The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Snoop's new video features him pointing a toy gun at a clown called Ronald Klump.

It's a video Donald, get over it, nobody will be jailed for it.

Maybe you should challenge Snoop to a rap battle instead of typing mental tweets about it.
Most likely that he made a huge write off against tax a number of years ago that has resulted in him paying little or no tax. I suspect that this return was leaked to show that he did pay tax albeit not much compared to income and mainly due to a law that he is planning to repeal so this could backfire big time assuming that it is him or his flunkies that leaked it.

Distracting from the PR disaster of his health proposals and the new Muslim ban may be worth the risk in his eyes.

That may be one of the things in his returns, but that would not alarm his supporters and doubt that's a reason he's not releasing them. He boasted to 10s of millions of Americans at the presidential debate that he's smart by not paying taxes.

Its more about his ties to Russian oligarchs and shady dealings he's got going on.


Snoop's new video features him pointing a toy gun at a clown called Ronald Klump.

It's a video Donald, get over it, nobody will be jailed for it.

Maybe you should challenge Snoop to a rap battle instead of typing mental tweets about it.

and they used to be so civil towards each other

Hang on, this tax return is good ammunition for him surely isn't it? Even his son jumped on it. Why is he calling it fake news?

I bet he sent it in himself. It was probably his best years ever -- paid a decent amount of tax.

Anything to make him look like 'one of the world's most successful business man.'
Got a feeling Comey is going to come out and say FBI did investigate Trump's team but found no wrongdoing.

Hope i am wrong



Snoop's new video features him pointing a toy gun at a clown called Ronald Klump.

It's a video Donald, get over it, nobody will be jailed for it.

Maybe you should challenge Snoop to a rap battle instead of typing mental tweets about it.
Why is Snoop wearing Putin shades? Is that Jack Ruby I see in a wooly hat?
Got a feeling Comey is going to come out and say FBI did investigate Trump's team but found no wrongdoing.

Hope i am wrong

Yeah I've got a bad feeling about it to be honest. Announcing it like this it seems more likely that he's going to try and put the matter to bed. With the R's now getting bolder with their Obama claims and a well timed and carefully selected tax document leaked I think they're playing a hand.
They have nothing on him

Think its time to accept that

That's not strictly true. He paid 83% more tax due to LMA (or whatever its called), which just happens to be the legislation he's trying to abolish. In other words he's got a vested interest, lining his own pockets and other big corps
Wtf was Rachel Maddow thinking?

She played it badly.

I think her train of thought was...

1. Build hype and gain attention, get plenty of viewers watching and give more exposure as to why his Tax Returns are so important and why there is so much suspicion around him. (Also increase her ratings...)
2. You can't sit on this sort of thing. She's got a document from Trump's Tax returns, how else should she play it?*
3. Once she has explained what the document reveals and what it doesn't reveal, cast suspicion on where it came from. The journalist who received it is convinced it is straight from Trump.

I don't really think she had any other choice to be honest. She's a big name anchor for a huge news corp, I'd imagine her bosses would have been adamant she played it big.

*If she did have strong suspicions it came from the Trump team and they were the only ones that had it they should have sat on it and look for a provocation or reaction from the Trump team wondering why the hell it hadn't been released.
So just to get this right:
1. The tax return didn’t reveal anything bad, but makes Trump actually look okay
2. Now we need to construct additional conspiracy theories to spin it in a negative way
3. He leaked them himself
Am I right?
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So just to get this right:
1. The tax return didn’t reveal anything bad, but makes Trump actually look okay
2. Now we need to construct additional conspiracy theories, to still spin it in a negative way
3. He leaked them himself
Am I right?

If 1 is correct then why the feck didn't he just reveal them like every other president candidate has done. Bizarre. It's Trump though. So yeah.
So just to get this right:
1. The tax return didn’t reveal anything bad, but makes Trump actually look okay
2. Now we need to construct additional conspiracy theories, to still spin it in a negative way
3. He leaked them himself
Am I right?
1 major thing it revealed is he pays AMT which he wants to get rid of. Removal of AMT would have resulted in a 2-3% tax rate instead of 36.5%. He's goign to struggle to do away with AMT due to this leak.
So just to get this right:
1. The tax return didn’t reveal anything bad, but makes Trump actually look okay
2. Now we need to construct additional conspiracy theories, to still spin it in a negative way
3. He leaked them himself
Am I right?
He is of course clever. After all he is a president and billionaire.

I am not his supporter and I would be very disappointed at him and his team if they didn't do it themselves.

