The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Regarding illegal immigrants.

Is it not the policy of every country to enforce something loosely along the lines of;

- Employees need to have official documents to work. Be that a birth certificate, NI number, Visa etc
- Employers need to ensure they are employing people that meet that criteria.

- If an employee works without a legal ability too, they get deported.
- If an employer employs someone illegitimate, they get fined/sanctioned

From my limited experience of working in 6 countries, that's pretty universal.

Where is the grey in Americas policy? It seems that the illegal workers conundrum is due to shockingly bad oversight from the government and employers. Why go after the people that exploit incompetence? Put the blame at the companies doors.

It doesn't seem like a hard problem. Am I missing something?
Think he's going with the law & order angle. You have rules - people either follow them or dont...and you either implement them or say the hell with them.

Yeah I understand that argument, but unfortunately America has to take responsibility for its own immigration problem too - you can't talk about the land of the free, 'The American Dream', dominate media and proclaim to be the best country in the world for decades and expect people not to want to come in waves. Hell, if I could live in America legally I would go too.

There's no point dwelling about rules now when there's approximately 12 million illegal citizens currently residing in the country. And like it or not, they have made America their home.
Then how are you advocating for legal immigration if the process is impossible for pretty much everybody?

Surely the system needs to change first.
the system does need to change in my opinion. But you do have some that waited their turn to enter legally. Even if the process took forever. The illegal immigrants shouldn't have been their in the first place and to me it seems the biggest reason to want them in the country is because you can pay them under the counter to do jobs citizens don't want. Would it be better to just give 10 million immigrants citizenship?
that's pretty black and white to me. Something needs to be done. Immigration needs to be easier. a the borders should be more secure (not with a stupid wall) , illegal immigrants should be sent back but given a feasible process to enter and become citizens. Because it doesn't sit right to you isn't a reason in my opinion. You have expounded more so I will discuss the other points with you.
Immigration doesn't need to be easier - tweaks to certain things, guest worker programs etc etc are always welcome. Even if the US let in 10mil people legally every year, another 2 mil would still try to come in illegally and someone, somewhere would complain about the existing laws.

How much easier can immigration be then having a Diversity Visa - where, you require ZERO qualifications to win. Simple enter, if you get picked, you win a new life! If there wasn't political mileage to gain from this - people would discuss this issue in a more rational manner and realize, how more money is being spent on border control and how things are tighter and it is tougher to get in to the country illegally.

People tried to do something - I posted the proposed bill - it had different paths for all categories and also had a cut off in terms of who was eligible. As the bill was presented in 2013, it meant all those who made it into the US before 2012 would be covered by this law in some shape or form.

But, a need to simply this into a yes/no issue has meant - nothing got done. Even Trump for all his tough talk wants to get rid of 2mil-3mil max.

Where did he pluck that number from you ask?

ICE estimates that approximately 900,000 arrests of aliens for crimes occur every year and that approximately 550,000 criminal aliens convicted of crimes exit law enforcement custody every year. ICE has never had the capability to identify, arrest and remove all of these criminal aliens. ICE estimates that 1.94 million removable criminal aliens are in the United States today.

Finally even those figures aren't up to date - as ICE used those statistics to request additional funds from Congress - which they got. So, safe to guess...they've thrown out a fair few of those people!
the system does need to change in my opinion. But you do have some that waited their turn to enter legally. Even if the process took forever. The illegal immigrants shouldn't have been their in the first place and to me it seems the biggest reason to want them in the country is because you can pay them under the counter to do jobs citizens don't want. Would it be better to just give 10 million immigrants citizenship?

Why not? Similar to not paying taxes, that makes the illegals smart.
Sounds legit and as predicted by some in this thread.

Regarding illegal immigrants.

Is it not the policy of every country to enforce something loosely along the lines of;

- Employees need to have official documents to work. Be that a birth certificate, NI number, Visa etc
- Employers need to ensure they are employing people that meet that criteria.

