The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What all this stuff that the Trump Administration neglects to remember is that the US is a nation of immigrants. As we know, forgetting your roots and your history makes for some pretty egregious errors in judgement.
So true. The other day I read what Wikipedia says about the reasons for immigration of DJT's ancestors. I wish somebody would ask him publicly about them, i.e. his grandfather.

His grandfather
Born in Kallstadt, in the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), he emigrated to the United States at the age of 16 and started working as a barber. Several years later in 1891, he moved to the Northwest. He made his fortune operating boom-town restaurants and boarding houses in Seattle and a mining town to the north, and in the Klondike Gold Rush.[1][2] He later returned to Germany and married. When authorities found that he had emigrated when young to avoid fulfilling his military service, he lost his Bavarian citizenship; he and his family returned to the United States.

His mother:
On May 2, 1930, MacLeod departed Glasgow on board the RMS Transylvania arriving in New York City on May 11, 1930‍—‌one day after her 18th birthday, declaring she intended to become a U.S. citizen and would be staying permanently in America.[2][3][4]

Arriving in America with just $50, MacLeod lived with her older sister Christina Matheson on Long Island and worked as a domestic servant for at least four years.
This is all just a ruse to weed out the leakers and/or discredit the "FAKE NEWS MSM". There's no way the States would enforce such tactics even if it was real
Tillerson Forced to Stay at Sanitarium in German Village for G-20

On his first trip abroad as U.S. secretary of state, Rex Tillerson was forced to stay at a sanitarium in a German village known for its hot springs, 30 minutes from where other world leaders gathered. Diplomatic security agents mingled in the parking lot with elderly people in wheelchairs arriving for spa treatments.

Tillerson, the former head of Exxon Mobil Corp., was at the sanitarium because Bonn’s hotels were all booked by the time he confirmed his attendance at this week’s Group of 20 meeting. Counterparts including U.K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson had to make a trek out to meet him.

Good form gents, good form...
This is all just a ruse to weed out the leakers and/or discredit the "FAKE NEWS MSM". There's no way the States would enforce such tactics even if it was real

Smart if it is. Then as an extra trick you write different versions of the memo that swap some of the states in and out, to give to different people. And then once it leaks, you know who did it.
I wonder if people think about the logistics of kicking out 12mil people? People that don't want to go - might they require a not so gentle push? Might that push need to be given by a not so gentle entity?
Okay so he's there to talk about the 787 but how long will it take for him to talk about 306? Oh and will he say that the 787 is being made because he's president?
Smart if it is. Then as an extra trick you write different versions of the memo that swap some of the states in and out, to give to different people. And then once it leaks, you know who did it.

Would not surprise me if its the case.

Also its clear from the leaks that have come out in the past few weeks, some of these sources that have released negative stuff are senior staffers (Bernstein confirmed Conway is one of the sources who is leaking stuff when the dossier was released), so dont be surprised to see some firings in the next few weeks.
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Even Fox News been doing their own digging on this story :eek:

John Roberts says during questioning by white house counsel, Flynn had a "full recollection" of the calls with the ambassador. This was after telling FBI agents he was unsure if sanctions were talked about.

About that Hillary Clinton, Uranium claim.

"And by the way, it would be great if we could get along with Russia, just so you understand that. Now tomorrow, you’ll say ‘Donald Trump wants to get along with Russia, this is terrible.’ It’s not terrible; it’s good. We had Hillary Clinton try and do a reset. We had Hillary Clinton give Russia 20 percent of the uranium in our country. You know what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons and other things, like lots of things are done with uranium, including some bad things."

He repeated the 20 percent claim twice more.

It was almost word-for-word what Trump said while campaigning in Waukesha, Wis., in September 2016. He said then that Clinton "gave up 20 percent of America's uranium supply to Russia."

Our rating of that claim was Mostly False.

As we reported at the time:

Trump’s reference was to Russia’s nuclear power agency buying a controlling interest in a Toronto-based company. That company has mines, mills and tracts of land in Wyoming, Utah and other U.S. states equal to about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity (not produced uranium).

Clinton was secretary of state at the time, but she didn’t have the power to approve or reject the deal. The State Department was only one of nine federal agencies that signed off on the deal, and only President Barack Obama had the power to veto it.
For the most part, they are a net positive for the economy. Also many should be considered refugees, as they are fleeing the terrible and underreported drug wars in Central America the causes of which can of course be traced back to the US. They'll never gain that official status though.

Do they pay taxes? how exactly are they a net positive on the economy? note I'm talking illegal immigrants. Are they officially refugees? why not seek asylum in other central American countries. If they will never gain official status why keep them?

Nothing wrong with wanting to stop illegal immigration. Illegal immigration/immigrants are the enemy of legal immigrants. Allowing people to break the law and rewarding them is an insult to the millions who go through the legal process to get to the US or any other country for that matter.

Thing is - the govt HAS been making headway with illegal immigrants. Obama ended up deporting more illegals than Bush -


Net migration from Mexico is DOWN.

Having said all that, there are 12-15mil illegal immigrants in this country - let's say 2 million are 'bad hombres' - criminals, gang bangers, rapists, killers (they aren't)...but, suppose. That still leaves you at least 10mil ppl. Many of these people have been in the US for decades - they have no other life and their children know no other 'home'.

