The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I really wonder what these people's core values are at home or at heart. The complete lack of empathy and humanity is shocking.

Yeah, that's what saddens me too. I just don't get it, although have met people like it, just have to cherish those that aren't a little more.

He's put a good bit of effort into that sign.

:lol: Some of the replies are really quite funny, but some are just plain nasty and completely uncalled for, a real shame, as they overshadow the decency and honesty of the gesture and the good humour in some of the replies.

And still wore that stupid hat.

:lol: Yeah, I think just to kind of make his point though. As one of the replies said, it would have been better if he had crossed the "Great" out.
Btw, Kate Bolduan is a pretty shitty host?

She seems like not listening or looking bored or not being able to speak straight or something else is going on etc.

Just wondering how on earth she is still working for CNN like that. Or maybe I am clueless in that field.
Trump said that he want's to "break up the ninth circuit" What the feck? He's as out of control as he is completely out of his fecking mind. Surely he can't do that? Just when you think he literally cannot be anymore inflammatory and confrontational he just goes and takes it to the next level. What next? Disbanding Congress? Unfeckingbelievable!
He isn't the 1st. Republicans have spoken for a long time about breaking up the 9th circuit...lessening the 'area' it covers and making it less influential.
He isn't the 1st. Republicans have spoken for a long time about breaking up the 9th circuit...lessening the 'area' it covers and making it less influential.

Yeah, I've heard it mentioned before, just not as vehemently as Trump. It's perfectly clear he wants to do it to remove something that can oppose his power and curb things he attempts to do.

I'm not sure if there is much in this, especially given his apparent hatred of Chi-NA, but knowing Trump that could be why, a huge bluff to hide from the actual truth.
And he's not alone. It's started, millions of Trump supporters have left already, the independents went first, then the Republicans who only voted for him because he wasn't Hillary, now his more faithful are leaving him behind. If he carries on as he has started, and especially if the Healthcare plan goes through, then slowly but surely his core base will start to desert him as well. Then he will only be left with the right wing racists, the complete loons and the fecking thick and stupid & the evangelicals, and all it needs for them to leave is another sex scandal that i'm sure isn't too far away. His approval rating has dipped under 40% now and his own party has started attacking him, he has responded by attacking them and hanging Paul Ryan out to dry. This is all going to get fecking ugly and I strongly recommend everyone going out and buying those silly hats that hold beer cans or bottles of spirits and also buying shit loads of popcorn. It's going off!

I've always been interested in politics, but this is some real life version of House of Cards. The people who did not vote for him (and pretty much the rest of the world) knew he was a lying charlatan and could see this happening. The interesting thing is though: How will his perceived allies act? We know the GOP did not really want him, and this shitshow could really damage their reputation for a long time. As you said, Drumpf is more than willing to sacrifice Ryan in order to save his own arse, and i can't imagine many GOP politicians being happy about that.

We've all seen how childish he gets when critiqued and put under pressure and imo there is just a matter of time before he says or does something really stupid for the public to see. Then you have all the fishy business: His taxes, the Russia ties, but imo the worst one is sacking Preet Bharara after it was known he was looking into Trump and that wiretapping bollocks.

I actually sought out and tried to engange with some Trump-supporter online on r/theDonald on reddit and /pol/ on 4chan and it was no use. On reddit they will just call you a **** and ban you and on 4chan they will just call you a **** and post anime. The only reasonable response i got was that "the stock market was improving", but when i pointed out that had been an ongoing trend they just went back to calling me a ****

Only thing you can conclude from this is that the leak doesn't come from the I.R.S. but from Trump's side, but to somehow interpret it as a hint on the leaker's intention or origin just seems wrong.
I interpret this as 'Look at this one year where I contributed loadsa tax, no I am not showing the last ten years where I have contributed feck all'.
I interpret this as 'Look at this one year where I contributed loadsa tax, no I am not showing the last ten years where I have contributed feck all'.

