The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I can't get my head around it. if you depend on something, why vote for people who are trying to repeal what you depend on? Or, why not come out and vote to defend it?

I'd wager the biggest factor was that people simply didn't understand it.
@Raoul is there anything Obama can do to rally the dems, cant he take like a faux opposition leader position to keep ther pressure on Trump?

Nope. Former Presidents usually stay out of the mix in deference to allowing the new Prez to govern without interference. Obama said he would do that, except for in extreme instances where something where it warrants him to speak up.
@Raoul is there anything Obama can do to rally the dems, cant he take like a faux opposition leader position to keep ther pressure on Trump?

I know 2020 is a long way out but perhaps the Dems should start to coalesce around a couple of potential 2020 candidates and get on the front foot for a 4 year fight
That said though I don't really know who the Dems might turn to
I feel Warren might struggle to connect outside their base
Sanders moment has probably passed
Surely Clinton won't go for another run
And Michelle Obama can't really be a serious contender (or can she?)
I see Cory booker touted as a possibility... Perhaps him?
I know 2020 is a long way out but perhaps the Dems should start to coalesce around a couple of potential 2020 candidates and get on the front foot for a 4 year fight
That said though I don't really know who the Dems might turn to
I feel Warren might struggle to connect outside their base
Sanders moment has probably passed
Surely Clinton won't go for another run
And Michelle Obama can't really be a serious contender (or can she?)
I see Cory booker touted as a possibility... Perhaps him?

You can't coalesce around a candidate if they haven't decided whether or not they are running, and even if they have made a decision, they wouldn't announce it until mid 2019, otherwise the GOP would start chipping away at their numbers now.
You can't coalesce around a candidate if they haven't decided whether or not they are running, and even if they have made a decision, they wouldn't announce it until mid 2019, otherwise the GOP would start chipping away at their numbers now.
Plus, you can't really predict the political territory this far in advance. After 2004 plenty of people were saying Dems needed an experienced red state guy with conservative credentials to win again, then along comes Barry, the junior Senator for Illinois.
I think what they need to focus on right now are the midterm elections. Win those, kick some GOP seats out, and then worry about 2020.

Agreed. Using healthcare, Trump's Russia connections and the GOP's support of Trump, will be key issues for the Dems. If the GOP persist with healthcare they will be fecked next year imo.
Plus, you can't really predict the political territory this far in advance. After 2004 plenty of people were saying Dems needed an experienced red state guy with conservative credentials to win again, then along comes Barry, the junior Senator for Illinois.

Even Trump himself is proof of that: a lot of people would've probably thought the Republicans would have to go for somewhere moderate and somewhat progressive in 2016 to counter the Dems and yet the opposite worked perfectly for them in the end.
He's pretty clean. His Dad was long expected to run in 92 but never did. At the time, the likes of Dan Quayle were hoping he would run so they could use a mafia narrative in negative ads against him.

Andrew is pretty straightforward. Served as HUD Secretary under Bill Clinton, then as NY Attorney General, then as Governor of the 4th most populous state, which if it were a country, would have the 13th biggest GDP in the world.

He's half the man his father was, but would still make a fantastic President.

Looks like he's well qualified and his resume is something he would tout if he were to to be a contender in 2020.

He also pushed pro-LGBT rights policies, is unattached to the ACA as he led NY into forming their own state-wide exchange instead of joining the ACA exchange, and is famous for his support of more strict gun control (SAFE Act), he's also pro-refugee/immigrant.

The one sticking point I can find is when he set up a commission to weed out corruption in NY government offices and then shut it down after it began investigating some things close to his campaign. He ran afoul of Bharara on that.

Just read about that. It looks incredibly shady.

Also some of his aides are accused of dodgy dealings. Percoco who was really close to Cuomo and a top advisor to him is awaiting trial along with a dozen others.

GOP will hit Cuomo hard with his closeness to Percoco in their campaign ads if he gets found guilty in the upcoming trial.
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Steve King, the representative who has a Confederate battle flag and a border wall mockup in his office (but happens to be from Iowa):

You can't coalesce around a candidate if they haven't decided whether or not they are running, and even if they have made a decision, they wouldn't announce it until mid 2019, otherwise the GOP would start chipping away at their numbers now.
More importantly, they need to have a big idea and agenda which can secure enough votes. Once they have an idea, they can start casting for the most relevant person to deliver that message. Marketing/PR 101.

That was most catastrophic mistake made by the Democrats in last election: Hilary failed to properly communicate her policies and anyhow, she was the worst person to deliver that message as many disliked her, regardless of policy.
More importantly, they need to have a big idea and agenda which can secure enough votes. Once they have an idea, they can start casting for the most relevant person to deliver that message. Marketing/PR 101.

