The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Did someone mention that the tax rate in HK is 15% and healthcare is almost free?
Education supposedly is too, but anyone with even a little money goes private.
Did you ever make the same paycheck and own the same properties in another country? Because you made a comparative statement.

Born and raised in the UK. Have lived in similar property and paid council tax on it (still paying). Never worked in the UK, but have seen plenty of paychecks which I can compare.
It was known but the audio was just released. Once the healthcare bill fails, Drumpf being the irresponsible coward that he is, will no doubt attempt to deflect the blame by blaming the GOPs in Congress, by way of Bannon's dirty tricks.

Read the Breitbart article I linked and posted last night, that's when they announced the leak of the audio tape too. I bolded the part where they talk about completely replacing Ryan as speaker of the house. It's 100% clear that because DonCare is getting absolutely panned by both sides and hammered in the media AND does not contain many of the promises he made pre-election, that Ryan is going to be the fall guy for the whole thing. As I said earlier, this lot are fecking evil and even eat their own young. This is only the beginning too, everyone is worried about who and when Trump will get impeached, I think he will probably be taken out by one of his own after he has taken down 90% of his cabinet. Each one has been employed because of how much they donated and how much Trump has on each one of them. This shit is getting nasty.
I've tried to do this a few times myself. Lots of different taxes in the USA. Fed, state, county, city are obvious ones. Then start to add ss, Medicare, Medicaid, school tax, house tax, municipal tax, HOA fees (if they include things like snow removal), fees (aka taxes) on phones/TV/internet for things like 911.

Now start to consider the cost of things covered in Europe like healthcare and education.

Difficult analysis!

The same is true for other countries as well. It was an honest question. The data I know suggests that the claim is not true, but I am open for the possibility, that too many items are excluded. That’s why I was asking; anecdotal evidence is not particularly convincing.

Coming back to my initial contribution. Just looking at healthcare costs obscures the fact, that the us-system is fairly innovative (compared to the size of the market) and this proliferates around the world. The US system is still fairly inefficient and needs to be fixed, but it “just” looking at the cost is not telling the whole story.

The really big decision that the us should make is to either fully move towards Universal health care and pick one system (e.g. Single-payer healthcare in UK/Candada or CNHI in Switzerland, Germany, ACA) or the government should give individuals the power to insure themselves without tying it to employment. That’s the big question that no politician is willing to answer publicly. The ACA was a big step towards universal health care without really reforming the system completely. Obama didn’t think that was political feasible. The ACA creates a path-dependency towards that
15 words -

White Nationalist/Neo Nazi slogans

14 words -
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

14 words -
"Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."

Hitler's 88 words -
What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility

Glad I didn't read that just before going to bed. :eek:
15 words -

White Nationalist/Neo Nazi slogans

14 words -
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

14 words -
"Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."

Hitler's 88 words -
What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility is always a fun ride!
They're now claiming Obama bypassed all the US intel agencies and turned to GCHQ to conduct surveillance on Trump :lol::lol:

They're now claiming Obama bypassed all the US intel agencies and turned to GCHQ to conduct surveillance on Trump :lol::lol:

"There may never be any proof"

fecking hell, Obama needs to sue the fecking shit out of these people.
Los Trumpistas

"We think we know the archetypal Trump voter. He is white, male, blue-collar, frustrated and angry. But is that really the case? Are these the only people that will be voting for the Republican candidate? Trump has defied all predictions and surprised media and commenters more than once. Now it is time to meet some of his most unexpected supporters, the Latinos for Trump.

Although his virulent anti-immigration stance, his promise of building a wall along the Southern border (and getting Mexico to pay for it), and his outright racist comments about Latinos make "Donald" a very improbable champion of the Hispanic community, that is only part of the picture. A quick tour of Facebook pages, forums and blogs reveals a more complex reality.

It has previously been observed that first-and second-generation immigrants who manage to attain the "American Dream" tend frequently to become conservative, and even to develop an anti-immigration stance. Riverboom's Edoardo Delille and Giulia Piermartiri are on the road this summer to meet the Latinos pledging their vote to the most unexpected Republican candidate in the last century.

All of the subjects that are portrayed are also interviewed about their goals, desires and fears. e best way to try and understand the Trump dilemma is to meet those who will vote for him in November.

Ladies and gentlemen Los Trumpistas!"
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Is Seema Verma Muslim?

Many people on Twitter were claiming she was, but Ive always thought Verma was a purely Hindu name?
I'd never heard of her. To answer your question Seema is an Arabic or Urdu derived name.

Edit: The surname Verma is popular in Punjab India
Can't help but think it's gonna be a let down.
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