The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The press should en masse refuse to attend any more PCs by that fraud.
The press should en masse refuse to attend any more PCs by that fraud.

He'd like that. Fox will become his RT.

Best if they all stick together and ask the hard questions.
A few reporters caught him good and proper yesterday.
And he rambled on when they did avoiding answering any question that got throught that he didn't like or couldn't answer.

One stay away might send a message that he needs to be serious.
And he rambled on when they did avoiding answering any question that got throught that he didn't like or couldn't answer.

One stay away might send a message that he needs to be serious.

It actually doesn't matter what he replies. The reporter can load the question in such a way that he has to at least acknowledge his bullshit. They're calling him out in a very public fashion. He's not a good enough politician or smart enough to deflect well, the more he rambles the more he looks like a jibbering idiot.
It actually doesn't matter what he replies. The reporter can load the question in such a way that he has to at least acknowledge his bullshit. They're calling him out in a very public fashion. He's not a good enough politician or smart enough to deflect well, the more he rambles the more he looks like a jibbering idiot.

This doesn't seem to bother Trump or his supporters/cohorts at all.

It is The Apprentice - we're down to the final 4...who will win?

Find out tonight on Trump TV, just as soon as the swarm of shadows passes overhead and the mutant bees die from radiation poisoning. But first a word from our sponsors...

"Hi I'm President For Life Donald Trump and I don't know about you but after a long day of sweating it out in the salt mines I love nothing better than coming home to a tepid glass of Reconstituted Water Substitute Four, now in Large Size at all good food shelters, dog cage fights and Walmarts. Just look at the size of these bottles, they're almost as big as my giant hands. Bigly."
This doesn't seem to bother Trump or his supporters/cohorts at all.

The opinion polls say differently. His approval rating is shrink and his disapproval rating is growing. The more he's made to look like the Buffon he is, the more pressure there is on foreign ministers to distance themselves from him and the more that happens the harder his job gets. If he loses the respect of foreign governments and the intelligence community find their job harder and harder due to an unwillingness to cooperate from other agencies, Congress will have to take action in the interest of national security.
It actually doesn't matter what he replies. The reporter can load the question in such a way that he has to at least acknowledge his bullshit. They're calling him out in a very public fashion. He's not a good enough politician or smart enough to deflect well, the more he rambles the more he looks like a jibbering idiot.

It's incredible really. Media training 101 to be able to deflect a question and crowbar in your own key message as an answer. A bog standard MP from a constituency in the back arse of beyond would be better at this sort of thing than Trump. We keep coming back to the elephant in the room. He is clearly not competent to do the job at hand. This has been obvious for ages. Which is why it's so fecking staggering that so many Americans who would usually vote for the Dems refused to vote for Hilary, in the knowledge that this dangerous buffoon would lead their country. What the hell were they thinking?
The opinion polls say differently. His approval rating is shrink and his disapproval rating is growing. The more he's made to look like the Buffon he is, the more pressure there is on foreign ministers to distance themselves from him and the more that happens the harder his job gets. If he loses the respect of foreign governments and the intelligence community find their job harder and harder due to an unwillingness to cooperate from other agencies, Congress will have to take action in the interest of national security.

That might be true, but I doubt approval polls will stop him. He's where he's always wanted to be I think - the world HAS to listen to him for the next 4 years. He's a bully and will walk all over anyone to get what he wants.
This is why CNN can go feck itself and I hope Trump continues to trash, humiliate and de-legitimize CNN.

This not so closet racist has been on CNN for the past 18 months and has time and time again, spouted disgusting and offensive shit. But, CNN thinks rating are more important than standards....

leading to this yesterday -

Can anyone say how the coverage from the likes of Fox is of his Presidency thus far?
umm - similar to how North Korean State TV covers Kim -

Trump is legendary and the only reason he isn't at 100% is because of unpatriotic Democrats. America is winning!

Chris Wallace & Shep have tried to add a bit of 'balance' from time to time...but, not much.
This is why CNN can go feck itself and I hope Trump continues to trash, humiliate and de-legitimize CNN.

This not so closet racist has been on CNN for the past 18 months and has time and time again, spouted disgusting and offensive shit. But, CNN thinks rating are more important than standards....

leading to this yesterday -

When I watched an earlier segment with Jeffrey Lord yesterday, I wanted to head out to wherever he was in the world and punch him in the face.
Has anyone issued any hypotheticals on what his tax returns might look like and what the issue wiild be if he released them?

