The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What on earth is CNN reporter Chalian talking about. Hes talking like its an incredible speech and thinks he should be doing this 3 times a week.
AP provide the document they were referring to.
This Presidency is like American Tabloid... only with Kennedy trying to get himself assassinated.
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.

:lol: :lol: :lol: The best WUM post I've read in a long time.
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Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do. So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.

The thing is that the people who didn't vote for Trump have a right to disagree with his policies, they have a right to disagree with every single things he tries to propose, the people who voted for him have the right to not agree with every single thing he does and they even have the right to change their minds.

Democracy isn't based on a "shut up I won" type of mentality, the winner is supposed to represent everyone and he is supposed to compromise and make things better for everyone.
The thing is that the people who didn't vote for Trump have a right to disagree with his policies, they have a right to disagree with every single things he tries to propose, the people who voted for him have the right to not agree with every single thing he does and they even have the right to change their minds.

Democracy isn't based on a "shut up I won" type of mentality, the winner is supposed to represent everyone and he is supposed to compromise and make things better for everyone.
this sounds like whinging...STOP WHINGING
this sounds like whinging...STOP WHINGING

But whether it's a wum or not, a lot of people think that elections are a game with winners and losers. That's completely ridiculous, it's as if people are losing sight of the actual goals of elections.
Listen people. As much as I think Trump is a bit of an idiot, he was democratically elected and as President he has to be allowed to take the direction he wants to take, within reason. You can't even say he's not acting in the spirit of his pre-election "manifesto" - he's doing the sorts of things that he said he would do.


So, unless you don't agree with democracy - and that's a very dangerous path to go down - you have to just let him get on with it. No point whingeing.

Look at the bigger picture - democracy, for better or worse.

No, people opposed to his decision can protest them, unless you don't agree with democracy.

Edit: I would say people are morally obligated to oppose his decisions on climate change and a few other issues, since they are objectively dangerous for the species.
yup, I've checked it..their article is spot on in terms of what the Memo says - only omission was, I couldn't find a figure for the national guard - whereas they obviously mentioned, 100,000.
Another gem related to this AP report:
Spicer to press - 100% not true. False. I wish you asked before you tweeted this.
AP - We did, WH/DHS didn't respond.

This administration is rotten from top to bottom.
Yes. Those with fake social security numbers still pay income tax; they just don't get the benefits in the end. Those paid with cash under the table wouldn't make a significant addition via income tax and still pay tax on anything they buy, and occupy jobs (agriculture, oil, service, etc) that if abandoned would leave untold numbers of businesses out of business.

I already said those from Central America are not officially refugees. How are they going to seek asylum in another part of Central America when the whole of that region is a warzone? Those areas that aren't subject to gangs are desperately poor.

ok fair enough about the fake ss #s. Yes I'm aware that consumption tax will benefit them, but even I spend thousands in the US and I don't even live there to be fair.

I disagree with the business they occupy going down the tank. I don't get why the USA wants to still be this huge manufacturing country. It's low paying monotonous jobs. Allow Ford and the rest of them to use cheaper labour elsewhere so that your cars don't cost an arm and a leg and allow American companies to stay competitive. Focus more on higher paying higher skilled jobs you can't have it all. Canada takes people from my country every year on 4 month contracts to help in the harvesting seasons. I am from a third world country and the cost of living is lower here. being paid 1k CA a month here is seen as a good paying job where as it's probably piss in places like Toronto. having programs like this will help keep cost down, make others do the jobs the citizens dont want and have some sort of structure instead of what's happening now which reminds me of a don't ask don't tell policy where its a Shady grey area.
Do they pay taxes? how exactly are they a net positive on the economy? note I'm talking illegal immigrants. Are they officially refugees? why not seek asylum in other central American countries. If they will never gain official status why keep them?

completely agree with the bold.