Unless they are in some deep shit that they can't get out no matter what, they would certainly come out better for his supporters atm.
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Leaking them himself makes zero sense. There's no upside.
Leaking them himself makes zero sense. There's no upside.
He is creating us against the world shit. His supporters have something to talk shit back at instead of being on defense.

At least for the moment.
This overreading into Maddow's reveal is getting tedious.

She got hands on tax returns of a president who has refused to release them. Of course the buildup will be huge.

The 2005 tax return summary isn't that damaging. So? For that year alone, there are hundreds of pages of schedules and state tax return information out there. And that doesn't cover all the other years that we haven't seen yet.

He's good for 2005 so far. Good on Maddow for reporting on it. Move on, maybe the next release will have something incriminating.
So just to get this right:
1. The tax return didn’t reveal anything bad, but makes Trump actually look okay
2. Now we need to construct additional conspiracy theories to spin it in a negative way
3. He leaked them himself
Am I right?

And he himself is calling it fake news, to make it more confusing.
If 1 is correct then why the feck didn't he just reveal them like every other president candidate has done. Bizarre. It's Trump though. So yeah.

Publishing one selective tax-report doesn’t tell the whole story. So this tax report doesn’t make up for not publishing the others during the campaign. I think the reasonable baseline assumption is, that he didn’t publish them because they would have made look him bad. That’s the most plausible interpretation.

I am just baffled, that we really reached the point where wild speculation and conspiracy theories are accepted by the mainstream as long as they focus on Trump. Every unconfirmed half-truth is getting accepted as gospel as long as it makes Trump look bad. In the past that was only done by partisan publications (like Fox, Breitbart, but now even yuuuge mainstream publications lie or fabricate facts in the same way. That’s a quite dangerous development, because it is difficult to put this genie back into its bottle.
This overreading into Maddow's reveal is getting tedious.

She got hands on tax returns of a president who has refused to release them. Of course the buildup will be huge.

The 2005 tax return summary isn't that damaging. So? For that year alone, there are hundreds of pages of schedules and state tax return information out there. And that doesn't cover all the other years that we haven't seen yet.

He's good for 2005 so far. Good on Maddow for reporting on it. Move on, maybe the next release will have something incriminating.
Surely the value of reporting this leak will only become apparent if/when Trump tries to abolish AMT? Maddow is taking some criticism today which I'm sure she would have expected but if she's playing the long game and this leak scuppers Trump's plan to give himself a hefty tax cut then I'm sure she'll feel pretty pleased with herself.
Surely the value of reporting this leak will only become apparent if/when Trump tries to abolish AMT? Maddow is taking some criticism today which I'm sure she would have expected but if she's playing the long game and this leak scuppers Trump's plan to give himself a hefty tax cut then I'm sure she'll feel pretty pleased with herself.
Trump has bigger issues to solve. Tax cutting might have to wait for a long time for some people to forget about it.

Plus i doubt people will care about it as much as their health bill.

For now this gives a lot of his supporters to attack/discredit her whose show has been getting good rating and contents on him lately.

It would certainly fit his agenda of fake news or shit unreliable news. He is creating that among some people as we know and this would reinforce that.

Pretty good play to me.
Maddow's messed it up big time. She's lost a lot of credibility with the way she handled this.
I actually think that she has lost some credibility a long time ago. During the campaign, she had Conway on her show. Few days after that, Maddow said that Conway lied to her face and looked upset about it. Guess what, later on, she had her again... lying to her face.

Maddow keeps talking and talking, and I simply can't stand this anymore (and I like MSNBC, or at least did until Summer 2015). She helped Trump yesterday.
Publishing one selective tax-report doesn’t tell the whole story. So this tax report doesn’t make up for not publishing the others during the campaign. I think the reasonable baseline assumption is, that he didn’t publish them because they would have made look him bad. That’s the most plausible interpretation.

I am just baffled, that we really reached the point where wild speculation and conspiracy theories are accepted by the mainstream as long as they focus on Trump. Every unconfirmed half-truth is getting accepted as gospel as long as it makes Trump look bad. In the past that was only done by partisan publications (like Fox, Breitbart, but now even yuuuge mainstream publications lie or fabricate facts in the same way. That’s a quite dangerous development, because it is difficult to put this genie back into its bottle.

yet what you are talking about is just the flipside of what Trump and his people are doing. Passing off bs as fact through WH press snippets and tweets and his gullible supporters are lapping it up
anyways, im surprised that there is any taxes paid at all. After all he's "too smart to pay taxes"

he's nothing but an oversized oompa loompa stuck on a big fat bum that's full of bs that gets emitted every couple of days.
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