The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm glad King made that tweet. It will create all sorts of questions for people who support King, Trump, Bannon etc.
Just wanna point out that these are quotes from the "White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan" website...
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
''We Say NO To Race-Mixing!''
Our goal is to help restore America to a White Christian nation, founded on God's word. This does not mean that we want to see anything bad happen to the darker races ... we simply want to live separate from them ... As GOD intended. (Lev.20:24-25) It is a simple fact that whenever these races try to integrate themselves into White society, that society is damaged immensely ... perhaps even destroyed altogether
Kinda puts Rep. King's comments into context
I am not so hopeful. It will only start to normalise things.

What's there to normalize ? The media are roasting him about it all morning and will in due course start asking Trump administration people whether or not they agree with it. If they say no, then they are dissing part of their base. If they say yes, then they are further estranging themselves to where other GOP congresspeople will have to distance themselves. Its a win win for all.
What's there to normalize ? The media are roasting him about it all morning and will in due course start asking Trump administration people whether or not they agree with it. If they say no, then they are dissing part of their base. If they say yes, then they are further estranging themselves to where other GOP congresspeople will have to distance themselves. Its a win win for all.

This shite trickles down from the top.

Look at the image of the WH and the whiteness and lack of diversity of it. It emboldens the scum.
This shite trickles down from the top.

Look at the image of the WH and the whiteness and lack of diversity of it. It emboldens the scum.

That's the short term view. Once the scum are emboldened, it will have broader consequences in terms of the population questioning the likes of King, Bannon, Trump and their ilk. The King tweet is all over the networks this morning and isn't likely to go away anytime soon.
That's the short term view. Once the scum are emboldened, it will have broader consequences in terms of the population questioning the likes of King, Bannon, Trump and their ilk. The King tweet is all over the networks this morning and isn't likely to go away anytime soon.

Somehow his supporters (Trumps) will see past this, something probably to do with fake news etc.
I'm glad King made that tweet. It will create all sorts of questions for people who support King, Trump, Bannon etc.
While I don't think anything will happen to him (we'll move on to a new story tomorrow) - it would be dishonest of me to not point out there has been some push back even from Republicans.

Fellow GOP rep of Cuban heritage -

We all know Amanda Carpenter - ex Ted Cruz comms director -

That's the short term view. Once the scum are emboldened, it will have broader consequences in terms of the population questioning the likes of King, Bannon, Trump and their ilk. The King tweet is all over the networks this morning and isn't likely to go away anytime soon.

Hopefully we will get to a crossroad -- where the traditional GOPs will need to decide that country comes first; the moral right will recognise that diversity works best in a modern world; and the trumplets recognised that their anger as been mis-directed.

The Press/Media are the only ones holding up the fort at the moment.
Nothing will happen to King, and I hope nothing happens because he should stay in Congress and continue advertising his brand of intolerance so the GOP are forced to run for the hills from the broader electorate. Just in time for mid terms as well.
"You're not meant to say it in public Steve" :lol:
I actually think people like Amanda are traditional republicans - she'd much rather spend her time fighting against big government than make arguments for 'white people need to have more babies or else the darkies will come get us'.
Hopefully we will get to a crossroad -- where the traditional GOPs will need to decide that country comes first; the moral right will recognise that diversity works best in a modern world; and the trumplets recognised that their anger as been mis-directed.

The Press/Media are the only ones holding up the fort at the moment.

Well Trump and his lack of accomplishments are also holding up the fort. With no accomplishments (Obamacare, wall, tax reform etc) going into 2018, the house and senate will be up for grabs, especially if they pass some sort of half baked repeal of Obamacare that kicks people off their plans.
I actually think people like Amanda are traditional republicans - she'd much rather spend her time fighting against big government than make arguments for 'white people need to have more babies or else the darkies will come get us'.
She was the comms directors for a Dominionist Christian, as far as I'm concerned she's also a throwback to the bygone centuries.
I was going to call BS on this but she actually has a youtube channel, I won't repost it as she doesn't need more attention.
Anytime I see anything a bit out there - I go down the rabbit hole and seek stuff out and then post. I don't wanna contribute to #FakeNews

As for the person is question - she's actually not that outlandish - Stormfront has hundreds of women who say and are actually doing this.
It's pretty obvious the likes of King are a great force for the Republican party, while we joke and laugh and how racist and dumb he is, the likes of Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz get to pretend they're moderates and compassionate.
It's pretty obvious the likes of King are a great force for the Republican party, while we joke and laugh and how racist and dumb he is, the likes of Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz get to pretend they're moderates and compassionate.

It is actually a bit scary.

It wasn't that long that Cruz, Ryan, Cotton etc were seen as the extreme wing of the Republicans, the upstarts.

Now Ryan is one of the most senior Republicans, Cruz has fallen in line behind someone who insulted his dad and his wife and all three of them are part of the moderate wing of the party?

What a shift.
That's the short term view. Once the scum are emboldened, it will have broader consequences in terms of the population questioning the likes of King, Bannon, Trump and their ilk. The King tweet is all over the networks this morning and isn't likely to go away anytime soon.
agree with you. I have faith in the cumulative progress of human civilisation. 1 step backwards, 3 steps forwards.

When Trump has his next interview, he will be asked whether he supports this. That puts him in a lose-lose bind.
When Trump has his next interview, he will be asked whether he supports this. That puts him in a lose-lose bind.

Or, more likely, he'll ignore the question and start shouting about fake news/deep state/the boogeyman

so much 'economic anxiety' :(

*must breathe* *must not get banned from forum*

How is someone with such views allowed on an international network? Like it or not, idiots seeing this scum on TV will see that as confirmation of their bias.
How long till we graduate to someone propagating ethnic cleansing gets free air time?
How is someone with such views allowed on an international network? Like it or not, idiots seeing this scum on TV will see that as confirmation of their bias.
How long till we graduate to someone propagating ethnic cleansing gets free air time?

Explicitly for the reason of exposing them. If you compartmentalize him to FoxNews or Breitbart, the broader discussion of what he's suggesting would never take place and he and his views would never be ostracized.
Where did you hear that ?
We do live in a universe where a guy who bragged about sexually assaulting women then became President of the USA don't we? Despite it constantly being labelled as being the nail in his campaign's coffin.

You seemingly have a lot more faith that this will result in anything other than indifference long term. More power to you.
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