The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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A GROUP CALLING ITSELF the One Nation Health Coalition is one of the only health care advocacy organizations heaping praise on House Speaker Paul Ryan’s health insurance overhaul legislation. It released a statement on Monday hailing the American Health Care Act (AHCA) as “built on the ABC’s of success,” and calling it a proposal that will “lower costs, expand access and increase choices by putting you — the individual — in charge.”

The organization has scored multiple television appearances on cable television over the last week, including on MSNBC and CNN. A press release quotes a column by Wall Street Journal opinion writer Kim Strassel claiming that the “fast growing” coalition is comprised of “elected officials, staffers, grass-roots groups, think tanks, trade associations, donors and corporations.”

Last week, when White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer argued that his party’s health care proposal enjoys broad levels of support, he listed conservative groups that “have been very supportive” of the GOP health care plan. One Nation Health Coalition was one of the four he named.

But citing the coalition as evidence of broad support is pure fantasy. The group doesn’t appear to have much of a membership or a following beyond a small handful of former Republican staff members, think-tank pundits and vendors brought together just for Ryan and his plan.

The organization has not released a membership list, conceals its website registration using an anonymous proxy site, and its foundation documents were registered last Tuesday, within 24 hours of the public release of the GOP health plan.

Requests for comment to One Nation Health Coalition Senior Adviser David Hoppe, a former lobbyist to health insurance firm Aon Corporation and former chief of staff to Speaker Ryan, were not returned.

The spokesperson for the group, John Hart, also a former Republican staff member, did not respond to a request for comment, either.
Shit, Ryan really getting picked apart here

Between the dreadful medical plan, the bad press and the WH looking like they are gearing up to cut him loose. Now this could all just die down and Ryan will be left where he is with a nasty stain on his track record, but the media should really keep pressing Trump on this. He talked big about healthcare during his campaign and if this shite is what they managed to cook up it means either: 1) Trump has no clue, 2) Trump was not involved at all 3) He endorses this, which would mean he lied through his teeth...again

i have no doubt that buffoon (Trump) will have no qualms about throwing him under the buss if this gets enough bad prass

If that happens though, how will the GOP react? Can't imagine they will be happy if they feel like the WH are willing to sacrifice their most prominent politicians to save their own skns
The GOP would have few qualms in sacrificing Ryan. Hopefully they'd soon realize the slippery slope they'd started upon however...
There is no way the tax return is a trump leak.

The story now emerging is that the legislation responsible for most of his taxation is one he is actively trying to remove. That is not a good look.


A two-page section of Trump’s tax return for 2005, which was published by MSNBC late on Tuesday, revealed that the president paid $38m in federal taxes on more than $150m in income in 2005.
But the documents also showed that about 82% of the total paid to the Internal Revenue Service that year by Trump and his wife, Melania, was incurred due to a tax that Trump has said should be abolished.

The “alternative minimum tax” (AMT), which was introduced to ensure the mega wealthy pay a fairer share of tax, comprised $31m of Trump’s tax bill compared to $5.3m in regular federal income tax. In the run-up to November’s election, Trump pledged to eliminate the AMT altogether, meaning the president campaigned for a change in the tax law that would have benefited him.
There is no way the tax return is a trump leak.

The story now emerging is that the legislation responsible for most of his taxation is one he is actively trying to remove. That is not a good look.


A two-page section of Trump’s tax return for 2005, which was published by MSNBC late on Tuesday, revealed that the president paid $38m in federal taxes on more than $150m in income in 2005.
But the documents also showed that about 82% of the total paid to the Internal Revenue Service that year by Trump and his wife, Melania, was incurred due to a tax that Trump has said should be abolished.

The “alternative minimum tax” (AMT), which was introduced to ensure the mega wealthy pay a fairer share of tax, comprised $31m of Trump’s tax bill compared to $5.3m in regular federal income tax. In the run-up to November’s election, Trump pledged to eliminate the AMT altogether, meaning the president campaigned for a change in the tax law that would have benefited him.

Hmm, I have some questions, some rhetorical..

Why is it a record from 2005 that has been leaked? Was the record a scanned hard copy or a digital copy? Are tax returns stored together, for example, with 2004, 2006, etc, or not? How can one record be obtained and not the others, was there a change in firm used or something?

