The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He's heading to Mar a Lago again this weekend. It will be third trip there in his first 4 weeks in office :rolleyes:

Just a thought here, aside from how hypocritical he is having a go at Obama for taking time off, going on holiday or playing golf, but I've heard it costs around $3 MILLION each time Trump goes to Florida due to extra security measures and stuff, so put that with what Melania is costing the US taxpayer by staying in NYC and it's just taking the piss on an unprecedented level. However, my real point is the SECURITY RISK! Trump went and joined a wedding party at his golf course last week, and took the Japanese PM with him. Pictures all over the net showed how relaxed Trump looked and many commented that he was openly discussing policy issues with guests and asking their opinions of things, and many said they saw classified documents on the tables in front of the two world leaders. People were also posing for photos with the guy who holds the nuclear football. How the feck has more not been made of this? But more to the point, can anyone tell me that out of all the recent Presidents that Trump isn't the easiest to get at? That's a massive hotel/golf course and he's openly partying at a wedding, and it's not like he's the top of many people's Christmas card list at the moment. I bet he's the nightmare from hell for the Secret Service and the guys posted to look after him.
Just a thought here, aside from how hypocritical he is having a go at Obama for taking time off, going on holiday or playing golf, but I've heard it costs around $3 MILLION each time Trump goes to Florida due to extra security measures and stuff, so put that with what Melania is costing the US taxpayer by staying in NYC and it's just taking the piss on an unprecedented level. However, my real point is the SECURITY RISK! Trump went and joined a wedding party at his golf course last week, and took the Japanese PM with him. Pictures all over the net showed how relaxed Trump looked and many commented that he was openly discussing policy issues with guests and asking their opinions of things, and many said they saw classified documents on the tables in front of the two world leaders. People were also posing for photos with the guy who holds the nuclear football. How the feck has more not been made of this? But more to the point, can anyone tell me that out of all the recent Presidents that Trump isn't the easiest to get at? That's a massive hotel/golf course and he's openly partying at a wedding, and it's not like he's the top of many people's Christmas card list at the moment. I bet he's the nightmare from hell for the Secret Service and the guys posted to look after him.

Well, the top guy already said 'f* it':

Did we miss this amidst all the other stuff?
Just a thought here, aside from how hypocritical he is having a go at Obama for taking time off, going on holiday or playing golf, but I've heard it costs around $3 MILLION each time Trump goes to Florida due to extra security measures and stuff, so put that with what Melania is costing the US taxpayer by staying in NYC and it's just taking the piss on an unprecedented level. However, my real point is the SECURITY RISK! Trump went and joined a wedding party at his golf course last week, and took the Japanese PM with him. Pictures all over the net showed how relaxed Trump looked and many commented that he was openly discussing policy issues with guests and asking their opinions of things, and many said they saw classified documents on the tables in front of the two world leaders. People were also posing for photos with the guy who holds the nuclear football. How the feck has more not been made of this? But more to the point, can anyone tell me that out of all the recent Presidents that Trump isn't the easiest to get at? That's a massive hotel/golf course and he's openly partying at a wedding, and it's not like he's the top of many people's Christmas card list at the moment. I bet he's the nightmare from hell for the Secret Service and the guys posted to look after him.

By going down he achieves two goals :

1) new revenue stream for his club especially at highly inflated prices.
2) like you said the security risks. .. the government has to pay got the upgrade that the club will have to do. .. once again at highly inflated prices.

That's how trump works. ..on other people's money.
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Just a thought here, aside from how hypocritical he is having a go at Obama for taking time off, going on holiday or playing golf, but I've heard it costs around $3 MILLION each time Trump goes to Florida due to extra security measures and stuff, so put that with what Melania is costing the US taxpayer by staying in NYC and it's just taking the piss on an unprecedented level. However, my real point is the SECURITY RISK! Trump went and joined a wedding party at his golf course last week, and took the Japanese PM with him. Pictures all over the net showed how relaxed Trump looked and many commented that he was openly discussing policy issues with guests and asking their opinions of things, and many said they saw classified documents on the tables in front of the two world leaders. People were also posing for photos with the guy who holds the nuclear football. How the feck has more not been made of this? But more to the point, can anyone tell me that out of all the recent Presidents that Trump isn't the easiest to get at? That's a massive hotel/golf course and he's openly partying at a wedding, and it's not like he's the top of many people's Christmas card list at the moment. I bet he's the nightmare from hell for the Secret Service and the guys posted to look after him.

Because there's been so much controversy coming on a daily basis, that the media forget a current controversy to move on to the next story.