Illegal immigration is not right, I don't see them as "criminals" but it's not fair to people that go through the channels and wait. So I feel it's not fair to the process to just give these people legal status or any kind of status

Now yes I know net migration is down, I think this is partly to do with NAFTA and American companies bringing the manufactureing jobs and so forth to Mexico. But that's another discussion

but if there are 10 million undocumented /illegal immigrants in the US that's staggering. I get that they have been there a while... but I don't see why that is relevant. I don't agree that deporting then is being a fascist. Not sitting right with you doesn't seem a proper answer. They shouldn't have been there in the first place and I don't see why they should just be there. It's either you grant them all amnesty and just feck off with the rules... or ship every last one out and take a stance.

The Americans seem in unity with shipping away the criminals but don't want to send the rest because of family and being there a long time. But don't the criminals also have kids and family? Have some not also been there for a long time too? what about their families? It seems USA has been stuck in limbo for decades.

Maybe trump is going about deporting them in a wrong and what may be considered cruel way. But at least he has made a choice.

thats how I see it any way.

Are you aware that it's basically impossible to become an American citizen legally as an adult, unless you already have immediate family members who are citizens?
Are you aware that it's basically impossible to enter America legally as an adult unless you already have immediate family members who are citizens?
Mate I went there on holiday last year
completely agree with the bold.

Illegal immigration is not right, I don't see them as "criminals" but it's not fair to people that go through the channels and wait. So I feel it's not fair to the process to just give these people legal status or any kind of status

Now yes I know net migration is down, I think this is partly to do with NAFTA and American companies bringing the manufactureing jobs and so forth to Mexico. But that's another discussion

but if there are 10 million undocumented /illegal immigrants in the US that's staggering. I get that they have been there a while... but I don't see why that is relevant. I don't agree that deporting then is being a fascist. Not sitting right with you doesn't seem a proper answer. They shouldn't have been there in the first place and I don't see why they should just be there. It's either you grant them all amnesty and just feck off with the rules... or ship every last one out and take a stance.

The Americans seem in unity with shipping away the criminals but don't want to send the rest because of family and being there a long time. But don't the criminals also have kids and family? Have some not also been there for a long time too? what about their families? It seems USA has been stuck in limbo for decades.

Maybe trump is going about deporting them in a wrong and what may be considered cruel way. But at least he has made a choice.

thats how I see it any way.
Because reality isn't black and white...there are shades of grey. Policies have to be nuanced. Of course it not sitting right with me is a proper answer - it's why senators got together and tried to put out a comprehensive immigration bill. Because, no one can visualize a scenario where 10mil people regardless of age or circumstances are rounded up and simply told to fcuk off.

It's why, when push comes to shove - even the most extreme republican politician gives non-answers. Because the truth is potentially very ugly.
Are you aware that it's basically impossible to become an American citizen legally as an adult, unless you already have immediate family members who are citizens?
I'm quite aware. Even when you do have immediate family it's a long ass process. I am from a place where my country men and women illegally immigrate to the US. It's a part of the culture here.
I'm quite aware. Even when you do have immediate family it's a long ass process. I am from a place where my country men and women illegally immigrate to the US. It's a part of the culture here.

Then how are you advocating for legal immigration if the process is impossible for pretty much everybody?

Surely the system needs to change first.
Because reality isn't black and white...there are shades of grey. Policies have to be nuanced. Of course it not sitting right with me is a proper answer - it's why senators got together and tried to put out a comprehensive immigration bill. Because, no one can visualize a scenario where 10mil people regardless of age or circumstances are rounded up and simply told to fcuk off.

It's why, when push comes to shove - even the most extreme republican politician gives non-answers. Because the truth is potentially very ugly.

that's pretty black and white to me. Something needs to be done. Immigration needs to be easier. a the borders should be more secure (not with a stupid wall) , illegal immigrants should be sent back but given a feasible process to enter and become citizens. Because it doesn't sit right to you isn't a reason in my opinion. You have expounded more so I will discuss the other points with you.
Then how are you advocating for legal immigration if the process is impossible for pretty much everybody?

Surely the system needs to change first.
Think he's going with the law & order angle. You have rules - people either follow them or dont...and you either implement them or say the hell with them.
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