Massive business dealings with Russians?

Owes a lot of money to Russian businessmen (Putin cronies)?

Personal economic ties to Putin himself?

Will tremendously benefit economically from sanctions being lifted on Russians?

Not nearly as wealthy as he claims?

All of the above???

We already knows he doesn't pay taxes.

Considering his massive ego and narcissism, you would think he would love to flout his tax returns to show how truly wealthy and successful he is, so you can be sure there is something really embarrassing or even criminal. It's not really rocket science.
It's incredible really. Media training 101 to be able to deflect a question and crowbar in your own key message as an answer. A bog standard MP from a constituency in the back arse of beyond would be better at this sort of thing than Trump. We keep coming back to the elephant in the room. He is clearly not competent to do the job at hand. This has been obvious for ages. Which is why it's so fecking staggering that so many Americans who would usually vote for the Dems refused to vote for Hilary, in the knowledge that this dangerous buffoon would lead their country. What the hell were they thinking?
I'm confident this is one answer to your question:
Just saw that a Trump aide called the BBC "fake news" yesterday. :wenger:
Isn't the BBC the 2nd most trusted news source for Americans? I saw a good article on that that breaks it down between conservative/liberal via polls; couldn't find it on a quick search though...
They've made a survey on the media. This is on his official site.

Shame I can't do it.

I visited the site though
The press should en masse refuse to attend any more PCs by that fraud.
I'm pretty sure that's what the white house is aiming for. Piss off the press so much that they no longer cover you and then only your message is the one your supporters hear.

Bannon's a sly fecker.
I sincerely wish that this Burnett guy, his wife and children will suffer from every single possible disease that's painful and fatal. Rotten through and through.

This is why CNN can go feck itself and I hope Trump continues to trash, humiliate and de-legitimize CNN.

This not so closet racist has been on CNN for the past 18 months and has time and time again, spouted disgusting and offensive shit. But, CNN thinks rating are more important than standards....

leading to this yesterday -

Jeffrey Lord is appauling. But I think it is important to hear from these sort of people on national TV and shut them down over their bullshit everytime they spout it. Completely out of order but he represents Trump and the people that voted trump in. So I think that needs to be represented on CNN aswel instead of a bunch of people that agree with each other.
This is why CNN can go feck itself and I hope Trump continues to trash, humiliate and de-legitimize CNN.

This not so closet racist has been on CNN for the past 18 months and has time and time again, spouted disgusting and offensive shit. But, CNN thinks rating are more important than standards....

leading to this yesterday -

Isn't the tea bagging caucus the white caucus?
"Do you believe that if Republicans were obstructing Obama like Democrats are doing to President Trump, the mainstream media would attack Republicans?"

How is that a Yes or No question?

Yes: The media would attack Republicans
No: The media would not attack Democrats (Subtext: Republicans are being treated unfairly)

The whole poll is so loaded.
That's not an opinion poll it's indoctrination material. Every question is forcing a biased narrative upon the reader.
Jeffrey Lord is appauling. But I think it is important to hear from these sort of people on national TV and shut them down over their bullshit everytime they spout it. Completely out of order but he represents Trump and the people that voted trump in. So I think that needs to be represented on CNN aswel instead of a bunch of people that agree with each other.
Not about agreeing with each other - there is debate and then there's giving a bigot a platform. There are hundreds of conservative media personalities - people who can defend Trump and his policies without being racist and ignorant douchebags.

CNN bring on Lord because he is polarizing - better for ratings. Simple as that. It's the same reason anyone would bring Ann Coulter on - there are far more intelligent conservative shakers and movers. No need to give scum like that a pulpit.
Absolutely love this, from someone who actually participated in writing the DSM as well.

Irvine Welsh put it best: "Psychiatrist who coined 'narcissistic personality disorder' says that Trump is not mentally ill, but just a cnut."

It's fantastic, isn't it?

Although, that said, I probably disagree with what he's saying. I've always had a bit of an issue with the idea that people with personality disorders are mentally ill. They're often (although not always) vulnerable, damaged people who might benefit from some sort of psych intervention, especially during a crisis. However, they are what they are and I'm not sure labelling their what they're going through as an illness is very helpful. That implies that the condition is reversible and they can't be responsible for their actions until they find a "cure". I think it's very possible that Trump does have some sort of PD, whether narcissistic, sociopathic or both. That's not mental illness, though, it's just the type of person he is.
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