Its all a joke. 9 million for 3 trips in a month. Who's paying for all the dozens and dozens of white house staff who go to Mar A Lago with Trump and for their lodging? What about the secret service agents who need spaces to operate and for lodging?

Is all this money charged to the taxpayers and is Trump profiteering from his decision to go to his own resort multiple times in the first month.
Is all this money charged to the taxpayers and is Trump profiteering from his decision to go to his own resort multiple times in the first month.

Knowing it's Trump I would say yes, 100% which is clearly a conflict of interests but as you say, there is so much controversy elsewhere things like this just get missed. It would be hilarious if he got impeached and then charged to pay back the taxpayers money. :lol: Not that that is ever going to happen though.
Knowing it's Trump I would say yes, 100% which is clearly a conflict of interests but as you say, there is so much controversy elsewhere things like this just get missed. It would be hilarious if he got impeached and then charged to pay back the taxpayers money. :lol: Not that that is ever going to happen though.

We can dream it will :devil:
This is the correct approach. Don't give liars and deflectors a platform.

They happily accommodated her for a whole year. They will again when the next election approaches.

It's funny watching CNN acting principled now, when they afflicted us all with Corey Lewandowski, Jeffrey Lord and Kayleigh McEnany(still do) for the best part of 12 months.
Because there's been so much controversy coming on a daily basis, that the media forget a current controversy to move on to the next story.

Its all a joke. 9 million for 3 trips in a month. Who's paying for all the dozens and dozens of white house staff who go to Mar A Lago with Trump and for their lodging? What about the secret service agents who need spaces to operate and for lodging?

Is all this money charged to the taxpayers and is Trump profiteering from his decision to go to his own resort multiple times in the first month.
He said he wouldn't take a salary yet basically pays himself 3 mil every weekend.
He said he wouldn't take a salary yet basically pays himself 3 mil every weekend.

I don't think anyone has a fecking clue how much he and his family are making from this gig. He's sure as feck not taking it seriously, because if he was you wouldn't hear the bullshit like he came out with earlier when asked about anti-Semitism or the shite he comes out with on any policy issue. The same as him constantly skipping intelligence briefings or tweeting when in them. All he's interested in is the fame, the power and money! And like I said, I doubt anyone has a clue how much he is making or stands to make at the end. Who's to say deals wont be made that pay out after he leaves office? But by then he could have made millions from all the people staying at his hotels. Fair enough, people are boycotting his products, but all the time the rich and powerful politicians who need something from him, or want to impress him, stay at his places for inflated prices, then I honestly don't think the boycotts will make too much difference, which is a real shame.

I honestly still cannot believe he wasn't made to release his tax records, especially with all these Russian connections going on, and that he wasn't forced to put his businesses in to a blind trust or at the very least, sell off his hotels first. Sorry, but if you want to be able to be President and have all the power and responsibility that comes with it then you shouldn't have anything that could potentially be used against you or embarrass the office you hold, or the people you represent. At the same time if you want the Presidency then you should be prepared to accept that comes with a price and sacrifices have to be made. Surely, that is not too much to ask or expect? I would have thought anyone with any shred of decency would agree with that or expect that anyway. All the refusal, the ducking and avoidance by Trump shows he was never prepared to do any of that, and to him it is just a gig and a way to earn m(b)illions, and to stroke his ego and grant him the power he has always craved.
I don't think anyone has a fecking clue how much he and his family are making from this gig. He's sure as feck not taking it seriously, because if he was you wouldn't hear the bullshit like he came out with earlier when asked about anti-Semitism or the shite he comes out with on any policy issue. The same as him constantly skipping intelligence briefings or tweeting when in them. All he's interested in is the fame, the power and money! And like I said, I doubt anyone has a clue how much he is making or stands to make at the end. Who's to say deals wont be made that pay out after he leaves office? But by then he could have made millions from all the people staying at his hotels. Fair enough, people are boycotting his products, but all the time the rich and powerful politicians who need something from him, or want to impress him, stay at his places for inflated prices, then I honestly don't think the boycotts will make too much difference, which is a real shame.

