The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump must really hate Hawaii at this point.
Robart changing his mind on it worries me, though.
Surprised this hasn't been posted

“Wiretap covers a lot of different things,” Trump tells Carlson. “I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next 2 weeks.”

What i am leaning to is incidental collection being used by the intel agencies.

Basically FBI have wiretapped Russia spies and Kremlin officials communications and they've been in contact with Trump/associates and them communications were listened in on.

This is whats got Trump all angry and he's being ignorant/clueless to the bugging claims and he thinks they were directly bugging him and his teams communications.

This could be what Trump's alluding to in this article.
FYI - this huge march in London on Saturday will get hijacked by Trump/BrExit bashing, if anyone wants to indulge. I'm going to take photos and scream some obscenities.

Saturday 18th Martch, 2017
Assemble 12 noon @ Portland Place,
March to Parliament Square

As Theresa May prepares to trigger Article 50 with 'Hard Brexit' while contributing to the toxic scapegoating of migrants, let's send a powerful anti-racist message:

• Refugees & Migrants Welcome
• No to the Muslim Ban
• Defend EU Migrants right to stay
• No to Racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism
• Stand up to Trump
• Defend Free Movement

Speakers include:
Shami Chakrabarti, Shadow Attorney General • David Lammy MP • Frances O'Grady, TUC Gen Sec • Sally Hunt, UCU Gen Sec • Kevin Courtney, NUT Gen Sec • Matt Wrack, FBU Gen Sec • Roger Mckenzie, UNISON Ass Sec • Shakira Martin, NUS VPFE • Azad Ali, Mend • Dr Siema Iqbal • David Rosenberg, Jewish Socialists' Group • Moazzam Begg, CAGE • Janet Alder, Christoper Alder Campaign • Shannon Davis, London Women's March • Maz Saleem, Stand Up to Trump • Clare Moseley, Care4Calais • Tommy Tomescu, Europeans Party • Kate Hudson, CND • Marvina Newton • Sabby Dhalu & Weyman Bennett, Stand Up To Racism Plus speakers from Stop The War Coalition and Peoples Assembly.
Comments on that tweet say it's not a final ruling on it, just not applying the first injunction to the second bill.
Ah, so whilst it may have addressed the problems of the first ruling, new ones may still have been created elsewhere? Interesting. Still veering more towards @Neutral's sense that the admin will ram it through on appeal (I have no legal training so that's just hunch a based on bad things happening often).
I didn't read your post properly and initially only watched 0:45 to 1:45. The longest minute of my entire life.
:lol::lol::lol: Best thing ever.
What i am leaning to is incidental collection being used by the intel agencies.

Basically FBI have wiretapped Russia spies and Kremlin officials communications and they've been in contact with Trump/associates and them communications were listened in on.

This is whats got Trump all angry and he's being ignorant/clueless to the bugging claims and he thinks they were directly bugging him and his teams communications.

This could be what Trump's alluding to in this article.
That would make some sense if trump wasn't literally so specific about the incident in his tweets as he was. He said Obama had his phones tapped. Even after saying he was wire tapped trump said Obama had his phones tapped in trump tower. there's nothing ambiguous in that statement. He's just back peddling and when he gets called to testify infront of the senate Lindsay Graham will have a field day with him
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