I simply can't accept 10mil people getting marched to the borders, put on planes and being told to GTFO. It just doesn't sit right with me.
completely agree with the bold.

Illegal immigration is not right, I don't see them as "criminals" but it's not fair to people that go through the channels and wait. So I feel it's not fair to the process to just give these people legal status or any kind of status

Now yes I know net migration is down, I think this is partly to do with NAFTA and American companies bringing the manufactureing jobs and so forth to Mexico. But that's another discussion

but if there are 10 million undocumented /illegal immigrants in the US that's staggering. I get that they have been there a while... but I don't see why that is relevant. I don't agree that deporting then is being a fascist. Not sitting right with you doesn't seem a proper answer. They shouldn't have been there in the first place and I don't see why they should just be there. It's either you grant them all amnesty and just feck off with the rules... or ship every last one out and take a stance.

The Americans seem in unity with shipping away the criminals but don't want to send the rest because of family and being there a long time. But don't the criminals also have kids and family? Have some not also been there for a long time too? what about their families? It seems USA has been stuck in limbo for decades.

Maybe trump is going about deporting them in a wrong and what may be considered cruel way. But at least he has made a choice.

thats how I see it any way.
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.
Some democratically elected leaders are more equal than others though and sometimes it's in the world's interests to see a democratically elected government fall ie Morsi in Egypt.
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.

Get out - Dwight Yorker has just been barred from entering USA. Dwight Yorke. Ffs
So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.
Yep, they should close down the Democratic party and all other opposition parties worldwide. Sitting down and shutting up when you lose, the true hallmark of democracy.
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.

You don't have to let him get on with it though. Being allowed to whinge, shout and protest against things you don't believe in is a key part of democracy.
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.
Free Speech is an important part of any democracy. The idea that people can't whinge about the President or any other elected leader is totally undemocratic and a very dangerous route to go down.

Also in any true democracy the leader should be accountable to the whole electorate not just the people who voted for them.
Do they pay taxes? how exactly are they a net positive on the economy? note I'm talking illegal immigrants. Are they officially refugees? why not seek asylum in other central American countries. If they will never gain official status why keep them?
Yes. Those with fake social security numbers still pay income tax; they just don't get the benefits in the end. Those paid with cash under the table wouldn't make a significant addition via income tax and still pay tax on anything they buy, and occupy jobs (agriculture, oil, service, etc) that if abandoned would leave untold numbers of businesses out of business.

I already said those from Central America are not officially refugees. How are they going to seek asylum in another part of Central America when the whole of that region is a warzone? Those areas that aren't subject to gangs are desperately poor.
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.

Bolded the important parts. He received fewer votes than the person he beat. He got significant help with his help that calls into question the actual election results. And he's well beyond reason. Also a hallmark of a real democracy is to be able to challenge decisions without fear. Each and everyone if we so desire.

p.s. the biggest whinger is 45! Has he had a whinge-free day?
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.
Where the feck do you do you live? Just because you win an election doesn't mean that's the end of it. If the president had a D next to his name he would have been impeached on any one of the dozens of horrible shit this guy had done in a month. This country has checks and balances that seem to be working and along with the media doing there job it seems to be making trump more unhinged. He lost the popular by over 3 million yet won the election on an 80,000 margin in the EC, not a great example of a democracy. By the way, fear and uncertainty on my families future is not whingeing, the cheek.
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.

Who decides what's in reason? And how long do we have to wait until our leaders step out of line enough that we can start talking again?

Btw, telling people it's un-democratic to disagree with those elected is very...well, misguided.
I wonder if people think about the logistics of kicking out 12mil people? People that don't want to go - might they require a not so gentle push? Might that push need to be given by a not so gentle entity?

There will be blood shed

Can you imagine the amount of trigger happy weirdos and rednecks that make up the national guard?
On the undocumented immigrants. There are a huge number of jobs most Americans are not interested in doing. That's why they come here. Stop them and those jobs will remain unfilled without significant pay hikes. Hike pay and goods increase in price. Food is already spiraling out of control like healthcare. Now pay Americans to pick berries instead of undocumented immigrants and see what happens.
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.
Your 'sit back, relax - that's democracy, folks' approach worked out extremely well in Germany in the 1930ies. :wenger:
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.

There is a lot more to democracy than 1 vote every 4 years. He won the election to be president, a role that has been defined by law and practice over 300 years. He and his supporters act as if he was a monarch, in the worst days of monarchies. I honestly believe a lot of people (not necessarily you) who use this reasoning do not understand what democracy is.
So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.

:lol: :lol:

Democracy doesn't win the person winning the election gets to do whatever they want ffs.

stop whinging? whinging is a crucial part of democracy - complaining, protesting....

I'm getting into a bit of hyperbole here - but, what if the niggers can't drink from the same fountains...use the same bathrooms, eat at the same restaurants or go to the same schools - stop whinging. We have a democracy and a government...just get on with it folks.

Glad those who spearheaded the Civil Rights Movement didn't agree with you or your views on what democracy means.

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