I honestly still cannot believe he wasn't made to release his tax records, especially with all these Russian connections going on, and that he wasn't forced to put his businesses in to a blind trust or at the very least, sell off his hotels first. Sorry, but if you want to be able to be President and have all the power and responsibility that comes with it then you shouldn't have anything that could potentially be used against you or embarrass the office you hold, or the people you represent. At the same time if you want the Presidency then you should be prepared to accept that comes with a price and sacrifices have to be made. Surely, that is not too much to ask or expect? I would have thought anyone with any shred of decency would agree with that or expect that anyway. All the refusal, the ducking and avoidance by Trump shows he was never prepared to do any of that, and to him it is just a gig and a way to earn m(b)illions, and to stroke his ego and grant him the power he has always craved.
Agree with every syllable. It's madness to think that I would prefer Pence's smug grin in the Oval Office for the next four years. I fancy our chances against the failed governor of Indiana in court on social issues. As long as the Dems hold fast on the SC pick we will be cool. But Trump is too crazy, too dumb and too volatile for this job. The office is tainted by republicans and they have lost any patriotic high ground that they so enjoy shouting around. Everyone on them dropped to their knees to kiss his mandarin segments even after the thousands of fecked up shit he has said and done, any of which would have destroyed a democrat by the way. He is a despicable cnut surrounded by bigoted shit heads supported by dumbfecks.
Agree with every syllable. It's madness to think that I would prefer Pence's smug grin in the Oval Office for the next four years. I fancy our chances against the failed governor of Indiana in court on social issues. As long as the Dems hold fast on the SC pick we will be cool. But Trump is too crazy, too dumb and too volatile for this job. The office is tainted by republicans and they have lost any patriotic high ground that they so enjoy shouting around. Everyone on them dropped to their knees to kiss his mandarin segments even after the thousands of fecked up shit he has said and done, any of which would have destroyed a democrat by the way. He is a despicable cnut surrounded by bigoted shit heads supported by dumbfecks.

I think it's time everyone started looking at the positives here otherwise we will all go mad or just be permanently depressed. There ARE some positives, I just read that a Republican Senator Susan Collins is fighting back and refusing to vote for Scott Pruitt to head the EPA* (her statement is below) That's a great positive and a nice start, put that with the Flynn resignation and what happened to Puzder and you can see momentum and a trend building. Admittedly, it should have started earlier and DeVos in particular should never be allowed to take up her position but it's already been said that she is going to be watched like a hawk and any slip ups and the Dems will pounce, chances are some Republicans may also do too, all nice positives to look at there.

Next just look at what the people have done and are doing. Look at the huge numbers of people at rallies and demonstrations. The people have found out they actually have a voice and are starting to use it, it just needs to continue and everyone needs to support each other and make sure apathy or despair doesn't set in. The Republicans successfully did it to Obama when he had a mandate and majority in both houses, agreed he did try to reach out an olive branch to the Republicans and play bipartisan politics, but I don't think he can be blamed for that, although it was naïve, at least he tried. However, the point being the Tea Party was formed to oppose Obama and just look at how successful they became. The resistance as they have been labelled can outdo the Tea Party and then some. The sheer amount of people that can help form and be part of The Resistance is frightening, it fecking should be to the Republicans anyway. They won't take The Resistance lightly because they know they did it themselves. Everyone just has to stay calm, make sure there is a clear plan of action and stick to it. The most important part of it all is obviously making sure everyone comes out to vote in all upcoming elections, all local, mid term, whatever. None should be dismissed or taken lightly. Even if it's just a town mayoral vote, the people need to show they take these positions seriously and show they will come out to vote.

Finally, just look at how the press are treating Trump and his bullshitting crew. They are being blocked from appearing on shows, being literally pulled apart in the press, and many are being held accountable and questioned over the lies coming from them or Trump himself. On top of that, just look at the Press Conferences, they are all appearing to sing from the same hymn sheet now and if Spicer (for instance) ducks a question then the next reporter is repeating it or rephrasing it to him and he's not being allowed to duck them anymore. And if that all wasn't quite enough to be positive about, just look at how the intelligence agencies seem to be reacting, they are fighting back too. I said months ago(and others here did too) that it would be moronic for anyone to make enemies out of the press and intelligence agencies but especially the soon to be President. And since the inauguration I have been asking why the hell haven't the press and Intelligence agencies started to fight back, I asked what the hell they were doing and would they let this shit continue? would they stand for being treated like mugs and walked all over? Well I think I and we have all now got our answers to those questions, and so far, I'm quite liking the replies we are getting. I only hope it continues and they don't let up or let anyone off the hook and as I said, everyone else has to do their part too, all the time staying positive.


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I don't expect this letter to make a difference in the end but I have to say that I'm relieved that every day, more and more people come out and speak up on 45's plans, actions and statements.

I don't expect this letter to make a difference in the end but I have to say that I'm relieved that every day, more and more people come out and speak up on 45's plans, actions and statements.