I don't buy conspiracy theories but given how quick the white house were to react, analyse that specific return and release a statement, you can be forgiven for thinking it's a Trump leak. That said, I imagine they've already pulled all his records, gone over them, understood what looks good, what doesn't, maybe 2005 was the best of a bad bunch. It's late enough in the Trump timeline that Maddow would want to run with it, but old enough to give the "desperate media" rhetoric some credence. Potentially, very well played by the administration..
Maddow's messed it up big time. She's lost a lot of credibility with the way she handled this.
1) Has David Cay Johnston stated whether this is the only tax return info he's got?

2) Has he said when he received this info in the mail?
Maddow just told the guy to calm down when he says Melania involved in sleazy porn. Good on her.
Big mistake having David Cay Johnston on the show. Came across as a conspiracy baffoon gawfawing too much with pubescent glee.

Was virtually uncomfortable watching him being let out of his cage!
Maddow's messed it up big time. She's lost a lot of credibility with the way she handled this.
She realised that as the show went on. I wad quite impressed with her recent reports but this was a stretch too far. She be feeling like an idiot when she wakes up today
She realised that as the show went on. I wad quite impressed with her recent reports but this was a stretch too far. She be feeling like an idiot when she wakes up today

Imagine how she would act if she got handed something huge such as audio/video tapes involving evidence of collusion taking place between Trump team and Russia.

This was just a 2 page tax report and she managed to mess that up.
There is no way the tax return is a trump leak.

The story now emerging is that the legislation responsible for most of his taxation is one he is actively trying to remove. That is not a good look.


A two-page section of Trump’s tax return for 2005, which was published by MSNBC late on Tuesday, revealed that the president paid $38m in federal taxes on more than $150m in income in 2005.
But the documents also showed that about 82% of the total paid to the Internal Revenue Service that year by Trump and his wife, Melania, was incurred due to a tax that Trump has said should be abolished.

The “alternative minimum tax” (AMT), which was introduced to ensure the mega wealthy pay a fairer share of tax, comprised $31m of Trump’s tax bill compared to $5.3m in regular federal income tax. In the run-up to November’s election, Trump pledged to eliminate the AMT altogether, meaning the president campaigned for a change in the tax law that would have benefited him.

That isn't much of a reason for it not to be a leak given the lack of foresight his team have demonstrated thus far.

I mean, of course they leaked it. What possible reason would someone have to release it otherwise? It shows he pays his taxes while offering no actual details into his affairs, and magically shows up in the mailbox of a guy who's known Trump for 30 years and written a book about him :lol:

Especially when you consider that without that law, trump's tax level would have been around 3%.

remember, because he lives in his businesses, he doesn't even pay property taxes at the state level, as they will be a deductible business expense. His entire life is constructed to avoid taxation, and he still wants to pay less.
Lol! Went to bed thinking I'd wake up to some big story. Why is it the 2005 report that got leaked?
What a let down.
Especially when you consider that without that law, trump's tax level would have been around 3%.

remember, because he lives in his businesses, he doesn't even pay property taxes at the state level, as they will be a deductible business expense. His entire life is constructed to avoid taxation, and he still wants to pay less.
name me any business person who does not think like this

If they dont, they should
Maddow said the letter came in Johnston's post "the other day".

This was leaked by Trump himself.

It paints Trump in a good light and it happens to just mysteriously arrive in the post at a time the backlash against his healthcare bill is growing.
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Maddow said the letter came in Johnston's post "the other day".

This was leaked by Trump himself.

It paints Trump in a good light and it happens to just mysteriously arrive in the post at a time the backlash against his healthcare bill is growing.
Schoolboy error. She should have held it for a bit.
They have nothing on him

Think its time to accept that

I don't believe that for a second. There's so much smoke right now it's impossible that there isn't a fire, more likely a series of fires. I think the most likely thing happening right now is Republican's in Congress sticking their oar in to slow things down until they've used Trump to push their own agenda through.
I don't believe that for a second. There's so much smoke right now it's impossible that there isn't a fire, more likely a series of fires. I think the most likely thing happening right now is Republican's in Congress sticking their oar in to slow things down until they've used Trump to push their own agenda through.
I dont doubt there is something that could bring him down

But I dont think they have anything
People will when he releases his full tax returns and it shows no dodgy business. He's hiding something in his returns and you wonder what that is.

Most likely that he made a huge write off against tax a number of years ago that has resulted in him paying little or no tax. I suspect that this return was leaked to show that he did pay tax albeit not much compared to income and mainly due to a law that he is planning to repeal so this could backfire big time assuming that it is him or his flunkies that leaked it.

Distracting from the PR disaster of his health proposals and the new Muslim ban may be worth the risk in his eyes.
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