The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yes, which means it's not likely to be about her ethics or wherewithal but electoral chances. Seeing that R incumbents on Clinton districts are few and far in between, it doesn't affect Ryan's ability to whip enough votes for major legislations (he can afford to lose about 20, taking absentations and vacancies into account)

The bill is dead on arrival. It may not even make it out of committee.
By the sounds of it they're not making a big deal out of it on air so far, which you'd think they would if this was in any way explosive.
Trump probably doesn't know what she has yet, so he along with the rest of the world will be watching.

If she is trolling for viewers, she will be toast. But Im sure she is not that stupid.

But then again, the journalist that brings Trump down will be feted in Democrat Neo Liberal land forever more.
well she did in depth reports on Trump links to Russia Tycoon and Tampa Bay property so she knows the subject better than most.

You know, just thought of this, but with plenty of reporters ready to take this asshat down it's possible she's the one with a big enough audience and name to push it through after it was passed along to her.

Or could be a double agent bullshit planted by someone within Trump's side which would be devastating.
The bill is dead on arrival. It may not even make it out of committee.

Obamacare in particular inflames the crazies, but they will be more amenable to tax cuts, military spending, the whole Randian shebangs. His agenda will be advanced or stopped by the Freedom Caucus with their 40 votes, not the odd weak incumbents like the one in your tweet.
Obamacare in particular inflames the crazies, but they will be more amenable to tax cuts, military spending, the whole Randian shebangs. His agenda will be advanced or stopped by the Freedom Caucus with their 40 votes, not the odd weak incumbents like the one in your tweet.

Its a combination of both the freedom caucus and the moderates. Together they will sandwhich Trump and Ryan's healthcare strategy into an untenable position that can't advance past the house or senate. If they capitulate to the freedom caucus demands, they will lose Trump (pre-existing conditions, medicare etc), and if they go too far to the center, they will lose both the freedom caucus and many other GOPers who don't want to commit political suicide in the lead up to a mid term year. In either case, they won't succeed in moving ahead.
Does this, if true, make Maddow's scoop important or unimportant?

Any tax releases from Trump are important, although one would need all of them to form a cogent picture about things like debts to foreign (Russian) banks or other foreign entities he may be beholden to. If we're lucky, Drumpf might scramble for his smart phone to rant about who leaked his taxes or fake news etc.
Confirmed by herself

She's cooling it a little. Probably realised how damaging a damp squib could be to her. I'm guess they've got something though otherwise it wouldn't be worth reporting.

"We have his tax returns!"

"Nothing really to say about them"
Its a combination of both the freedom caucus and the moderates. Together they will sandwhich Trump and Ryan's healthcare strategy into an untenable position that can't advance past the house or senate. If they capitulate to the freedom caucus demands, they will lose Trump (pre-existing conditions, medicare etc), and if they go too far to the center, they will lose both the freedom caucus and many other GOPers who don't want to commit political suicide in the lead up to a mid term year. In either case, they won't succeed in moving ahead.

I'm not talking about the healthcare bill in particular, it's basically dead with Rand Paul+Lisa Murkowski+1 in the Senate anyway, so whether it passes the House or not have no bearing on the overall situation. However, whether it's Ryan or someone else, the GOP has a lot of leeway to pass bills even with defections and they will do it. We are deluding ourselves if we think Dems can get anywhere close to majority in 2018 with the way the map is drawn and midterm turnout.

Also, healthcare is a much more emotive issue that can be capitalized on by the opposition compare to the boring details tucked somewhere in the hundreds of page of annual budget appropriations bill (and watch the crazies fall in line when Don raises the debt ceiling).
She's cooling it a little. Probably realised how damaging a damp squib could be to her. I'm guess they've got something though otherwise it wouldn't be worth reporting.

"We have his tax returns!"

"Nothing really to say about them"

Yep definitely. Her first tweet was obviously a bit over the top.
Still it's quite encouraging that they can get access to some of it. More could follow.
Still it's quite encouraging that they can get access to some of it. More could follow.

With all the leaks going about, I wouldn't be surprised if someone from the IRS leaked them.

Needless to say, I doubt we would ever see them from Assange.
BTW, this could wind up being an even bigger shit week for Trump than previously thought. Botched healthcare roll out, Comey goes public, and someone publishes part of his taxes.
The thread title needs changing.
'Presidency', needs to be swapped for 'dictatorship' or any of the other similar synonyms.
Coz it's not acting like anything based on any constitutional law, but more like a fascist or (ironically) communist state.
The thread title needs changing.
'Presidency', needs to be swapped for 'dictatorship' or any of the other similar synonyms.
Coz it's not acting like anything based on any constitutional law, but more like a fascist or (ironically) communist state.

'Putin Presidency thread' might be more accurate.
BTW, this could wind up being an even bigger shit week for Trump than previously thought. Botched healthcare roll out, Comey goes public, and someone publishes part of his taxes.
Ultimate question is: Do all these matter? To Trump they don't really matter. He gets away with everything. Things that bother him, he swats it away or rants on Twitter. Whatever.
Tax returns tonight, investigation tomorrow.

This could be one of those moments where you'll never forget where you were.

Either that or a complete shitshow where Trump comes out looking absolutely impervious.

I'm assuming that you're thinking this is a biggie, then? Obviously tax returns looks a bit milder than we thought (although still helpful) but this looks pretty massive if true.
Your not kidding. They won't be investigating him on a whim so the very fact an investigation like this is warranted would be huge for a President.

Will also be very interesting to see if Trump goes after them or not.
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