The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's taking embarrassment to a new low level. He should be impeached for his utterly poor presser performances alone.

Feck the pressers, he's representing the USA and making it a joke around the world.

What the hell does anyone think Netanyahu thinks when he hears shit like that? Trump being asked a very serious question and he just talks complete gibberish about his big win, it trivialises the seriousness of the question and the subject matter itself, and to be honest, it's also offensive how he turns everything back to him. He clearly doesn't understand the question so how can he be representing the most powerful country on earth? It's hilarious to me, but it's really no laughing matter because it's just so dangerous. And yeah, back to my original point, what does Netanyahu think? Or any of the world leaders he's met so far? one word. MORON! well probably two. Fecking moron!
Feck the pressers, he's representing the USA and making it a joke around the world.

What the hell does anyone think Netanyahu thinks when he hears shit like that? Trump being asked a very serious question and he just talks complete gibberish about his big win, it trivialises the seriousness of the question and the subject matter itself, and to be honest, it's also offensive how he turns everything back to him. He clearly doesn't understand the question so how can he be representing the most powerful country on earth? It's hilarious to me, but it's really no laughing matter because it's just so dangerous. And yeah, back to my original point, what does Netanyahu think? Or any of the world leaders he's met so far? one word. MORON! well probably two. Fecking moron!
You're reading my mind. I've wondered during the presser if country leaders are havin good laughs together behind his back because he's so obviously incompetent and out of his depth, he makes any other moron look smart and eloquent in comparison.
Regarding the dangerous bit: It seems as if the intelligence community is working on a resolution.
You're reading my mind. I've wondered during the presser if country leaders are havin good laughs together behind his back because he's so obviously incompetent and out of his depth, he makes any other moron look smart and eloquent in comparison.
Regarding the dangerous bit: It seems as if the intelligence community is working on a resolution.

Let's hope so mate, sincerely. Although I don't agree with democracy being undermined, the election was fudged from the start with two seriously flawed candidates. Two wrongs don't make a right of course, but this is so far out of the realms of normality I don't know what to think anymore. In fairness the intelligence agencies have been meddling in American policy and government for years, it's just now they are doing it more openly, and of course they have been involved in regime change for decades in various places around the world so there is some irony to all this.

I would prefer Trump to fall hard if he has to go, he needs to be completely humiliated and it needs to be so overwhelming when it happens otherwise I can guarantee you, I, or the entire world will never hear the end of it. You know what he's been like bragging about his victory, and also moaning about the overall vote, just imagine what he would be like if he was forced from office.
He's gone...

"It's over. We won, you lost."

I think certain people are learning about the power of protest. You should never sit back and let people like this do whatever they like.
Rally in Florida coming up -

If true, a decent pick. I think he's a protege of Mattis, which probably played a part in the decision making.
While he may be a laughing stock, he is right about nato contributions. only 4 european countries meeting their obligatory 2%.

Belgium managing just over .5
He is but even a blind man may sometimes hit the mark. It stems from his lie that the US get abused by every other country on anything, NATO included.
I would prefer Trump to fall hard if he has to go, he needs to be completely humiliated and it needs to be so overwhelming when it happens otherwise I can guarantee you, I, or the entire world will never hear the end of it. You know what he's been like bragging about his victory, and also moaning about the overall vote, just imagine what he would be like if he was forced from office.
I believe this is a common wish. Let's hope that when he falls, he'll take the whole Bannon-Miller-Breitbart-Pence-Ryan-Chaffetz-invertebrateGOPbunch down with him

As I've pointed out in the Israel thread, there's nothing incredible that's happened in the last eight or even seventeen years that has made the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank significantly more difficult than it was at Camp David. If it was possible then, it should still be possible now, and if it's impossible now then it was impossible then.
Corporates continue to distance themselves from tRump ....

Today Under Armour’s CEO Kevin Plank purchased a full-page ad in The Baltimore Sun to address comments he made last week on CNBC. In the interview, when asked about President Donald Trump, Plank called him a “real asset” for American businesses.

The comments caused a number of the brand’s star endorses, including Misty Copeland and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, to publicly denounce Plank’s seemingly pro-Trump stance.

The open letter, addressed to the city of Baltimore, attempts to clarify the CEO’s comments which Plank writes “did not accurately reflect my intent.” He doesn’t ever mention President Trump by name or really reference his comments on CNBC but instead lays out a number of the brand’s core values and looks back at some of the things the company has done to serve the city of Baltimore.

He's gone after the intel agencies again today :lol:

Expect more leaks soon
And as Kurt Eichenwald put it in a tweet: if Trump successfully clamps down US leaks, Europe won't stop (see Newsweek story posted by Raoul above). :D
Words escape me:wenger:

If there had been a down the line perfect president for several years and they replied with those words, there would be a huge reaction. To just that.

It's as if the body of crazy is just so goddamn huge that we throw it in one pile as a whole because it's easier to deal with. The man is a buffoon.

The narcissist needs to be fed. He'll also be looking for the comfort of the campaign trail again, a time when things just seemed so much more effortless.
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