The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I completely agree about Hillary, she would be mad to run again, and only her arrogance would let her, surely the Dems would not? However, I completely disagree about Bernie, only that he will be too old, but the Dems not picking him cost them dearly last time, they would be remiss to do the same again. His message is exactly what the people wanted to hear, and his message is exactly what the Dems need to run on next time. There's no two ways about it, as you say, the world has moved on, and it's time they caught up with it.
I've heard so many people say that, but the fact remains Hillary got millions more votes in the primary. Did that happen by accident? Or just that people think Hillary supporters will more likely fall in line come the general?
Well then

:D it's funny watching the meltdowns of those who seem to forget that this will all come to a grinding halt in two years after the midterm elections readjust the balance of power on the hill. Hardly the end times stuff that some would have us believe, though.
:D it's funny watching the meltdowns of those who seem to forget that this will all come to a grinding halt in two years after the midterm elections readjust the balance of power on the hill. Hardly the end times stuff that some would have us believe, though.
You're confident the midterms will go the Dems way.

We were confident the presidential election would go our way.
:D it's funny watching the meltdowns of those who seem to forget that this will all come to a grinding halt in two years after the midterm elections readjust the balance of power on the hill. Hardly the end times stuff that some would have us believe, though.
Dems are not going to take control of the House or the Senate in the mid terms.

oh and this is one instance, where the lie didn't gain traction and much mileage


Yeah...let it fail to prove a point - who cares how many people suffer for it?
I can't get my head around actually living in a time when white supremacists and nazis are making a real comeback. I genuinely thought we were past that bullshit. I always knew there were still plenty of racists and nationalists, but I genuinely thought we'd been heading in the direction of their eventual extinction. It feels like we've just turned the clock back 50 years, although I suppose it really just means we were kidding ourself the whole time.

America is backwards, very backwards in places.
It staggers me every time I think how obvious the Republican agenda is and yet people still vote them in.

It's usually the poorer people with less education that fall for it and get right behind them and they're the ones that get shafted when they begin the send the wealth to the very extremes of the rich.

Self-perpetuating cycle. Complain about the government, immigrants, etc stealing all their money then vote in a government that takes all their money.
It staggers me every time I think how obvious the Republican agenda is and yet people still vote them in.

It's usually the poorer people with less education that fall for it and get right behind them and they're the ones that get shafted when they begin the send the wealth to the very extremes of the rich.

Self-perpetuating cycle. Complain about the government, immigrants, etc stealing all their money then vote in a government that takes all their money.

People don't just vote on agendas, they vote on any number of multiple issues including things such as likeability and "I could see myself having a beer with x canddiate, therefore I will vote for them".
Their hatred for Obama and that is name was associated with it was what drives the Republicans. And now they are in power they needed to come up with something .And this is it.
I've heard so many people say that, but the fact remains Hillary got millions more votes in the primary. Did that happen by accident? Or just that people think Hillary supporters will more likely fall in line come the general?
People who would have voted for her had morals and wanted to be symbolic so stayed home or voted third party since they thought she'd win. She won the nomination. DNC favoured her slightly but the Dem votes even more so. She crushed Sanders. People were just butthurt.
So the estimated amount of people losing coverage by 2026 will be equivalent to something like the population of Texas :rolleyes:
People don't just vote on agendas, they vote on any number of multiple issues including things such as likeability and "I could see myself having a beer with x canddiate, therefore I will vote for them".

People are stupid.
An odd photo in that most around the table are more qualified to be President than Trump. The look on Rick Perry's face says it all.

Feck all this cost malarkey, how many people will suffer or die from the cuts and loss of insurance. That's the only number that matters.
It's worse when you know there's literally no way of getting anyone in power to listen to you.

The general population are beyond powerless.
It's worse when you know there's literally no way of getting anyone in power to listen to you.

The general population are beyond powerless.

They can have their say when next year with the House Elections. If they don't bother, they've only got themselves to blame.
Should note that my "wow" above was in relation to Ryan's audacity, not the figure.
"I think there's no question that the Obama administration, that there were actions about surveillance and other activities that occurred in the 2016 election," Spicer said. "The President used the word wiretaps in quotes to mean, broadly, surveillance and other activities."

Sean Spicer on Trumps tapppppppping tweet.

Stuff like this and the bit Raoul cites makes me think they can't possibly go through with it.
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