The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I actually think that she has lost some credibility a long time ago. During the campaign, she had Conway on her show. Few days after that, Maddow said that Conway lied to her face and looked upset about it. Guess what, later on, she had her again... lying to her face.

Maddow keeps talking and talking, and I simply can't stand this anymore (and I like MSNBC, or at least did until Summer 2015). She helped Trump yesterday.

I think as the show went on the was embarrassed at what they uncovered. It was no smoking gun or anything to get worked up about. So a rich guy found a way to pay less taxes...what's the surprise there?
Comey wont be publicly speaking today, but will testify next week.

I can't help but think that the Comey/investigation story and all the tax return stuff is intended to set the media up when there's very little scandal to be had so that people like me (who want to see Trump get fecked) end up feeling dejected. It would make sense for Trump's administration to build up these stories, let everyone think that he's the devil in disguise, wait for the press to build the stories up, and then when the information is released it's nothing but a wet fart.

Well, it makes sense to me. But then again I thought Inception was just about a dream within a dream within a dream so...
Doesn't matter anyway, his testimony has already been leaked. I couldn't quite make it out, but a Russian speaker translated it as "nothing to see here".


I can't help but think that the Comey/investigation story and all the tax return stuff is intended to set the media up when there's very little scandal to be had so that people like me (who want to see Trump get fecked) end up feeling dejected. It would make sense for Trump's administration to build up these stories, let everyone think that he's the devil in disguise, wait for the press to build the stories up, and then when the information is released it's nothing but a wet fart.

Well, it makes sense to me. But then again I thought Inception was just about a dream within a dream within a dream so...

You give Trump and his team far too much credit if you think they are capable of hatching a plan like that. There's far too much suspicious behaviour/coincidences for there not to be a major scandal to have occurred.

Obama and his team clearly thought something dodgy was going on. Before he left office, White House rushed to preserve and then distribute intelligence because they were worried the evidence would be destroyed.

They also sent Senator Cardin secret documents about Russia interfering in elections just days before Trump took over.
An Associate Director since then would probably pip him.
Yeah, but that's like saying Mike Phelan is more influential that David Moyes. (To keep our analogy going)
Or maybe like certain legendary centre backs leaking line-ups to the press.
Looks like the walls are closing in.

Trump --> Roger Stone <--> Guccifer --> GRU -- Assange -- GRU <--> Putin

Jeff Sessions said:
I realize this may be an unfashionable belief in a time of growing tolerance of drug use. But too many lives are at stake to worry about being fashionable. I reject the idea that America will be a better place if marijuana is sold in every corner store. And I am astonished to hear people suggest that we can solve our heroin crisis by legalizing marijuana – so people can trade one life-wrecking dependency for another that’s only slightly less awful. Our nation needs to say clearly once again that using drugs will destroy your life.

Anyone else wanna try heroin?
A tax that directly goes to the religious congregation you are in. In Germany it is additional 8 or 9 % (depends on where you live in Germany) on your tax (of the tax, not of the income).

We are not the only country that has it. There is a Wikipedia article about it...

So like an enforced tithing? Seems ridiculous.
I wonder if he's ever drank coffee or bourbon or...

I remember seeing in the Michael Moore documentary that Portugal has no illegal drugs.

Decriminilised - you can have 1g of Heroin on your person without getting arrested but they will still take it off you and send you to some anti-drugs course apparently. Still, 1g is enough for me.
Decriminilised - you can have 1g of Heroin on your person without getting arrested but they will still take it off you and send you to some anti-drugs course apparently. Still, 1g is enough for me.

Looks like the walls are closing in.

Trump --> Roger Stone <--> Guccifer --> GRU -- Assange -- GRU <--> Putin

He's claiming someone did a hit and run on his car today. He also claimed a few weeks ago that someone tried to poison him :lol:
So like an enforced tithing? Seems ridiculous.

No - more in the believe that a church is a community in which each of the members takes its fair share to finance the interests and goals of the community.

If I do not want to refer to a church I can declare my exit out of it. Then I do not have to pay the tax.
Kinell, watch this from McCain (you can skip between 0:45 and 1:45)

Kinell, watch this from McCain (you can skip between 0:45 and 1:45)

I have respect for John McCain in this instance for calling out another senator here. Randal Paul is showing a major democratic deficit when he runs off without at least attempting to explain why he objects. It seems to be a common trait amongst most of the Republicans to run when it gets tough.
Kinell, watch this from McCain (you can skip between 0:45 and 1:45)

I thought the summary was a but OTT but listening to the clip, fair enough.

I'm generally not interested in another cold war with Russia, mind. I don't think they're interested in much beyond a buffer zone in Europe.
New immigration order also been halted again?
Kinell, watch this from McCain (you can skip between 0:45 and 1:45)

Paul justified his objection later by citing the national debt, claiming that it would be further stretching the US' resources to also pledge to defend Montenegro.

So does he want Russia to overthrow the Montenegrin government (as they attempted previously) and set up a satellite state in the middle of the Balkans???

Meanwhile, here's what he's been up to...

"What if you bought your insurance through the NRA"
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