but he already said that he was too smart to pay tax so whats the problem? :)

maybe he's hiding them because he paid loadsa tax and he doesn't want to ruin his reputation about being too smart to pay tax
It's a reasonable theory that he leaked them himself to keep the news away from other stories. The same as last week when he Tweeted about Obama tapping his phone to keep the press from reporting about Sessions and Russia, and it worked. The US media are easily distracted and don't seem to be able to go for the kill like the UK press do. However, one thing you can suspect from those tax reports is that they do not appear to be the tax reports of a billionaire, and certainly not a multiple billionaire as he claims to be.
but he already said that he was too smart to pay tax so whats the problem? :)

maybe he's hiding them because he paid loadsa tax and he doesn't want to ruin his reputation about being too smart to pay tax

It's a reasonable theory that he leaked them himself to keep the news away from other stories. The same as last week when he Tweeted about Obama tapping his phone to keep the press from reporting about Sessions and Russia, and it worked. The US media are easily distracted and don't seem to be able to go for the kill like the UK press do. However, one thing you can suspect from those tax reports is that they do not appear to be the tax reports of a billionaire, and certainly not a multiple billionaire as he claims to be.

This guy creates deflections for previous deflections. Surely his mind cant keep track of them to stitch the moves together like some Russian Chess Master.
He cant be that stupid that eventually, people dont take him seriously anymore. But I guess he wont bother as long as he is making money one way or another. Respect is easily compromised in order to make more money.

At 70, you would imagine he would have learnt a few things in life in terms of priorities by now.
This guy creates deflections for previous deflections. Surely his mind cant keep track of them to stitch the moves together like some Russian Chess Master.

Oh I agree, and he does feck up, regularly, it's just it always goes unpunished. He's like he's made of Teflon because nothing ever seems to stick to him. Hopefully it will soon though and hopefully it will be something that takes him down, permanently.

He cant be that stupid that eventually, people dont take him seriously anymore. But I guess he wont bother as long as he is making money one way or another. Respect is easily compromised in order to make more money.

He's greedy and stupid, and he's absolutely scamming the feck out of every department in the government and he's also making a fortune throughout his hotels and other business interests, the ones he's supposed to have put in a blind trust. How it's being allowed is beyond me, I just hope it's being logged so it can be used to take him down sometime. It's a delicate subject, and it has to be done in the right way, a lot of his supporters have guns and a lot are extremely angry and not very bright, if it was handled in the wrong way it could be a disaster and could cost a lot of lives.

At 70, you would imagine he would have learnt a few things in life in terms of priorities by now.

Me, myself and I. He's proved he only cares about himself.
Proposed cuts to discretionary spending


Most of the money will be redirected to - Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security & Defense

The following will no longer receive funding -

The proposal would also eliminate funding for nearly 20 smaller independent agencies, including the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Legal Services Corporation, which finances legal aid groups.
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Oh I agree, and he does feck up, regularly, it's just it always goes unpunished. He's like he's made of Teflon because nothing ever seems to stick to him. Hopefully it will soon though and hopefully it will be something that takes him down, permanently.

He's greedy and stupid, and he's absolutely scamming the feck out of every department in the government and he's also making a fortune throughout his hotels and other business interests, the ones he's supposed to have put in a blind trust. How it's being allowed is beyond me, I just hope it's being logged so it can be used to take him down sometime. It's a delicate subject, and it has to be done in the right way, a lot of his supporters have guns and a lot are extremely angry and not very bright, if it was handled in the wrong way it could be a disaster and could cost a lot of lives.

Me, myself and I. He's proved he only cares about himself.

The sad thing is that after he is out, the office of POTUS will be severely weaken and you have the Congress with their dysfunctionality trying to run the show. More stagnation.
Its like the beginnings of the end of the Roman Empire.
I can imagine at least half of these cuts being thrown back at him and being rejected by Congress. But, I can see the elimination for the arts funding going through.
How much hit has his credibility taken now travel ban no 2 has also been halted by the courts?

Do any of his voters thinks he is looking like a lame obese duck?

Having a daughter myself, I have to say this is wrong on so many levels. I've seen the pic before and always thought it was off. You can see the bloke who has nicked one of @Dwazza's cardigans thinking what the feck is Trump up to but at the same time perving Ivanka and wishing he was in Trump's place.

:lol: cardigans? I haven't worn a cardigan in twenty odd years.
At least 'you' weren't dressed like Trump, who appears to be the captain of The Love Boat, chief.
That's bound to be some minimum wage social media guy who just got a better job.

'Hacked' is the standard excuse for anything these days.
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