The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That would make some sense if trump wasn't literally so specific about the incident in his tweets as he was. He said Obama had his phones tapped. Even after saying he was wire tapped trump said Obama had his phones tapped in trump tower. there's nothing ambiguous in that statement. He's just back peddling and when he gets called to testify infront of the senate Lindsay Graham will have a field day with him

Would pay good money to see that.

He is doubling down again though by claiming new stuff will come to light in next 2 weeks.
I think the real culprit here is proving to be my poor phrasing. And yet I regret nothing.

On another note, it's interesting how Trump is making it clear that he's trying to assume the mantle of Andrew Jackson.
Trump responded to Snoop's video with the expected rant about failing careers, President Banana, JAIL etc etc.

Having a daughter myself, I have to say this is wrong on so many levels. I've seen the pic before and always thought it was off. You can see the bloke who has nicked one of @Dwazza's cardigans thinking what the feck is Trump up to but at the same time perving Ivanka and wishing he was in Trump's place.

Having a daughter myself, I have to say this is wrong on so many levels. I've seen the pic before and always thought it was off. You can see the bloke who has nicked one of @Dwazza's cardigans thinking what the feck is Trump up to but at the same time perving Ivanka and wishing he was in Trump's place.

Hee Hee... I saw what you did there!
That photo makes it look like Trumpy is wearing a long, flowery dress.
That photo makes it look like Trumpy is wearing a long, flowery dress.

:lol: Probably borrowed it off @Dwazza like the bloke borrowed his cardigan. Snazzy as feck. ;)

And he's not alone. It's started, millions of Trump supporters have left already, the independents went first, then the Republicans who only voted for him because he wasn't Hillary, now his more faithful are leaving him behind. If he carries on as he has started, and especially if the Healthcare plan goes through, then slowly but surely his core base will start to desert him as well. Then he will only be left with the right wing racists, the complete loons and the fecking thick and stupid & the evangelicals, and all it needs for them to leave is another sex scandal that i'm sure isn't too far away. His approval rating has dipped under 40% now and his own party has started attacking him, he has responded by attacking them and hanging Paul Ryan out to dry. This is all going to get fecking ugly and I strongly recommend everyone going out and buying those silly hats that hold beer cans or bottles of spirits and also buying shit loads of popcorn. It's going off!
Yeah, but he's playing 4D chess, fooling us liberals/moderates in the process... what a smokescreening genius
You seen the Carlson interview as well? Man that was a President at the peak of his machiavellian game, not at all a moron.
Trump said that he want's to "break up the ninth circuit" What the feck? He's as out of control as he is completely out of his fecking mind. Surely he can't do that? Just when you think he literally cannot be anymore inflammatory and confrontational he just goes and takes it to the next level. What next? Disbanding Congress? Unfeckingbelievable!

So a climate change denier head of the EPA, someone who didn't know the actual department existed and wants it removed is the head of the department of energy, a bigot who detests state run schools and loves private ones as head of education, and now the health secretary says he thinks that it should be up to individual states if they chose to immunise babies or not, and on top of this Trump stated that millions of children have developed autism because of immunisation, something that is completely not true and the autism/immunisation link has been debunked time and time again by scientists and doctors from nearly every country in the modern world. But still in the backwards eyes of the health secretary and the scrambled mind of Trump who spouts anything and everything without the first clue of what he is talking about, simply because he saw something on Fox or even worse, InfoWars, now quite possibly the decision of immunisation will be down to certain individuals who have agendas or are as backwards thinking as Trump or Tom Price.

This administration is hellbent on destroying everything. They have ripped up environmental laws, they are going to destroy healthcare and put millions in danger and on top of that they could now not only remove insurance but they could also put people in actual danger of disease and they could also cause outbreaks of diseases in certain states. Of course the diseases don't understand state lines or borders so they could then spread and cause serious health risks to other countries as well. Immunisation of many diseases have been around for decades and have eradicated many dangerous and life threatening diseases such as TB, Polio, Measles, Rubella etc. Yet Trump and Tom Price know better? They really are now going to put peoples lives in serious danger, mainly the very young or sick and elderly.

My main argument with this is that yet again Trump is spouting shit about something he is totally uniformed about, yet he seems to do this without consequence, it seems he never gets put straight on things, and it's about time he did. Especially with things like this. The attack yesterday on Snoop Dogg was from something he saw on Alex Jones's InfoWars channel, and no doubt the immunisation causes autism bullshit was from the same source. The President of the United States Of America gets his news and then subsequently forms opinions on and then Tweets to the world things he learns from an internet conspiracy theorist channel starring an insane man who often rants and raves until he looks like his head will explode and quite often he does it shirtless. Feck my life. But seriously, this isn't a joke. I guess if certain states decide against immunisation and poor families then can't afford it, Trump and co will learn when they have mass outbreaks of diseases that the rest of the world eradicated before he was born. I just worry about and feel sad for the people this will hurt and just hope it doesn't actually get to that.

So a climate change denier head of the EPA, someone who didn't know the actual department existed and wants it removed is the head of the department of energy, a bigot who detests state run schools and loves private ones as head of education, and now the health secretary says he thinks that it should be up to individual states if they chose to immunise babies or not, and on top of this Trump stated that millions of children have developed autism because of immunisation, something that is completely not true and the autism/immunisation link has been debunked time and time again by scientists and doctors from nearly every country in the modern world. But still in the backwards eyes of the health secretary and the scrambled mind of Trump who spouts anything and everything without the first clue of what he is talking about, simply because he saw something on Fox or even worse, InfoWars, now quite possibly the decision of immunisation will be down to certain individuals who have agendas or are as backwards thinking as Trump or Tom Price.

