The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The picture was apparently taken by another microwave inside Trump tower.
"I think there's no question that the Obama administration, that there were actions about surveillance and other activities that occurred in the 2016 election," Spicer said. "The President used the word wiretaps in quotes to mean, broadly, surveillance and other activities."

Sean Spicer on Trumps tapppppppping tweet.
You have to admit, he hides the dog collar well when he's making these statements.
What the fcuk is America playing at? I mean really.

The whole concept of citizens of any free and prosperous nation living in the knowledge that getting sick can bankrupt them is abhorrent.

Why is it so easy to get American people to vote against their own best interests?

We are talking about the most giving nation on earth. They give to charity at a rate that nobody else does. Yet they can't get their heads around something as simple as universal basic healthcare. Because it really is simple. It's not complex. The mechanics are complex but the principle is as simple as any single issue.

They deserve what's coming to them.
The replacement bill is so bad that i would call it an attack on the ordinary citizens of America. The consequences for the poor and elderly will have disastrous results. This republican party with Trump in charge certainly can´t call them selves patriots as being a patriot means you love the people of the country. I really feel sorry for the people that will bear the brunt of the republican replacement plan but this only highlights the need to stay strong and positive. People have to stand up and be counted for when events like this happen and fight hard but peaceful to turn things around in the future. There are no easy way to deal with it but energy and a fighting spirit.

I honestly believe that this replacement bill will help the progressive agenda long term if people like Bernie Sanders can get the grass root movement going on in more republican dominated states. The need to high light the impact of the replacement plan on peoples live will be important and consistently doing so too until people start to realize the republicans won´t do a thing to help them. I just hope that progressive politicians will focus on policy making and positivity going forward rather than pointless blaming on a local level. The progressive politicians need to get people on side with the progressive political thinking and blaming those that voted Trump will only make it harder to build bridges. It will be essential to reach out to people rather than demonize them if things are going be turned around long term.

I honestly believe that America will learn from this going forward. It will be a painful lesson for many but a necessary one. I can only recommend to Americans on our board to stay strong and put in the effort that is needed to turn it around. You guys and ladies can do it.
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Why is it so easy to get American people to vote against their own best interests?
Because people are too lazy to educate themselves.

A 2014 Kizer study found...
Annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage reached $16,834 this year, up 3 percent from last year, with workers on average paying $4,823 towards the cost of their coverage

Say you make $100,000 a year combined as a family, that's putting you spending nearly half your income on taxes and healthcare.

The argument against universal healthcare using "higher taxes" becomes void imo when you actually look at the numbers.

The tax rate at married filing jointly with a $100,000 income is "$10,367.50 plus 25% of the amount over $75,300".

I'm curious to know what tax rates are in your countries so I can compare the tax payment + insurance payment to what you're getting.
On the official POTUS account too, and he's using 'BAD!' to describe stuff. fecking hell.
I think it's worse than that, and his staffers are copying the style of his personal account.
On the official POTUS account too, and he's using 'BAD!' to describe stuff. fecking hell.

Yeah, it's disgraceful, I think he may have logged in to the wrong account though, seems strange as to why he just used that one out of the blue. He's like a child, he really is.
People who would have voted for her had morals and wanted to be symbolic so stayed home or voted third party since they thought she'd win. She won the nomination. DNC favoured her slightly but the Dem votes even more so. She crushed Sanders. People were just butthurt.
Exactly, it almost seems the Sanders clan are happy with Trump winning so they can moan about it for another few years. :rolleyes:
Because people are too lazy to educate themselves.

A 2014 Kizer study found...

Say you make $100,000 a year combined as a family, that's putting you spending nearly half your income on taxes and healthcare.

The argument against universal healthcare using "higher taxes" becomes void imo when you actually look at the numbers.

The tax rate at married filing jointly with a $100,000 income is "$10,367.50 plus 25% of the amount over $75,300".

I'm curious to know what tax rates are in your countries so I can compare the tax payment + insurance payment to what you're getting.

A slightly outdated (2012) attempt:


On a side note... am I the only maniac that who would be tempted by the idea of going without insurance?
Because people are too lazy to educate themselves.

I'm curious to know what tax rates are in your countries so I can compare the tax payment + insurance payment to what you're getting.

Too true.

I'm not saying that the UK is perfect but it works. As a very crass across the board calculation it costs every UK citizen around $4k a year. Peanuts.

