for a state visit 5 minutes into her meeting to boost his ego more (if that was ever possible).

The Trump admin are focused on Germany more than ever. Credit to Angela Merkel she speaks up for her liberal values, democracy, and tolerance.

It's not a big leap to say there will be massive anti-Merkel bias and interference from some of the white nationalists in the Trump team, and around Europe. They'll be desperate to get rid.
I've never understood people like that. If a nuclear apocalypse ever happens I hope I'm vaporised nice and early. Screw living in a bunker for a while and then trying to forge some sort of life in barren wasteland afterwards. I'd be bored out my mind.

I guess they are the bottom-feeders of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and will be satisfied staying at that level.
What a turn around for the German nation and it's people in a century. Credit where it's due.

The victory for Trump and his choosing of some xenophobes in his team has liberals looking to Germany and Merkel for moral guidance and the new torchbearer for human rights.

It's not a big leap to say there will be massive anti-Merkel bias and interference from some of the white nationalists in the Trump team, and around Europe. They'll be desperate to get rid.
If Schulz gets elected to replace Merkel, it'll get even worse so I would recommend Bannon to be careful what he wishes for. :D

The irony is that Merkel hasn't always been such a convinced and outspoken European; perhaps understandable given her bio. It needed the financial aftermath of Lehman brothers to fully understand and change her approach.
Can't stand Merkel personally. One of the worst things about Trump is that he's making mediocre to awful politicians look good.
Can't stand Merkel personally. One of the worst things about Trump is that he's making mediocre to awful politicians look good.
You may disagree with her opinions or actions but Merkel is clearly not a mediocre or awful politician. She's exceedingly capable in her job.
Why invite someone to your house then diss them?

Because he is all about power. He was trying to prove he has control.

Its what toddlers do when they have tantrums and stamp their feet.

He really is, mentally, a child. This is what happens when someone gets to the age of 72 without ever having to take responsibility for any action they take in their entire lives.

Trump is the poster child of 'afluenza'.
What a turn around for the German nation and it's people in a century. Credit where it's due.

The victory for Trump and his choosing of some xenophobes in his team has liberals looking to Germany and Merkel for moral guidance and the new torchbearer for human rights.

Most definitely credit where it's due. As for the rest, do you think Trump was expecting Merkel to say she regretting her immigration policy? Or do you think she came out on the front foot and praised it whilst attacking his? He definitely looked extremely pissed off in front of the cameras and he was certainly very subdued compared to how he was after his meetings with May and Abe. I
Because he is all about power. He was trying to prove he has control.

Its what toddlers do when they have tantrums and stamp their feet.

He really is, mentally, a child. This is what happens when someone gets to the age of 72 without ever having to take responsibility for any action they take in their entire lives.

Trump is the poster child of 'afluenza'.

Not having any kids, my interpretation is a tad simpler. 1st class Cnut!
"Quantum Chemistry: great Injun chief...his tribe were known as 'the fighting injuns'".
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