The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Much ado about nothing?

The way there was a statement released by the WH, this could very well be a leak or something from within the Trump camp to sort of control the narrative over the next few news cycles.
Much ado about nothing?

The way there was a statement released by the WH, this could very well be a leak or something from within the Trump camp to sort of control the narrative over the next few news cycles.

That's one theory, although they would be morons to do it as it has only reintroduced the tax issue back into the public narrative again after it went dormant for a good while.
Well, boo.

At least we've got Comey! When has Comey ever let us down before.
Looks like I was right as they are calling him out on that.
You're right, WH were way too quick with there response. How could they get the right information and then formulate a (rubbish) press release so quickly?

Smells like they set it up. Uffff ... bet Denald is pissing himself
David Cay Johnson is too much of a conspiracy nut.

This is getting embarrassing ... Maddow losing control of interview and plot.

Feels like playing Barcelona in CL final.. started out with hope and excitement but you soon realise you're utterly screwed.
That's one theory, although they would be morons to do it as it has only reintroduced the tax issue back into the public narrative again after it went dormant for a good while.

Yes true but this is from 2005 and probably the least worst thing that can come out.
Trump camp control the narrative and they can "come clean" in front of his followers claiming he did nothing wrong.

Just a thought that's all..
Would be typical if they've leaked this themselves to stop people from getting too close.

Wonder what this year's returns will show.

Also you poor Americans, you get so many adverts and they're all horrible.
Struggling to see a reason for Trumpers leaking it, other than as a practical joke to make me follow a Maddow show.
Struggling to see a reason for Trumpers leaking it, other than as a practical joke to make me follow a Maddow show.

Distraction technique and somewhat positive light on his tax returns. Although as has been pointed out, that tax rate is not high enough for that income and that income is not high enough for a billionaire.

If he has leaked it himself, and it's very likely IMO as (I said earlier) the response was far too quick. I don't believe for a second that anyone in the Trump organisation has that quick access to that paperwork. Too big a security risk.
If team Drumpf leaked this then they are really smarter than we give them credit for.

Maddow caught it hook line and sinker.

they've been in the criminal money business for decades and gotten away with it and he became president - Of course they are smart!
I'm going with not a trump leak.

103,000,000 in other income. I think we'll see that described better in the coming weeks.

If it's not Trump side why just two pages which contain very little information?
Android Mike Tyson, it's what the new look US Army is going to be based around. One of the prototype's circuits frazzled during a test Trump was at and it went for him.
Gotta hand it to Trump and his people...Maddow got played hard. So desperate for a scoop - summary of tax returns from over a decade ago :lol:

Don Jr. trolling her mercilessly on twitter
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Maddow told O'Donnell that her team requested for comment on the 2005 return to the WH and got nothing. Yet the WH then later released a presser, that's how they had it prepared so quickly.
Need the "Time for some game theory" guy to weigh in.
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