That's all well and good and I completely agree, but Trump isn't qualified either. He proved that today with his absolutely horrific and disgustingly disturbing "one or two states" comment. It says above Trump is committed to a two state policy, well he contradicted that today. Back to what I and others have said ad nauseam he only cares about himself and the only thing he is interested in from Israel is money. If the Palestinians hadn't suffered enough, now they have Trump to contend with and the possibility of Freidman as well. At least the people who wrote and signed the above letter seem to have their hearts and minds in the right places, I can only hope they get their wish.

Oh, and Trump maybe ill, just not menthol...

That's all well and good and I completely agree, but Trump isn't qualified either. He proved that today with his absolutely horrific and disgustingly disturbing "one or two states" comment. It says above Trump is committed to a two state policy, well he contradicted that today. Back to what I and others have said ad nauseam he only cares about himself and the only thing he is interested in from Israel is money. If the Palestinians hadn't suffered enough, now they have Trump to contend with and the possibility of Freidman as well. At least the people who wrote and signed the above letter seem to have their hearts and minds in the right places, I can only hope they get their wish.
Of course he isn't but they are not claiming he is, are they? Quite the opposite, otherwise they wouldn't have written the letter. Where do you read in the letter that 45 is committed to a two state solution? I'm not caffeinated enough yet to find it. :wenger: I only read what US policy used to be, that 45 finds new settlements not helpful for peace and that he wants to make the ultimate deal between Israel and Palastine.
Quite the opposite, otherwise they wouldn't have written the letter

The letter is about Friedman not Trump though but I get what you mean as he's not qualified hence why he picked a lunatic like Friedman, and it's in the last paragraph that Trump said that more settlements may not be in the best interest in peace and also that he said previously he wanted to make the ultimate deal of peace between Israel and Palestine. Although he said that when he wanted his son in law Jared to be the negotiator between the two and he said that Jared would be able to get peace in the region. I presume Trump said this because his son in law is Jewish. That being his only qualification in the area as far as I can see, and to be fair, that sums up Trumps thinking. "oh he's Jewish, he can sort it out" And it doesn't say in there about Trump and the two state solution, just his intention to sort the problem out, but the only way that can happen is if there is a two state solution. Trump also said today he didn't care if it there was a one or two state agreement just as long as both were happy, which showed his lack of understanding of the situation, but again contradicting what he's said before. Mahmud Abbas the Palestinian leader has said numerous times that he believes a 2 state agreement is the way to sort it out, and he said that to Trump when congratulating him on his election win. But Friedman is a far right wing nutter so his appointment wouldn't help the situation at all. It's all a clusterfeck to be honest, and I just feel for the poor people on both sides that are stuck in the middle of it all. With this bunch of clowns peace seems as far away as it's ever been.
The letter is about Friedman not Trump though but I get what you mean as he's not qualified hence why he picked a lunatic like Friedman, and it's in the last paragraph that Trump said that more settlements may not be in the best interest in peace and also that he said previously he wanted to make the ultimate deal of peace between Israel and Palestine. Although he said that when he wanted his son in law Jared to be the negotiator between the two and he said that Jared would be able to get peace in the region. I presume Trump said this because his son in law is Jewish. That being his only qualification in the area as far as I can see, and to be fair, that sums up Trumps thinking. "oh he's Jewish, he can sort it out" And it doesn't say in there about Trump and the two state solution, just his intention to sort the problem out, but the only way that can happen is if there is a two state solution. Trump also said today he didn't care if it there was a one or two state agreement just as long as both were happy, which showed his lack of understanding of the situation, but again contradicting what he's said before. Mahmud Abbas the Palestinian leader has said numerous times that he believes a 2 state agreement is the way to sort it out, and he said that to Trump when congratulating him on his election win. But Friedman is a far right wing nutter so his appointment wouldn't help the situation at all. It's all a clusterfeck to be honest, and I just feel for the poor people on both sides that are stuck in the middle of it all. With this bunch of clowns peace seems as far away as it's ever been.
If four former ambassadors write an open letter with the content as is, it's IMHO implicit criticism of the person who picked the candidate over others and the position this person takes. I agree that those who suffer the most from all that are the people on both sides in the region.
But more to the point, can anyone tell me that out of all the recent Presidents that Trump isn't the easiest to get at? That's a massive hotel/golf course and he's openly partying at a wedding, and it's not like he's the top of many people's Christmas card list at the moment. I bet he's the nightmare from hell for the Secret Service and the guys posted to look after him.

I can't see an LGBT anti gun campaigner assassinating him. All the crazy people actually like him.
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