This administration is hellbent on destroying everything. They have ripped up environmental laws, they are going to destroy healthcare and put millions in danger and on top of that they could now not only remove insurance but they could also put people in actual danger of disease and they could also cause outbreaks of diseases in certain states, of course the diseases don't understand state lines or borders so they could then spread and cause serious health risks. This isn't a joke. Immunisation of many diseases have been around for decades and have eradicated many dangerous and life threatening diseases such as TB, Polio, Measles, Rubella etc. Yet Trump and Tom Price know better? They really are now going to put peoples lives in serious danger, mainly the very young or sick and elderly.

My main argument with this is that yet again Trump is spouting shit about something he is totally uniformed about, yet he seems to do this without consequence, it seems he never gets put straight on things, and it's about time he did. Especially with things like this. The attack yesterday on Snoop Dogg was from something he saw on Alex Jones's InfoWars channel, and no doubt the immunisation causes autism bullshit was from the same source. The President of the United States Of America gets his news and then subsequently forms opinions on and the Tweets to the world things he learns from an internet conspiracy theorist channel starring an insane man who often rants and raves until he looks like his head will explode and quite often he does it shirtless. Feck my life. But seriously, this isn't a joke. I guess if certain states decide against immunisation and poor families then can't afford it, Trump and co will learn when they have mass outbreaks of diseases that the rest of the world eradicated before he was born. I just worry about and feel sad for the people this will hurt and just hope it doesn't actually get to that.

Its amazing to think that Price was once a doctor -- has he not heard of preventative care and the long term cost savings? Its not rocket science or fake news

More concerned with the political ideas than patients. You can imagine the sort of doctor he was -- probably an useless one who became an administrator or something.
Its amazing to think that Price was once a doctor -- has he not heard of preventative care and the long term cost savings? Its not rocket science or fake news

More concerned with the political ideas than patients. You can imagine the sort of doctor he was -- probably an useless one who became an administrator or something.

Yeah, that's the really sad part. I completely agree with you about preventative care and cost savings, but seeing as they are leaving, or will be leaving millions more people uninsured, it won't bother them anyway. If they cut Medicaid/medicare too then this could really be a serious problem and could easily get out of control. As I said, it could, no, definitely would spread to other countries too. I should think the Mexicans and Canadians should be concerned about this too? Every country could theoretically be affected due to modern travel. It's just really fecking stupid. These diseases have been eradicated for years, that's not fake news, everyone can see that. The autism link has been debunked countless times too. I just find it astonishing the arrogance of these people and the ease that they can pass laws that could effectively cost the lives of people. Paul Ryan smugly, and almost laughing as he said about the new healthcare plan knowing people will die and suffer. Tom Price saying this, knowing potentially people could really suffer. Trump saying about autism, well, I don't think he actually thinks about the consequences of things, but still he says them. It really angers me, it really does. They just have no shame or conscience whatsoever. Someone really does need to put these feckers straight.

And here he is brazenly admitting yet another bill he wants to pass will feck over the middle working class and poor. Shameless. He's draining that swamp though, isn't he?
Guardian: Carlson pressed Trump on his relaxed approach to accuracy on social media. “Why not wait to tweet about it until you can prove it? Don’t you devalue your words when you can’t provide evidence?” the Fox News host asked.

To which the president of the United States replied, slightly indignantly, that there had been evidence: he had read about wiretapping in the New York Times – “the failing New York Times” he corrected himself quickly, realizing he had just committed a faux pas by crediting one of his “dishonest media” enemies as a reliable source.,
Yeah, that's the really sad part. I completely agree with you about preventative care and cost savings, but seeing as they are leaving, or will be leaving millions more people uninsured, it won't bother them anyway. If they cut Medicaid/medicare too then this could really be a serious problem and could easily get out of control. As I said, it could, no, definitely would spread to other countries too. I should think the Mexicans and Canadians should be concerned about this too? Every country could theoretically be affected due to modern travel. It's just really fecking stupid. These diseases have been eradicated for years, that's not fake news, everyone can see that. The autism link has been debunked countless times too. I just find it astonishing the arrogance of these people and the ease that they can pass laws that could effectively cost the lives of people. Paul Ryan smugly, and almost laughing as he said about the new healthcare plan knowing people will die and suffer. Tom Price saying this, knowing potentially people could really suffer. Trump saying about autism, well, I don't think he actually thinks about the consequences of things, but still he says them. It really angers me, it really does. They just have no shame or conscience whatsoever. Someone really does need to put these feckers straight.

Agree but its only been 50+ days... things will come to a breaking point closer to the Mid-terms. Meanwhile we will have to bare & grin and take it up the bum for the next 500days.

I really wonder what these people's core values are at home or at heart. The complete lack of empathy and humanity is shocking.
:lol: Probably borrowed it off @Dwazza like the bloke borrowed his cardigan. Snazzy as feck. ;)

And he's not alone. It's started, millions of Trump supporters have left already, the independents went first, then the Republicans who only voted for him because he wasn't Hillary, now his more faithful are leaving him behind. If he carries on as he has started, and especially if the Healthcare plan goes through, then slowly but surely his core base will start to desert him as well. Then he will only be left with the right wing racists, the complete loons and the fecking thick and stupid & the evangelicals, and all it needs for them to leave is another sex scandal that i'm sure isn't too far away. His approval rating has dipped under 40% now and his own party has started attacking him, he has responded by attacking them and hanging Paul Ryan out to dry. This is all going to get fecking ugly and I strongly recommend everyone going out and buying those silly hats that hold beer cans or bottles of spirits and also buying shit loads of popcorn. It's going off!

He's put a good bit of effort into that sign.
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