The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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:rolleyes: They're never going to learn their lessons if he wins. He's just another establishment pro Clinton candidate, who's been handpicked by the Obama administration to run for the position.

He's a former public defender who was Sec. Labour under Obama and well liked by plenty of unions and Labour groups.

The word establishment is thrown around way too cavalier nowadays. If anything, Ellison, being a member of Congress himself, is more establishment than Perez.
:lol: See that's the positives I was talking about. At least we don't have to listen to four years of email scandals and Benghazi......... :nervous:
Ahhhh, email scandals, such a simpler time. I always thought during the election that the uproar over her emails was like America bemoaning a broken fingernail while in the process of severing its own arm.
Can someone tell me why he wants a wall? Genuinely curious. How does that stop illegal immigrants?
He's not going to be happy

There's already a fence that was started in 2006 under the Bush admin. They built 50 miles of it and gave up. There's new bills titled "Complete the fence act 20xx" that spring up every other year by some conservative senator.
He's a former public defender who was Sec. Labour under Obama and well liked by plenty of unions and Labour groups.

The word establishment is thrown around way too cavalier nowadays. If anything, Ellison, being a member of Congress himself, is more establishment than Perez.

Whilst he was a good secretary, he was not even interested in the DNC job, until the White House got involved because they did not want Ellison to win.

The guy refuses to support the ban on corporate donations to the DNC and was pro TTP (One of the reasons trump won was because of him going against the free trade policies and that was a factor in winning in places like Michigan.

As for him being well liked, that may well be the case but a lot of unions have endorsed Keith including AFL-CIO, AFSCME, United Steelworkers, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Also stories like this does not help him.
Whilst he was a good secretary, he was not even interested in the DNC job, until the White House got involved because they did not want Ellison to win.

The guy refuses to support the ban on corporate donations to the DNC and was pro TTP (One of the reasons trump won was because of him going against the free trade policies and that was a factor in winning in places like Michigan.

Being a good foot soldier seems the obvious explanation.

Morals don't usually give you a leg up in politics anyway. We all know what kind of character Rahm Emmanuel is, yet he did a stellar job recruiting candidates for Dems 06 House takeover. I however took issues with the characterization of Perez as a venal, self serving politician because of his association with the Clintons or Obama when he's spent much of his career to date fighting the good fights.
He's not going to be happy

I assume said fence will in the end be built of Lego bricks to make it affordable. That would make it also age-appropriate for 45. #DonnyTheBuilder
Awaiting a tweet from 45 telling CNN and NYT to do a BILD:

Seems to be war with Trump and Intel after yesterdays statement from the community. He as now hired another billionaire to review Intel Agencies
Being a good foot soldier seems the obvious explanation.

Morals don't usually give you a leg up in politics anyway. We all know what kind of character Rahm Emmanuel is, yet he did a stellar job recruiting candidates for Dems 06 House takeover. I however took issues with the characterization of Perez as a venal, self serving politician because of his association with the Clintons or Obama when he's spent much of his career to date fighting the good fights.

I agree that he has had a career of fighting for positive stuff and he should be applauded for that. But i just don't think he's the right choice if the DNC want to learn from their mistakes.

But if he does win, i hope he proves me wrong. :D
Can someone tell me why he wants a wall? Genuinely curious. How does that stop illegal immigrants?
It doesn't. Nor does it stop drugs, as evidenced by the drug catapult found just the other day. Not to mention, net immigration with Mexico is around 0.

It's just a symbol to rally the horde that got him elected and that support the 'Muslim Ban' and probably still think he would've won the popular vote were it not for voter fraud.
But i just don't think he's the right choice if the DNC want to learn from their mistakes.

Tbh both front runners have issues, just as their respective ideological backers. Ellison is more likely to be slaughtered in the limelight given his previous association with the NOI while Perez will be seen by the Sandersnistas as a doubling down act by the neoliberal establishment. Buttegieg isn't the answer either because you ended up pissing off both camps instead of just one.

Short answer is they are fecked if they can't unite to fight the common enemy.

It's been abundantly clear from the outset that he lacks the intellectual capacity for the job. Makes you wonder if they should apply some sort of basic competency testing for future candidates. You wouldn't get into senior management at most big corporations without passing some sort of psychometric testing, so how can someone as cognitively impaired as Trump end up as POTUS?
It's been abundantly clear from the outset that he lacks the intellectual capacity for the job. Makes you wonder if they should apply some sort of basic competency testing for future candidates. You wouldn't get into senior management at most big corporations without passing some sort of psychometric testing, so how can someone as cognitively impaired as Trump end up as POTUS?

