The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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:lol:I still reckon you want those white trousers and that snazzy jumper... Or maybe you think yourself a bit of a Don Johnson and prefer this look?



:lol: I'm too pale to wear white, mate. You've seen the pics.
Senate intelligence panel rejects Trump wiretap claim
There are "no indications" that Trump Tower was under surveillance by the US government before or after the election, a Senate committee has said.

The statement from Republican Senator Richard Burr, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, dismissed Donald Trump's claim his phones were tapped.
Spicey's weird, he goes from wannabe authoritarian to figure of fun within seconds and then back again. Suppose he learns from the best.
If anybody can pull up the interview Glenn Beck just gave CBS News, please do it.

He just blew my mind.

1) politely went off on Fox News
2) sounded repentant for his Fox News days
3) identified himself with "those on the left" who are "afraid of" Trump and those surrounding him
Blimey, is Glenn still a thing? The puss filled, rent-a-tear cnut's accountant has clearly seen there is more money in anti than pro Trump media for the time being. Sticking with 'Obama hates white people or the white culture. He is, I believe, a racist' wouldn't be a money maker now he's holidaying with Richard Branson.
If anybody can pull up the interview Glenn Beck just gave CBS News, please do it.

He just blew my mind.

1) politely went off on Fox News
2) sounded repentant for his Fox News days
3) identified himself with "those on the left" who are "afraid of" Trump and those surrounding him

Beck is a subhuman puddle of tears/basket case.
This fallback on the quote marks is also fairly funny, given that Trump uses them for pretty much everything and doesn't seem to realise what they're actually for.
This fallback on the quote marks is also fairly funny, given that Trump uses them for pretty much everything and doesn't seem to realise what they're actually for.
Especially when his defense of the tweets to Tucker Carlson was that the NYT and Bret Baier both used the word "wiretap".

Regarding NYT use of the word...
The Times did use the term “wiretapped data” in a headline on January 20, but in a report claiming that intelligence agencies were monitoring Russian officials. The story said nothing about a wiretap of Trump Tower — much less of Obama “ordering” one against Trump.
Regarding Bret Baier use of the word...
Trump also referenced Baier's March 3 interview with House Speaker Paul Ryan. Baier asked if Ryan could confirm that two requests for warrants for electronic surveillance had been made under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, allegations credited to unnamed sources in a November article from the conservative website HeatStreet. Ryan said he was not aware of the report.
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If you ever think that Beck has turned around, or may be sane, always remember this man once played with dolls and danced in ruby red slippers on a segment. And his channel gave that cnut Tomi a platform to spread her vile.

"Obama was wiretapping" ---> "Obama ordered surveillance" ---> "Obama had a stake out" ---> "Obama looked at Trump Tower once"

I imagine working in any PR position for the Trump admin must be dreadful. Cleaning up Donalds mess every day
Also Spicer: "When the president says wiretapping, he does not mean specifically wiretapping because he had it in quote" :lol:

I guess when Trump said Mexico is going to pay for the wall, he did not mean specifically Mexico, but rather the taxpayers. Or when he said he was going to provide health coverage for all Americans, he did not mean specifically all Americans, but the wealthy ones
Need some help: I want to make my own placard for the London Demo on Saturday that Im attending.

I'd like a witty Anti trump message, perhaps related to UK, but not mandatory.
Max 6 or 7 words - can include one swear word.

that Ill write onto a standard size placard (say about 75cm squared)

Any idea's

Trump the cnut - grab him!
Need some help: I want to make my own placard for the London Demo on Saturday that Im attending.

I'd like a witty Anti trump message, perhaps related to UK, but not mandatory.
Max 6 or 7 words - can include one swear word.

that Ill write onto a standard size placard (say about 75cm squared)

Any idea's
Here, it's a limerick, so it's tied into St. Patty's Day too.

"There once a great country stood
Topple it no outsider could
But the people inside
Through their avarice and pride
Found a great Orange that would"

It breaks all the rules of your "6-7 words max" but Trump breaks the rules too, so it's fitting.
Here, it's a limerick, so it's tied into St. Patty's Day too.

"There once a great country stood
Topple it no outsider could
But the people inside
Through their avarice and pride
Found a great Orange that would"

It breaks all the rules of your "6-7 words max" but Trump breaks the rules too, so it's fitting.
That's the winner!!! Thank you!
The last line can be 'found an orange cnut that would'
As needs a swear word too :)
I've said this before on here, but it astounds me that a "great businessman" cannot see the potential windfall (pun intended) made in investing in green energy in a country of this size.

"Oil companies" can easily transform themselves into "energy companies" and make a killing, create jobs, etc.
Exactly. No loss of jobs and great economy growth by transforming oil into green.

Some of the aid programs that would be sent down the drain if Trump's budget went through.

I wonder how many seniors who voted for him rely on Meals on Wheels.. or rural poor that rely on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance program.. or the WIC nutritional service for low income mothers and babies...

I'd like to ask all of them... Is that the change you were looking for?
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Look I know it disappoints you lot...but, that's just how we roll. After all, we had no issues calling Prison vans - 'Paddy' wagons in 1860's in the east after the Irish rioted :D
I don't see why it upsets some. He spelled his own name with a "t". I'm going with him.
So Trump is using a NYT article to support one of his most shocking statements so far, and this is after he's spent 40% of his time in office telling everyone how the "failing" NYT are doing nothing but producing FAKE NEWS.

I don't think he would get the irony even if you told him, twice.

Trump the cnut - grab him!

:lol: Love it.
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