That was most catastrophic mistake made by the Democrats in last election: Hilary failed to properly communicate her policies and anyhow, she was the worst person to deliver that message as many disliked her, regardless of policy.
In the end, Hillary only got about 100k fewer votes than Obama did in 2012 (65.8m v 65.9m). I don't think her being disliked by some is such a big factor.

Also, I think it's possible she'll run again in 3 years. Although I'm not convinced it's a great idea.
In the end, Hillary only got about 100k fewer votes than Obama did in 2012 (65.8m v 65.9m). I don't think her being disliked by some is such a big factor.

Also, I think it's possible she'll run again in 3 years. Although I'm not convinced it's a great idea.
Think there's very little chance of that.
In the end, Hillary only got about 100k fewer votes than Obama did in 2012 (65.8m v 65.9m). I don't think her being disliked by some is such a big factor.

Also, I think it's possible she'll run again in 3 years. Although I'm not convinced it's a great idea.

No chance.
In the end, Hillary only got about 100k fewer votes than Obama did in 2012 (65.8m v 65.9m). I don't think her being disliked by some is such a big factor.

Also, I think it's possible she'll run again in 3 years. Although I'm not convinced it's a great idea.

She may choose the run, thats her right and privilege but the Democratic Party would be mad to choose her, or Saunders for that matter. These guys are relics of a previous age, the world has moved on and requires leadership from people who have a genuine empathy to new global challenges.

I'd hate the idea of Hilary running again, let along becoming President. She lost an virtually unloseable election through arrogance and lack of empathy. She blew her chance and is now damaged goods; any future presidency would be full of petty backward looking vengeances.

She should leave the stage clear for more clean spirited souls to emerge.
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but the Democratic Party would be mad to choose her, or Saunders for that matter. These

I completely agree about Hillary, she would be mad to run again, and only her arrogance would let her, surely the Dems would not? However, I completely disagree about Bernie, only that he will be too old, but the Dems not picking him cost them dearly last time, they would be remiss to do the same again. His message is exactly what the people wanted to hear, and his message is exactly what the Dems need to run on next time. There's no two ways about it, as you say, the world has moved on, and it's time they caught up with it.
I completely agree about Hillary, she would be mad to run again, and only her arrogance would let her, surely the Dems would not? However, I completely disagree about Bernie, only that he will be too old, but the Dems not picking him cost them dearly last time, they would be remiss to do the same again. His message is exactly what the people wanted to hear, and his message is exactly what the Dems need to run on next time. There's no two ways about it, as you say, the world has moved on, and it's time they caught up with it.

Bernie will just be too old by then. So use his message, but have it delivered through a physically stronger and more youthful person.

Likewise, Trump will leave the world in quite a messed up way, especially from a democrat prism, so the new President will have huge amounts of work to do. Simply put, they'll need a lot of energy!

(though Trump seems to buck that trend with his 18 hour long days and surviving on 4 hours of sleep a night: Is Bernie a similar workaholic and strongman?)
I completely agree about Hillary, she would be mad to run again, and only her arrogance would let her, surely the Dems would not? However, I completely disagree about Bernie, only that he will be too old, but the Dems not picking him cost them dearly last time, they would be remiss to do the same again. His message is exactly what the people wanted to hear, and his message is exactly what the Dems need to run on next time. There's no two ways about it, as you say, the world has moved on, and it's time they caught up with it.

While he would of been the best possible president and his message maybe what liberals wanted to hear but he would of been crucifide by the right wing media
I wouldn't put it past Sanders running, the guy still has a ton of energy when he speaks and seems in excellent condition for his age.
Bernie's the boss man. I hope he gets a chance to run, he's got great values, gets his message across well and is super aggressive in fighting social injustices. He's got absolutely no fear of the GOP.
He'd be 83 by the end of his first term...
The Democrats need someone younger. This parade of people in the late 60s/70s is ridiculous.
Need someone younger than him, but with his same ideas.

There are something like 320 million people in the country. It blows me away that Bernie doesn't know a handsome guy that shares his political viewpoints that he can't pony up with and get some sh1t done.

The idea that any one person has to get it done all on their own is bizarre.
Steve King, the representative who has a Confederate battle flag and a border wall mockup in his office (but happens to be from Iowa):

But remember Trump won because of 'economic anxiety' and people being 'mean' to white people

More from the lovely Steven King -

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Bernie's the boss man. I hope he gets a chance to run, he's got great values, gets his message across well and is super aggressive in fighting social injustices. He's got absolutely no fear of the GOP.

His time, as a viable candidate, is over.
There was a moment when it had all come together, and he fell short, and I don't think it happens again.
White House Budget Director on what the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) should be doing....

I think I'm going to cry :(

I know people get wound up in here that we continually post negative stuff, but seriously what the hell.
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