The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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:lol: Me too, but then, I wear the clothes that the bloke off Fantasy Island would. Not Tattoo, BTW.
A bigger list of those cuts and gains in the budget..

The so called most prosperous country in the world, with over 30m adults that can't read, is cutting education by nearly 15%?
Why on earth is Ivanhoe doing a lap dance for her *father*?!?

Bloody autocorrect.
The so called most prosperous country in the world, with over 30m adults that can't read, is cutting education by nearly 15%?

People who can read might read some bad things about their government, instead of lapping up their news from FOX tv and right wing radio like they're supposed to.
Yes, but not in the same sizes.
This just in...

Just add to the pile of obvious links that apparently don't count as evidence even though everyone can connect the dots.

Sadly unless we get a picture of Putin handing a bag of money with a $ on it to Trump he's going to get away with whatever is going on because it's all hearsay at the minute.
Just add to the pile of obvious links that apparently don't count as evidence even though everyone can connect the dots.

Sadly unless we get a picture of Putin handing a bag of money with a $ on it to Trump he's going to get away with whatever is going on because it's all hearsay at the minute.

That's not how it works. You gather evidence and make a case, then prosecute it. This is a very significant development since it shows Flynn being paid by the Russians (RT is a propaganda arm of the Russian government), when Flynn denied having received money directly from the Russians. He previously said he got paid via his American speakers bureau. So now we have Flynn lying again, and we also have Flynn possibly not having listed being paid by a foreign government on his security clearance application (a federal crime that could results in jail time). It also shows that the Russians paid trump surrogates to do their bidding, since Flynn repeatedly went on TV and promoted friendlier ties with Russia.
Just add to the pile of obvious links that apparently don't count as evidence even though everyone can connect the dots.

Sadly unless we get a picture of Putin handing a bag of money with a $ on it to Trump he's going to get away with whatever is going on because it's all hearsay at the minute.

There is an absolute fecktonne of circumstantial evidence at the moment they need to make sure the case is watertight before they go with anything.

Can you imagine if the CIA, FBI or Congress Investigation's were rushed, attempted to bring about charges and impeachment and the SCOTUS said there is still an element of doubt. The IC would have serious difficulty recovering.

Also... regarding the Obama wiretapping allegations, I have a bit of a theory...

I think Trump was tipped off that they have incriminating SIGINT of either him or some of his team. Then either one of two things happened:

1.Dumb Trump was fuming and not understanding that the NSA have access to these recordings after the event thanks to PRISM assumed that either he or his team must have been tapppped. He's thick and old fashioned so assumed the only way they could have sourced these recordings is by putting a large thumbnail size bug into various light fittings and phone handpieces in Trump tower. As usual his little fingers worked harder than his brain and he Tweeted before anyone could explain.

2. Not so Dumb Trump knew they have incriminating SIGINT and him (his team) set about smearing the evidence by suggesting it was illegally obtained or at a minimum create a conspiracy around it and link it to Obama so the deplorables reject it.
Also... regarding the Obama wiretapping allegations, I have a bit of a theory...

As with everything with The Moron, it's not quite that complicated, apparently it all came from a piece Alex Jones did on InfoWars about Obama allegedly tapping Trump's phones and stuff. Apparently Trump Tweeted his inane rantings about Obama tapping his phones about 10 minutes after the report on InfoWars was shown.
Mick Mulvaney gives 0 fecks... got asked about cutting foreign aid budget when 20m people around the world are at risk. Basically answered "yeah, did you watch the campaign?" instead of some attempt to wriggle out of it. I'm almost inspired by the absence of any shame.
Proposed cuts to discretionary spending


Most of the money will be redirected to - Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security & Defense

The following will no longer receive funding -

First he says NATO is obsolete, then he moans about the other allies not bearing enough of the burden, and now he is going to increase an already enormous military budget by 10% :wenger:. Stupid, insane, incompetent? Who knows? He makes no fecking sense and contradicts himself more than anyone i can remember.

Also, why the feck is he doing a rally a couple of months into his presidency? My memory might fail me, but it this normal? He has plenty on his plate right now, so going on a rally seems like a waste of time
Also, why the feck is he doing a rally a couple of months into his presidency? My memory might fail me, but it this normal? He has plenty on his plate right now, so going on a rally seems like a waste of time

He's been doing them for weeks, it's simply because he loves being adored and having smoke blown up his arse. He loves the adulation, he's that fecking insecure he needs constant reassurance because he gets slammed each day from the media and the internet. He's pathetic.

He really is a fecking idiot.

Was this not referring to the recent Wikileaks file dump? Though i suppose it was alleged it was a CIA contractor/employee who handed the files over to Assange and not some hacker.
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Jesus Christ. Does he have ADD? His concentration is terrible, nothing he says is coherent.

I do take some comfort knowing he probably scans Twitter several hours a day reading people talk shit about him. I hope it crushes him.

Yeah, I think he has serious issues. He must be crushed because the stands at his rally tonight are nearly empty, people are getting sick to death with his bullshite and can see straight through him. They just want him to lead the country not travel round it expecting people to kiss his arse. He's fecked up big time on the health plan and people are sick of him fecking off every weekend playing golf and him costing the country millions because his wife stays in NYC. They can see his hotels making money and as many have said, his supporters are leaving in droves now. The more rallies he does the more people will demonstrate and it must crush him that there's more protestors than people attending his rallies now. It will be his downfall because he will get increasingly more arsey about it and bitch and moan about nobody having loyalty. Irony escapes him completely too.

Is Tucker Carlson making the move from unbearable to bearable?

I think it's more the case of Trump is now completely indefensible for any sane, rational journalist. It's ok for someone like Hannity as he openly admits he's not a real journalist, he just spouts his opinion, but Tucker is a journalist and he can't defend Trump for much of his actions now. Especially the lies and the health plan where millionaires get a massive tax break, that's angered nearly everyone and Tucker has to report that because it's his viewers that are being affected the most by it. Trump really is running out of places to hide now, and most of Fox has started to turn against him, it will be interesting to see what happens if the rest like Fox & Friends eventually do too.

One of the most angering things is that these people won't be around to face the repercussions of their own ignorance/cruelty.

Oh cool, they're now accusing UK intelligence of doing it :lol:
It really should have been Bernie as the nominee :(

Is there anything more corrupted than US Politics? First Bush steals the election from Gore (who probably would've been a dud anyway but no billion dollar a day expenses in Iraq, perhaps) and then Hillary kiboshing Bernie Sanders. These people are fecked.
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