The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I know 2020 is a long way out but perhaps the Dems should start to coalesce around a couple of potential 2020 candidates and get on the front foot for a 4 year fight
That said though I don't really know who the Dems might turn to
I feel Warren might struggle to connect outside their base
Sanders moment has probably passed
Surely Clinton won't go for another run
And Michelle Obama can't really be a serious contender (or can she?)
I see Cory booker touted as a possibility... Perhaps him?

Have a guy called Barry Hussein Oba run.
Merkel meeting him tomorrow. I hope he does something dumb that will make her look bad in the context of her German election campaign. Come on Donald, be reliable for once!
The Democrats need someone younger. This parade of people in the late 60s/70s is ridiculous.
There are something like 320 million people in the country. It blows me away that Bernie doesn't know a handsome guy that shares his political viewpoints that he can't pony up with and get some sh1t done.

The idea that any one person has to get it done all on their own is bizarre.

I find this whole notion that people are "too old" to be politicians ridiculous. Where did this contempt for old people come from? Unless there is a good chance they would die while in office or become so sick/demented they lose their mental faculties i actually think the older the better.

Not blaming you guys here btw, its just the "climate" now. You are not allowed to get old, and if you by chance are old, you are irrelevant.
I find this whole notion that people are "too old" to be politicians ridiculous. Where did this contempt for old people come from? Unless there is a good chance they would die while in office or become so sick/demented they lose their mental faculties i actually think the older the better.

Not blaming you guys here btw, its just the "climate" now. You are not allowed to get old, and if you by chance are old, you are irrelevant.
Don't think it'd that more that the job must be exhausting
I work internationally quite a bit and it's a killer shifting through timezones and super long days especially when your selling into governments and you have pre breakfast meetings through to evening dinners pretty much from touching down to leaving... I suspect my job is less hectic than potus and I struggle in my 30's... Honestly don't see how I could do my job in my 70s or 80's so I think age is a reasonable consideration when looking at a job like potus.
That's not to say it's impossible for an 84 year old to function as potus... Just that I think age would be a legitimate factor to consider in practical terms.
I like this...I hope lots of white people take her up on her challenge!

Oh my! All her Tweets and Retweets irritate the feck out of me, what a selfish, ignorant, racist, bitch, reading her Twitter feed is just making me angry.

The world needs less people (of all races).. but I suppose "feck the world" is the new normal

Exactly! Her attitude makes me sick. Ugh!
There are something like 320 million people in the country. It blows me away that Bernie doesn't know a handsome guy that shares his political viewpoints that he can't pony up with and get some sh1t done.

The idea that any one person has to get it done all on their own is bizarre.
Yeah, exactly. If they have found Obama out of nothing, they can easily find a young Sanders.
What does #SaveEurope mean?

It means that the whites in Europe are at risk from coloureds like me because white people in Europe aren't breeding and darker people produce many more babies and therefore we will soon see a White, Christian Europe replaced by a darker, African etc, mostly muslim seething mass.

Am I the only one who looks at those pictures of her kids and sees a Germany 30s era propaganda poster? Not saying she's a Nazi at all but the clothes, the hair etc.
The GOP has to be exposed for what they are. A bunch of obstructionist liars. Keep reminding the voter that they "had"a better plan for 7 years when in reality they had feck all.

Exactly, and billboards like this keep it fresh in everyone's mind. I just wish we had the same kind of resistance in the UK. It's amazing to see the US fighting back, but I want it replicated here too, but that's another topic for another thread. It was just nice to post something like that after the depressing and rage inducing shite from that disgusting mother of 6.

The resistance is fighting back.

That's just fantastic.

The GOP has to be exposed for what they are. A bunch of obstructionist liars. Keep reminding the voter that they "had"a better plan for 7 years when in reality they had feck all.

Could not agree more. It's also rich that Trump droned on about "full coverage for everyone" and this is the result of his fantastic plan. Honestly though, i'm not sure he had much involvement in this, between him whinging on twitter and golfing i can't imagine he has the time to do some actual work
It means that the whites in Europe are at risk from coloureds like me because white people in Europe aren't breeding and darker people produce many more babies and therefore we will soon see a White, Christian Europe replaced by a darker, African etc, mostly muslim seething mass.

Am I the only one who looks at those pictures of her kids and sees a Germany 30s era propaganda poster? Not saying she's a Nazi at all but the clothes, the hair etc.
It seems pretty clear she's a massive racist, the step from there to Nazism isn't a huge one if we're honest.
Oh my! All her Tweets and Retweets irritate the feck out of me, what a selfish, ignorant, racist, bitch, reading her Twitter feed is just making me angry.

Exactly! Her attitude makes me sick. Ugh!

Wait till they repeal Obamacare... lets see how 'commie' she becomes esp with all that in-breeding. Her fav phrase will be 'pre-existing' conditions.
Nope. Looks like she has them in lederhosen. She's looney
I do wonder if she even realises that the idealistic aryan family in lederhosen she uses as her background picture are from the Sound of Music and are based on the Von Trapp family who emigrated to the US fleeing nazi rule in their native Austria.
I'm not sure I appreciate you guys being so dismissive towards this Aryan Angel. She's trying to lead the good fight for the existence of the White race. #WhitePrideIsntRacist #WhatAboutWhiteHistoryMonth
I do wonder if she even realises that the idealistic aryan family in lederhosen she uses as her background picture are from the Sound of Music and are based on the Von Trapp family who emigrated to the US fleeing nazi rule in their native Austria.
Would almost be willing to bet my house on her being clueless
Had a kid in class ask me about that once
well that's a fine young man who is truly 'woke'. He sees through the liberal agenda.

Speaking of people who truly see....
When she was asked about Mr Trump's claims in an interview with USA Today, Ms Conway suggested the surveillance may have involved far more than wiretapping.

She said: “What I can say is there are many ways to surveil each other.

“You can surveil someone through their phones, certainly through their television sets — any number of different ways.”

She claimed surveillance could be conducted with "microwaves that turn into cameras," and added: “We know this is a fact of modern life.”

Image of device that may have been used:
That's one low level Transformers episode right there.
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