I'll happily pay a sum I never see in my pocket from working age to death into the collective pot. If I never need it, who cares? If I need it for 5 rounds of cancer, an amputation, rehab and physio... Sucks to be me.

I'm an idealist, sure. I'm downplaying/ignoring some issues absolutely.

But for the so called and self-proclaimed "Greatest nation on earth" to choose to line the pockets of industry instead of protect it's citizens... Insane.

America has one of the worst healthcare systems in the developed world. It's a nation of people where a huge percentage never look beyond their own borders to see just how much they're getting fcuked over. These people defend America not with knowledge, but through patriotism and pride.
I know a few who did this. One event from disaster. No second chances.

I probably wouldn't even do it if I had the option, but it tempts me a bit. What are the actual odds of having disease/accident that is survivable, yet costs upwards of $500k in treatment?

Actually, I checked the numbers and my healthcare is way too cheap. I was alarmed by Carolina Red's figures, but I pay nowhere near that. Could never argue that by piggy banking it and being lucky enough to avoid disaster I'd have enough saved to cover any issues.
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A slightly outdated (2012) attempt:


On a side note... am I the only maniac that who would be tempted by the idea of going without insurance?
So at $100k income (double the US avg), you'd pay roughly $17k in taxes and another $20k in insurance (on avg). That's basically 37% gone. Then add in state income tax and property tax (2 next largest taxes) and you're somewhere between 40-45% gone between taxes and healthcare. That's France to Belgium territory without any of the perks.

But hey, our military is big.

I'm not saying that the UK is perfect but it works. As a very crass across the board calculation it costs every UK citizen around $4k a year. Peanuts.
Amazing that we reject that as a nation.
On a side note... am I the only maniac that who would be tempted by the idea of going without insurance?

After what happened to me last year I personally wouldn't risk it. I was a perfectly fit 41 year old man, went to the gym 5 times a week and was fit and active and had NEVER been in hospital. Suddenly out of nowhere I had a brain haemorrhage. Luckily the NHS saved my life and put about £15,000 worth of platinum coils in my brain. Feck knows what the cost of the operation on top of that would have been, or the week in hospital or the years supply of drugs I have been on since and the 3 CT scans and 2 MRI scans, blood tests and 2 meetings with my brain surgeon.

You never know what will happen and when. Honestly, I was swimming with my kid one minute, the next I was drowning and he was pulling me out the pool. Luckily we have a NHS, and I will be forever thankful for it. I have paid towards it all my life, and even if I hadn't been ill, I would still be happy paying for it knowing I might one day need it, or even if I never did I would be paying towards helping others less fortunate, the fact some people begrudge this really pisses me off.

Sorry to go on about my illness, but it's so valid, and I know i'm not the only one here to have had life saving treatment and operations. I have spoken to three others here who all PM'd me after my op to share recovery stories and help me feel better knowing what a life changing event sudden and severe illness can be, especially when unexpected. As with the NHS I will also be forever thankful to many people on this forum, they know who they are, but it's still nice to say thanks. I'm rambling now, but the point still stands, you just never know, and I know if I didn't have an NHS I would be dead as there's no way I would have been able to afford the medical bills for my illness and operation.
So at $100k income (double the US avg), you'd pay roughly $17k in taxes and another $20k in insurance (on avg). That's basically 37% gone. Then add in state income tax and property tax (2 next largest taxes) and you're somewhere between 40-45% gone between taxes and healthcare. That's France to Belgium territory without any of the perks.

But hey, our military is big.

Amazing that we reject that as a nation.
As a student, I'm fully insured at 1k€ per year in Germany. And our system still makes a profit
I can't get my head around actually living in a time when white supremacists and nazis are making a real comeback. I genuinely thought we were past that bullshit. I always knew there were still plenty of racists and nationalists, but I genuinely thought we'd been heading in the direction of their eventual extinction. It feels like we've just turned the clock back 50 years, although I suppose it really just means we were kidding ourself the whole time.
I also find myself thinking this. Even in the UK during and after brexit
Amazing that we reject that as a nation.

You have a whole nation that generally thinks it's the best at everything.

I've met some fabulous Americans in France, England, Australia, New Zealand. Americans that have left the country, travelled and broadened their horizons. Americans working in other countries are just as worldly as any European. But so few travel.

The average American tourist you meet when they vacation somewhere will have nothing like the same viewpoint. Meeting Americans in America is scarier still.

That absolute tribalism is so foreign to the rest of the developed world. Americans typically have the comeback of "We don't need to travel to see x, y or z, we have it all right here". Which totally misses the point. They may experience a change in landscape and attitude in different states but they don't experience any change in culture.

