The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Don't know/care if it's already been posted :lol:

So the house GOP leaders are insisting on an investigation into the leaks and not what they potentially reveal - you know, the small issue of possible treason and clandestine communications with the Russians :rolleyes:
For anybody interested: Tillerson is making his debut outside of the US, attending the G20 in Germany, having also bilateral meetings including Russia, Saudi Arabia, UK, Turkey, Italy etc. Not very talkative to the press yet according to Barbara Plett from BBC (
So the house GOP leaders are insisting on an investigation into the leaks and not what they potentially reveal - you know, the small issue of possible treason and clandestine communications with the Russians :rolleyes:
Don't worry about it, it's fine now. Everything is gonna be great and you're gonna love what we're planning to do. You're gonna love it. It's so good you won't believe that we've been able to do it. Trust me.

And, hey, at least that pesky Democrat is out of the White House amirite?!
Don't worry about it, it's fine now. Everything is gonna be great and you're gonna love what we're planning to do. You're gonna love it. It's so good you won't believe that we've been able to do it. Trust me.

And, hey, at least that pesky Democrat is out of the White House amirite?!

:lol: See that's the positives I was talking about. At least we don't have to listen to four years of email scandals and Benghazi......... :nervous:
So the house GOP leaders are insisting on an investigation into the leaks and not what they potentially reveal - you know, the small issue of possible treason and clandestine communications with the Russians :rolleyes:

Did you expect any different? It's along the lines of what I said here:

Cue tomorrow: Senate IC will not be holding any investigation into Trump.

Cue Friday - New EO stating that investigations of administration staff should be done by a team headed and compiled by the President.

GOP are doubling down around him because they all fear their own positions if they don't back him. They're also going to use him to push through some of their least popular agendas.
He's asking the journalists to apologize for doing their job. :lol:

I have to admit, being away from the US, my inner schadenfreude is quite enjoying the Trumpster.
Good Morning underlings!

I wonder why he didn't have this attitude during the election?

We he finally gets caught he's going to be remembered as the biggest peice of shit to have ever lived in America.
About that record levels for the Dow and all.

The NYSE currently also has record levels of margin debt, close to $600 Billion. Margin debt is the leverage used to buy the stocks, in other words, they are being inflated by debt investment. Also note than much of that debt is held by the companies themselves or subsidiaries acting for them. This started happening right about the time that deferred payments and stock options became the norm for board level remuneration packages.

If you do a search for margin debt levels, the last two major peaks were in 2001 and 2008. Right before the collapses of those two years.

In other words, it is probably not something to brag about, but it is another area he displays a bigly lack of understanding of, just superficial 'bigger is better' juvenile attitude.
Buttigieg seems to have come out of nowhere to being one of the leading contenders for DNC now.

Impressive to have these endorsements, but i reckon its too late for him (The vote is next week) to get a huge surge of momentum, that he would need to overcome the huge advantage Perez and Ellison have built in the previous couple of weeks.
Buttigieg seems to have come out of nowhere to being one of the leading contenders for DNC now.

Tom Perez supposedly has 180 out of the needed 220ish votes so far, may put him in the lead.
Gaslighting is a version of the Shaggy defence. Just keep repeating that something which happened didn't happen until even the people who it happened to doubt themselves. Never heard of brigading but I'd guess it just meant tribalism.
The Guardian tries too hard, its headline is currently about Deutsche Bank examining Trumps links to Russia. Well the headline really should be that they found nothing and anyone involved in finance will tell you that PEP and Sanction checking is just BAU practice conducted on any person of interest.

I don't understand the need to scrape the barrel and spin stuff when there's so much genuine dirt to throw at him.
I wonder why he didn't have this attitude during the election?

We he finally gets caught he's going to be remembered as the biggest peice of shit to have ever lived in America.

His supporters will never admit that they were wrong. Sad!
Tom Perez supposedly has 180 out of the needed 220ish votes so far, may put him in the lead.

:rolleyes: They're never going to learn their lessons if he wins. He's just another establishment pro Clinton candidate, who's been handpicked by the Obama administration to run for the position.
To show you how spineless Perez is, take this recent example.

He said this in a meeting in Kansas recently.

We heard loudly and clearly yesterday from Bernie supporters that the process was rigged and it was. And you've got to be honest about it. That's why we need a chair who is transparent,

Then no doubts got a phone call from the Clinton camp and backtracked

"Mr President, in relation to the wall, how do you respond to concerns about the potential environmental problems it could cause? Furthermore, what are your thoughts about the possibility that a fence could be built instead?"

"Well, that's a great question, and let me just say that we were completely overwhelmed with the margin of victory. 306 Electoral College votes. Nobody was expecting it. People were predicting that we'd be lucky to get any coverage on election night. We completely stole the show. It was a historic night for everybody. When you achieve what we did, people are going to 100% have to remember it. People were congratulating me and I just told them that it was what we expected. As for the wall, we'll prove people wrong again."
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