The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This was not the cycle for a protest vote, I shouted that from the rooftops as much as I could. They could have taken their revenge after the rapist was cast aside but decided to vote for someone who new nothing about nothing and we ended up with the worst person imaginable and a slew of people who want to tear down everything society has built over 70 years.

To play devils advocate for a moment, for a lot of those people they didn't feel they could just beat Trump and then take their revenge, they thought (and on this small point I do agree with them) that a Hillary win would simply have cemented the hold of the neo-liberals over the party. It's extremely difficult to force change from people who have just won, even when the win seemed so inevitable.

For the left wing of the party (and many of those who had simply left the party in despair), they've seen their economic concerns basically ignored for the best part of two decades now, since Bill was in power. Bernie was their first real chance for change, and from their perspective being told this wasn't the cycle for a protest was just more of the same message they'd been force fed every four years "This isn't the time - stop dividing the party - do you want to hand the election to the repubs?" etc etc.

37 days 140 False or misleading claims.

Talking of Oscars and thinking of the headline I have just quoted, when this is all over and the inevitable film comes out, people just aren't going to believe it at all. Seriously, whoever plays Trump is going to be reading the script and thinking to himself "fack orf! there's no way he said that" :lol:

Didn't he have a 70% lie rate during the campaign ? Not sure where I read that.
Serves him right for deciding to be born in Egypt. Next time choose another country.

If we are serious, Trump's administration should give instructions to not do this type of things until the EO is accepted by the judiciary system because at the moment they are just giving weapons to the opposition.
If we are serious, Trump's administration should give instructions to not do this type of things until the EO is accepted by the judiciary system because at the moment they are just giving weapons to the opposition.

Agreed, but in a way its a good thing for anyone seeking to expose the how problematic this sort of thing is. The more embarrassment over these one off questionings, the more pressure will mount on him to back off.
I'm not saying the outrage isn't genuine, because I do believe that it is, I'm just not sure it's merited all of the time. Trump is a disaster, but not everything he does is a world ending event.

True, they can be horrible, poorly thought out and deeply damaging without being world ending.
But how do you explain that someone like Michael Smith voted for Trump, he seems smart enough to not do it. I'm forced to believe that a very large part of Trump voters didn't vote for Trump but against Clinton which would explain why only the not so smart are vocally supporting Trump, the others voted for Trump but don't support him.

Here's how it works in the US. I call it a 1/3 voting system. This doesn't necessarily equate to 33% but just how I categorize the voting camp. It's probably more like 60% toe a party line, 30% in the middle, and 10% with the fringe, just pulling numbers from my sweet ass. However, I do believe a percentage of the party line group will be open to possibly changing affiliations/not voting, as we saw with some Rs refusing to vote for Trump and many Ds refusing to vote for Clinton.

1/3 will toe the party line, i.e. vote D or R (using the majority not the minority parties). These collective bastions of human ignorance would vote a cabbage if it had a D or R next to it.

1/3 will be stuck in the middle and have no vested interest in either party. These persons will eventually choose a candidate based on one/handful of key policy positions.

1/3 will likely align to other fringe parties and/or lean extreme left/right, libertarian, green, etc. They'll often cast their vote to the party nearest their beliefs or for their own fringe party. Some may cast a protest vote to the opposition.
I tend to lean more left these days versus during my lesser educated, more irrational younger days growing up in Texas under a limited exposure of the real world and how persons from all over the world live and think differently. I believe this is the biggest detriment to US citizens which forms a closed minded nature of many, that coupled with many desiring to reside within what is normal to them (i.e. family, friends of similar beliefs/backgrounds, etc.). An overwhelming number of US citizens live within 200 miles of where he/she grew up, and few ever travel outside a certain geographic range let alone outside the US.

My travels around the globe through my Air Force service in combination with advanced education, the internet, and even this forum, have allowed me to experience and view other cultures and whatnot. I tend to label myself a humanist in that I see the beauty of humanity while also seeing the ignorance and selfishness of. This is probably why I tend to vote/favor Dems (in the US) because on the surface this party seems to care slightly more about the people on the whole (versus just being a white Christian) albeit still corporatist whores like the Reps. At least that's my view.