- If an employee works without a legal ability too, they get deported.
- If an employer employs someone illegitimate, they get fined/sanctioned

From my limited experience of working in 6 countries, that's pretty universal.

Where is the grey in Americas policy? It seems that the illegal workers conundrum is due to shockingly bad oversight from the government and employers. Why go after the people that exploit incompetence? Put the blame at the companies doors.

It doesn't seem like a hard problem. Am I missing something?

Or go after both. I know of many companies that hire immigrants on overstayed visa's. As a matter of fact, i know someone that just went to Florida last week being given housekeeper job under the counter. Do I blame her? no i dont. Do I feel sorry for her if she's deported 10 years from now, having lost her accent, roots and way of life from where she was originally from? not really
Then how are you advocating for legal immigration if the process is impossible for pretty much everybody?

Surely the system needs to change first.

How can you advocate for anything except LEGAL IMMIGRATION. You can advocate for changes to the current system, even amnesty or a quick route to amnesty for most if not all of the people already in the country, I've said before we need to have a fix to the system with a fair way to enter the country legally and a fast tract to legal status for those already here. But I also feel that if that is every achieved, then anyone who enters illegally AFTER that, well throw them out. But again only AFTER we fix the system.
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Immigration doesn't need to be easier - tweaks to certain things, guest worker programs etc etc are always welcome. Even if the US let in 10mil people legally every year, another 2 mil would still try to come in illegally and someone, somewhere would complain about the existing laws.

How much easier can immigration be then having a Diversity Visa - where, you require ZERO qualifications to win. Simple enter, if you get picked, you win a new life! If there wasn't political mileage to gain from this - people would discuss this issue in a more rational manner and realize, how more money is being spent on border control and how things are tighter and it is tougher to get in to the country illegally.

People tried to do something - I posted the proposed bill - it had different paths for all categories and also had a cut off in terms of who was eligible. As the bill was presented in 2013, it meant all those who made it into the US before 2012 would be covered by this law in some shape or form.

But, a need to simply this into a yes/no issue has meant - nothing got done. Even Trump for all his tough talk wants to get rid of 2mil-3mil max.

Where did he pluck that number from you ask?

Finally even those figures aren't up to date - as ICE used those statistics to request additional funds from Congress - which they got. So, safe to guess...they've thrown out a fair few of those people!

Hard to really take anything Trumps says as legit. I think he said he would start with that first which leave wiggle room. And even then I wouldnt put it past him tp deport them all.

Immigration is basically impossible unless you marry in or are lucky to have a close relative that lives in the US. Yes you will still have the issue of folks wanting to come in but there also needs to be tougher sanctions on workers and companies that employ these people. That is why they stay. There is always someone willing to hire them. I agree that Trump should continue the deportation just like obama did, but crack down on people that hire them should also be on the agenda. making it easier to get outside workers should be on the agenda . Why is it so easy for an illegal immigrant to get a Job in the US or get a fake social security number.

What would you prefer seen done
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.

The only way to reverse the mistake of electing a wrong government is "whinging". At least this could help to overturn the government when next elections are due.

It's hardly a secret the real power of government in the US lies with big corporations and wealthy people. (Check wealth and background of presently elected government) Generally, it happens that manufactured consent replaces informed public opinion and provides a false sense of government by the people.
the system does need to change in my opinion. But you do have some that waited their turn to enter legally. Even if the process took forever. The illegal immigrants shouldn't have been their in the first place and to me it seems the biggest reason to want them in the country is because you can pay them under the counter to do jobs citizens don't want. Would it be better to just give 10 million immigrants citizenship?

You're going to have illegal immigration in lots of if not all developed countries, regardless of the system that's in place.

The US is peculiar because to my knowledge the system that is in place is particularly difficult.
So of course you'll get people cheating the system, especially when the land is so big and it shares borders with other countries which are easily accessible.

If the illegals aren't breaking the law, are contributing to the economy why can't they stay? America is the land of the free and built on the backs of millions of immigrants.

FFS! Look at the headline of the link/article he quoted. How can he be proud of that? Such a feckwitted moron.

