People that don't like the content in the thread are entitled to post stuff with substance themselves you know, rather than just complain about other posters.
I completely take your point that it's much easier to complain than it is to add genuine value to the discussion, but surely you can understand that the tone of the discussion and the atmosphere it generates plays a fundamental role in the inclusiveness of it? It doesn't feel very welcoming to people who don't want to join in the back-slapping. Something about it just feels a bit cliquey. Apologies if that's vague or seems pointlessly confrontational, but I am trying to make a genuine point which I can't quite seem to articulate fully.
Everyone acknowledges that the thread isn't welcoming to Trump supporters, and most people acknowledge that it's a bit of a shame that "the other side" don't have a real voice in here, but what I think is overlooked is that there are many people that are concerned about Trump or are full-on anti-Trump that don't want to get involved in the discussion either for very similar reasons.
The content of this thread is what it is: a accurate summation of the posters who post in it, and their best ability to engage with this subject. These conversations, with all their 'hysteria and drama' have occurred in every dinner table, coffee table and bar around the world since conversion began. The internet is merely a representation of the society it represents, albeit that opinion is now in public view and in realtime.
I thought it's been pretty well established at this stage that the internet and the news media are an exaggerated form of every day discussions on important issues, so I don't really agree with your first point. I'm sure we operate in very different circles, and my circles are by no means vast in size, but I happily chat away with people right across the political spectrum - and by that I don't mean silly outdated labels like democrats and republicans, I mean people that are politically apathetic and apolitical right through to people that live and breath politics. The way the discussion's represented in here is not remotely reflective of every day discussions in my experience.
For one thing it's intensely weighted towards people "on the left", as they say. That's generally acknowledged on here. It's also dominated by a small group of individuals. In a thread with almost 25,000 replies, it's quite significant that over 10% of those posts come from just two people. It's not unique - the internet's very good at creating all of these echo chambers, for obvious reasons - but it is worth acknowledging. I can't understand how you can talk about the media operating in an echo chamber without appreciating the same is true here.
As for the same people posting 100s of times saying the same things, you have completely missed the point. Rather, people are posting the exact same response of shock and disgust to different and multiple actions Trump has taken. He consistently behaves in a way that is causing people everywhere to react in the only way they know how. Its not just this thread, its the entire planet.
I understand that these are people's genuine responses to the various Trump stories. I do think they're exagerrated for effect and I do think they replicate the presentation style of the news media that people binge on, but at their core they are genuine responses. Is there really any value to repeating that same reaction, though? Does it really add anything to the discussion? At this point anyone that has read the thread with any degree of regularity can predict a large portion of the regular contributors' responses as soon as an event takes place. In fact in some cases it seems like people artificially twist the narrative to fit that basic reaction template. Does it need to be reiterated? Is it really that important for people to repeat almost identical messages on a multitude of topics?
If you're finding it painful, I'd ask what steps you have taken to makes the world less painful? Taking some kind of imagined intellectual high ground is how the world got itself into this mess in the first place! This is the real world in which naive idealistic soundbites matter very little.
This isn't the real world. It's the internet. It's a football forum where things that get said don't really matter. If we're talking about people going out in the real world and repeating their responses on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to a multitude of Trump's actions, for example in the form of protesting, then I personally see a great deal of value in that. It almost seems like you're trying to conflate things like that with what happens on here. I don't see any value to people repeating themselves constantly here. Perhaps it's valuable for the individuals but I don't see the value it represents to the discussion or the community.
As for what my contribution is to all of's largely non-existent, whether we're talking about in this thread or
in the real world. I've never tried to suggest otherwise so I don't know why you'd get defensive on that point. I don't have an intellectual high ground. I'm largely apolitical and I don't have remotely the same breadth of knowledge on the subject that someone like
@Raoul for example does. That's a significant part of the reason why my contribution to this thread is minimal. I personally think it'd be beneficial if people took the time to reflect on whether they're adding anything to the discussion or whether they're just ranting and raving to satisfy themselves, whether that's just in blowing off steam or actively seeking out some back-slapping. That's just my view though. I'd think the thread would still be very active - Trump's doing a good job of that on his own and the 24hr news media are consolidating that - but the discussion would be a little more palatable and inclusive.