Cheers, genuinely wasn't sure but thought you were more right-leaning than some here - not in a bad way or anything either, since you're fairly balanced in your posting.
They have a few things in common. Both are anti-establishment and got a hostile press, both have identified the problem with the middle class. I don't think he's counting on support from Bernie fans, but he's trying to divide the Democrats between the Bernie part and the Wall Street part.

Yes. People underestimate the difficulty in keeping the more energized youth attached to some part of the left, given this series of real and symbolic defeats within the Dem party.
The people in consideration or already in charge for certain positions are amazing.

Edit: The article is about Peter Thiel's influence on 45, but IMHO this paragraph stands out from it.

That helps to explain why Jim O’Neill, a managing director at Thiel’s venture capital firm, Mithril Capital Management, is now being considered to run the Food and Drug Administration. O’Neill served at the Department of Health and Human Services in the George W. Bush administration but has no medical background. He has argued that drugs should not have to go through clinical trials to prove their efficacy before they are sold to consumers.
I support Israel as well ;)

I have a cancer-and-AIDS cure to sell you :)
And I have a male wonderdrug for you, targeting ED / weight loss / anti-hair loss. :angel::devil:

On a more serious note, I don't know if the FDA Head needs to be given a nod from the Senate but íf so, I hope that at least three Republicans and all Democrats get their sh*t together and block O'Neill in case he gets actually nominated.
HAHA! Fox News in trouble again for using a FAKE Swedish national security advisor. :lol:

I wonder if Trump will mention this in his "Fake News" Tweets?
Well it looks like the Taliban are more environmentally conscious than the Trump administration.

To play devils advocate for a moment, for a lot of those people they didn't feel they could just beat Trump and then take their revenge, they thought (and on this small point I do agree with them) that a Hillary win would simply have cemented the hold of the neo-liberals over the party. It's extremely difficult to force change from people who have just won, even when the win seemed so inevitable.

For the left wing of the party (and many of those who had simply left the party in despair), they've seen their economic concerns basically ignored for the best part of two decades now, since Bill was in power. Bernie was their first real chance for change, and from their perspective being told this wasn't the cycle for a protest was just more of the same message they'd been force fed every four years "This isn't the time - stop dividing the party - do you want to hand the election to the repubs?" etc etc.
A lot of these people never show up during the mid terms. You can't just vote for you're choice of president and ignore the down ballot or just miss the midterms altogether. Obama voters in these states are to blame for republican governors and legislators who have far more power over our live then a president does.
If anyone else was running against Hillary I could accept a protest vote but this was Donald fecking trump. My feeling is they should be ashamed of themselves.
Since 2001 we've witnessed the patriot act approved unread by parlement because criticism of the government was unpatriottic in that climate. We've seen them wage a war on a false pretext, we've seen an obedient media, we've seen illegal surveillance of all citizens, we've seen a violent and militarized police, we've seen the state with a license to murder, we've seen antiterrorism laws and violence used against the peaceful protesters of OWS, we've seen a very cosy relationship between big business and the government. Exactly what box of fascism-indicators does Trump check that wasn't already checked by Bush and Obama?
You must of just woken up after six months asleep buddy.
A lot of these people never show up during the mid terms. You can't just vote for you're choice of president and ignore the down ballot or just miss the midterms altogether. Obama voters in these states are to blame for republican governors and legislators who have far more power over our live then a president does.
If anyone else was running against Hillary I could accept a protest vote but this was Donald fecking trump. My feeling is they should be ashamed of themselves.

I think that's why they thought it was ok to protest vote though, no-one actually thought the ridiculous excuse for a human could actually win.
I think that's why they thought it was ok to protest vote though, no-one actually thought the ridiculous excuse for a human could actually win.
You got that right, I was all laughs until 8:30pm that night.
That's a parody account, to be fair. I think.

I would think so yeah, just adding to the melodrama ;)

The BBC are making a pretty big deal out of this, and it appears lots of other people are too. It seems you can attack the US press and not face too much grief, but don't dare attack the BBC. Paxman and Dimbleby are not going to let this slide.
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The Guardian got banned too, but that pales in comparison to the Courgette Crisis.
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