Ugh, I was listening to a podcast a few weeks about a guy who has worked for 20 years to get that bill passed after his community was destroyed by coal mining. Obama passed it as one of his last acts but this guy was gutted, he knew all about the Congressional Repeals Act that lets any new president rip up recent regulations, whats worse is that it makes it almost impossible for this or any similar regulation to be passed in the future.
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Or go after both. I know of many companies that hire immigrants on overstayed visa's. As a matter of fact, i know someone that just went to Florida last week being given housekeeper job under the counter. Do I blame her? no i dont. Do I feel sorry for her if she's deported 10 years from now, having lost her accent, roots and way of life from where she was originally from? not really

Different strokes for different folks.

Blame the system. Punish the system. Make it better going forward.

I just can't be that callous to the individual unless everything is judged on individual merit.
You're going to have illegal immigration in lots of if not all developed countries, regardless of the system that's in place.

The US is peculiar because to my knowledge the system that is in place is particularly difficult.
So of course you'll get people cheating the system, especially when the land is so big and it shares borders with other countries which are easily accessible.

If the illegals aren't breaking the law, are contributing to the economy why can't they stay? America is the land of the free and built on the backs of millions of immigrants.

So then if that be the case why not just have an open border. Since these people are coming in willy nilly anyway. Or is it that the grey area where they are now just works. Enforce border patrol, if you get in great one of us but not really , stay here quitely under the rug and dont make a ruckus.
Trump off to Mar Lago for the third time in his first 4 weeks.

He's working hard and deserves these breaks :angel:
Ugh, I was listening to a podcast a few weeks about a guy who has worked for 20 years to get that bill past after his community was destroyed by coal mining. Obama passed it as one of his last acts but this guy was gutted, he knew all about the Congressional Repeals Act that lets any new president rip up recent regulations, whats worse is that it makes it almost impossible for this or any similar regulation to be passed in the future.

That's so sad and depressing. Just reading that article tells you how important it was. Fecks sake, he really is clueless and heartless. Couldn't give a shit about anything but £££££££$$$$$$$$$$$
The US is peculiar because to my knowledge the system that is in place is particularly difficult.
So of course you'll get people cheating the system, especially when the land is so big and it shares borders with other countries which are easily accessible.

Ahem. One country that is easily accessible.
I don't think he has immunity based on his first chat with the FBI. I suspect it was because they thought he was being truthful or possibly because Sessions and Comey made a calculation that they wouldn't pursue charges. Although I do think he will take immunity if they offer it up to him before he testifies before Congress.
I don't think he has immunity based on his first chat with the FBI. I suspect it was because they thought he was being truthful or possibly because Sessions and Comey made a calculation that they wouldn't pursue charges. Although I do think he will take immunity if they offer it up to him before he testifies before Congress.

That was a tweet from yesterday. I think with all the events that have happened since that first chat and no doubt more intelligence they've built since, they've got enough solid evidence or circumstantial evidence to build a case against him and start turning the screw.
That was a tweet from yesterday. I think with all the events that have happened since that first chat and no doubt more intelligence they've built since, they've got enough solid evidence or circumstantial evidence to build a case against him and start turning the screw.

Yes please. Every day that goes by with this joke of an administration stumbling onward heels over head just defies belief. I'd even settle for competent, sensible people in the background telling him to shut up and him still in charge compared to the sentient dumpster fire impression that's be served up in the last three days.
I don't think he has immunity based on his first chat with the FBI. I suspect it was because they thought he was being truthful or possibly because Sessions and Comey made a calculation that they wouldn't pursue charges. Although I do think he will take immunity if they offer it up to him before he testifies before Congress.

Fox News' John Roberts reported Flynn had a "full recollection" of the call when discussing this with the White House counsel. This was after the FBI interview, so he did lie to the FBI if Roberts' source is correct.
He just called the media the enemy of the American people...

:lol: He's decided to take on the one group no politician can afford to take on.

This bodes well for the eventual destruction of the GOP. :drool:
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