The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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We do live in a universe where a guy who bragged about sexually assaulting women then became President of the USA don't we? Despite it constantly being labelled as being the nail in his campaign's coffin.

You seemingly have a lot more faith that this will result in anything other than indifference long term. More power to you.

We're not talking about Trump here. King is a completely different situation that can't be conflated.
It's wrong to blame King's quotes on this new Trump climate, he has publicly held similar views long before Trump.
How is someone with such views allowed on an international network? Like it or not, idiots seeing this scum on TV will see that as confirmation of their bias.
How long till we graduate to someone propagating ethnic cleansing gets free air time?

Freedom of speech and all that.
TBH he should be allowed on TV, as long as the media also call him out on his views using balanced arguments and reason
No, we're talking about a guy who just reached 20 years as an elected official. Look at the scandals he's survived in that time, why is this one going to be any different?

Probably because he spent a good portion of that time at the local level, under the radar. In either case, it has feck all to do with Trump.
The most dangerous ones are people like Priebus and Ryan. You're naive if you think they don't believe in what King does. They're more subtle and their subtleness is the most dangerous.
You think Ryan won't like to ban Muslims or think there are too many non-white? Does he feck.
You think Ryan won't like to ban Muslims or think there are too many non-white? Does he feck.

Here's Ryan in a nutshell. It's funny in a way because it's on Fox, and you would have thought Tucker would have known better, but also felt the same. It's like he has an epiphany right there and wakes up to the Republicans in that very moment.

Ryan is a despicable cnut. The lowest of the low and I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, I would throw more microwaves on though.
I can't get my head around actually living in a time when white supremacists and nazis are making a real comeback. I genuinely thought we were past that bullshit. I always knew there were still plenty of racists and nationalists, but I genuinely thought we'd been heading in the direction of their eventual extinction. It feels like we've just turned the clock back 50 years, although I suppose it really just means we were kidding ourself the whole time.
I can't get my head around actually living in a time when white supremacists and nazis are making a real comeback. I genuinely thought we were past that bullshit. I always knew there were still plenty of racists and nationalists, but I genuinely thought we'd been heading in the direction of their eventual extinction. It feels like we've just turned the clock back 50 years, although I suppose it really just means we were kidding ourself the whole time.
I change my mind from the previous page. In fact, they should come out. Let us know who they are.
It's fast dawning on us that the progress we thought we have made is bullshit.
People will say, Steve king and the likes are a minority...Bullshit. The guy is a congressman ffs. Lots of people agree. Just look at twitter, lots of sane looking educated people with proper jobs agreeing with him. Look at Brexiters, look at Holland where another racist cnut is heading the polls.
It's obvious a significant portion of Americans think like him.
It's even more depressing that the growing trend in Europe are that, these cnuts are more likely to vote.

Kellyanne is not in the habit of having evidence. :lol: What a moron. She's a fecking embarrassment. The Trump crew are really just trolling the world.
I thought CNN had stopped having Kellyanne on, due to her habit of being a pathological liar?
Ryan is a despicable cnut. The lowest of the low and I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, I would throw more microwaves on though.

This is not exclusive to Ryan though...this applies to anyone who considers Ayn Rand a hero - I reckon Atlas Shrugged is his Bible
So... Spicer is on right now live.

1) they're gonna reorganize the Federal govt

2) Trump is going back to Mar-a-lago after the St. Pats parade
So... Spicer is on right now live.

1) they're gonna reorganize the Federal govt

2) Trump is going back to Mar-a-lago after the St. Pats parade

Do they have the power to do this? I thought the it was part of the constitution that the 3 branches are separate authorities?
Reporter: Can we trust what the President says when he tweets or...
Spicer: Of course we can! Well not unless he's joking.
He's an irritant to the mayor and city of New York. Otherwise, good Democrat. They could do better IMO.

He's got a hell of a lot of more cred than someone like Booker. If the Dems are serious they need to break out their heavy hitters.
Pretty lame imo. That sort of 'toys out the pram' sentiment prevails, it's an indication the left won't sufficiently organize to deal with the mid terms and next gen election.

He could have handled it a lot better, mind. Tell me he didn't look at her and think, "immigrant bitch". Spicer is America's Comical Ali, minus the grace under fire.
Does Spicer not get secret service protection? I know hes just the press secretary, but hes one of the more high profile and recognisable members of this administration.
He's got a hell of a lot of more cred than someone like Booker. If the Dems are serious they need to break out their heavy hitters.

I don't get the hype surrounding Booker, so I agree.

Not sure how well Cuomo would do in California or the NYC metro area during the primaries, he'll need to swivel a bit.
He could have handled it a lot better, mind. Tell me he didn't look at her and think, "immigrant bitch". Spicer is America's Comical Ali, minus the grace under fire.

:lol: You're loving this shit aren't you? I'm finding it amusing that you Canadians can all sit back and laugh for a change. Bless. :p
Jeez doc, wonder what you are going to say about Trump then

Haven't seen much racism from him. A little xenophobia and lots of LGBTQ support, which is commendable.

:lol: You're loving this shit aren't you? I'm finding it amusing that you Canadians can all sit back and laugh for a change. Bless. :p

I actually feel really bad for non-white Americans.

But for white democrats...:lol::lol:
Also, the more I hear Trump opine on things the more he sounds like an old Jewish woman who spends her winters in Florida.
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