That last point wouldn't be a problem if you let outsiders into the country, but you don't let folks work there. The American green card is amongst life's greatest mysteries. Bigfoot is less elusive. Yet the country claims it has an immigrant problem (which is actually just an illegal employment problem).

It's such a weird place. Always had a great time there and the people have always been wonderful.

(Pick a coherent point out of that if you can. lol)
After what happened to me last year I personally wouldn't risk it. I was a perfectly fit 41 year old man, went to the gym 5 times a week and was fit and active and had NEVER been in hospital. Suddenly out of nowhere I had a brain haemorrhage. Luckily the NHS saved my life and put about £15,000 worth of platinum coils in my brain. Feck knows what the cost of the operation on top of that would have been, or the week in hospital or the years supply of drugs I have been on since and the 3 CT scans and 2 MRI scans, blood tests and 2 meetings with my brain surgeon.

You never know what will happen and when. Honestly, I was swimming with my kid one minute, the next I was drowning and he was pulling me out the pool. Luckily we have a NHS, and I will be forever thankful for it. I have paid towards it all my life, and even if I hadn't been ill, I would still be happy paying for it knowing I might one day need it, or even if I never did I would be paying towards helping others less fortunate, the fact some people begrudge this really pisses me off.

Sorry to go on about my illness, but it's so valid, and I know i'm not the only one here to have had life saving treatment and operations. I have spoken to three others here who all PM'd me after my op to share recovery stories and help me feel better knowing what a life changing event sudden and severe illness can be, especially when unexpected. As with the NHS I will also be forever thankful to many people on this forum, they know who they are, but it's still nice to say thanks. I'm rambling now, but the point still stands, you just never know, and I know if I didn't have an NHS I would be dead as there's no way I would have been able to afford the medical bills for my illness and operation.
I'd wager 300k or more and thank heavens for the NHS.
It means that the whites in Europe are at risk from coloureds like me because white people in Europe aren't breeding and darker people produce many more babies and therefore we will soon see a White, Christian Europe replaced by a darker, African etc, mostly muslim seething mass.

Am I the only one who looks at those pictures of her kids and sees a Germany 30s era propaganda poster? Not saying she's a Nazi at all but the clothes, the hair etc.

She's a member of LDS according to her profile, and those nutters are truly nuts up in religion.
With President Bannon and VP Trump, all this shite is being normalised and has embolden the shadow racists out of the woodwork.


In Georgia, reaction to KKK banner is a sign of the times

--- Maybe it was a college prank. Maybe it was an outsider. Maybe it really was the Klan, a relic coming back to life. In an area that voted heavily for Donald Trump, speculation began that the whole thing was the work of anti-Trump activists, and when she got home, Fambrough went online and saw that people were accusing her of putting up the banner, saying she was part of the “alt-left.”

By evening, though, people had found out who was really responsible: It was one of their own, an 84-year-old white woman named Roberta Green-Garrett, the owner of the building in question who lives in a brick mansion with four white columns on a hill overlooking the town.

Offering no explanation and declining to speak with reporters, she had told town officials that she had allowed the banner to go up and might try to put it up again. She had been seeking permission to build a hotel on the square, and people speculated that it was all an audacious ploy to embarrass the town into approving her plans. ---

The next morning, all of this was the topic of North Georgia talk radio, and the host was taking callers. A woman named Sharon was on the line.

“It’s not just fake news, it’s a fake agenda,” she began, and explained that the banner might have been part of an elaborate plot not only to create chaos in Dahlonega, but also to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump and ultimately, the nation.

She knew all of this, she said, because she had gone online and discovered a website for a group with locations across the country — including in Dahlonega — that was made up of “former congressional staffers working for the previous administration. They are supporting the impeachment. They support open borders. They are supporting Obamacare. They are promoting disruption at town halls — I call it bullying — and they have a potential for violence.

“I hope everyone is aware that this type of activity — I call it subversion, with a fake narrative — is taking root in the area,” she continued, and meanwhile, in Dahlonega, another new development was unfolding. ---
Luckily the NHS saved my life and put about £15,000 worth of platinum coils in my brain. Feck knows what the cost of the operation on top of that would have been, or the week in hospital or the years supply of drugs I have been on since and the 3 CT scans and 2 MRI scans, blood tests and 2 meetings with my brain surgeon.
According to the wife, @senorgregster is about spot on.
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