It's a worrying idea because I don't really believe in a test that can test "intelligence" however what is becoming abundantly clear is that Trump (for want of a better word) is just dumb. He seems so basic. It's quite remarkable how someone can look at that man and think "he deserved to lead a pub" never mind the biggest country in the world.
It's been abundantly clear from the outset that he lacks the intellectual capacity for the job. Makes you wonder if they should apply some sort of basic competency testing for future candidates. You wouldn't get into senior management at most big corporations without passing some sort of psychometric testing, so how can someone as cognitively impaired as Trump end up as POTUS?
I guess thanks to millions of similarly cognitively impaired voters.
It's been abundantly clear from the outset that he lacks the intellectual capacity for the job. Makes you wonder if they should apply some sort of basic competency testing for future candidates. You wouldn't get into senior management at most big corporations without passing some sort of psychometric testing, so how can someone as cognitively impaired as Trump end up as POTUS?
I wonder, do they have to go through the same sort of tests I was subjected to when I applied for a job as assistant manager a couple of years ago. A fairly standard "general intelligence" test and one where I had to rank my own traits (loyalty, ambition, etc.).
Or is it just assumed that you couldn't possibly get that far if you're a bit thick?
It's a worrying idea because I don't really believe in a test that can test "intelligence" however what is becoming abundantly clear is that Trump (for want of a better word) is just dumb. He seems so basic. It's quite remarkable how someone can look at that man and think "he deserved to lead a pub" never mind the biggest country in the world.

There are loads of different test and you're right that they're a crude way to work out if someone is intelligent or not. They'd be an ineffective way to tell if person A is cleverer than person B, for example. But they're fairly effective when it comes to assessing a basic minimum level. Which is where I'm sure Trump would fail.
There are loads of different test and you're right that they're a crude way to work out if someone is intelligent or not. They'd be an ineffective way to tell if person A is cleverer than person B, for example. But they're fairly effective when it comes to assessing a basic minimum level. Which is where I'm sure Trump would fail.
Within whatever definition of an abstract concept one chooses to use.
Tbh both front runners have issues, just as their respective ideological backers. Ellison is more likely to be slaughtered in the limelight given his previous association with the NOI while Perez will be seen by the Sandersnistas as a doubling down act by the neoliberal establishment. Buttegieg isn't the answer either because you ended up pissing off both camps instead of just one.

Short answer is they are fecked if they can't unite to fight the common enemy.

Yep, it needs to be a united front if they want to do well in the mid terms and onward from there

The controversy over the NOI definitely is unhelpful, but he has apologised and explained himself over a decade ago. Though its not going to stop the right wingers calling him a radical Muslim.
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Any reason why? Have I missed something? Tillerson telling them to tone it down?

The old propaganda campaign of Putin/Trump cooperation has obviously faded, so the state run media are just taking the lead from their government masters.

Meh. Nothing but spin that fits a desired narrative. He's coming in from the world of business where any issue he needs to confront is provided as an executive summary, typically condensed into a one page brief (cuz execs is been busy, la).

Unfortunately, he's probably so accustomed to this that at the age of 70 he's not about to change. The best we can hope for is that some minor setback upsets him to the degree that he realizes he needs to go deeper.

I'd visit the US before Europe strictly due to the terror threat that exists. At this point, Europe is one of the last destinations I'd chose (outside of Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Mali, CAR, Libya, NK, etc)

That said, the strong US dollar means that I won't be going any time soon.
I'd visit the US before Europe strictly due to the terror threat that exists. At this point, Europe is one of the last destinations I'd chose (outside of Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Mali, CAR, Libya, NK, etc)

That said, the strong US dollar means that I won't be going any time soon.

Weren't there more attacks (especially if you count shootings too) in the USA compared to Europe? Also if you look at it in proportion to the actual amount of people living on either continent, you're probably far less likely to experience an attack in Europe than in the USA.
Meh. Nothing but spin that fits a desired narrative. He's coming in from the world of business where any issue he needs to confront is provided as an executive summary, typically condensed into a one page brief (cuz execs is been busy, la).

Unfortunately, he's probably so accustomed to this that at the age of 70 he's not about to change. The best we can hope for is that some minor setback upsets him to the degree that he realizes he needs to go deeper.

Any business leader worth his salt won't stop at the exec summary on a report worth reading. And the issue here isn't whether his approach would be acceptable if he was running a chain of Toys R' Us stores but whether it's an acceptable approach from the POTUS.
Weren't there more attacks (especially if you count shootings too) in the USA compared to Europe? Also if you look at it in proportion to the actual amount of people living on either continent, you're probably far less likely to experience an attack in Europe than in the USA.

Since, say 2014? I don't think so. San Bernardino and Orlando come to mind but little else. Place that against Charlie Hedbo, Nice, Bataclan, Berlin. Europe seems that little bit more dangerous.
Any business leader worth his salt won't stop at the exec summary on a report worth reading. And the issue here isn't whether his approach would be acceptable if he was running a chain of Toys R' Us stores but whether it's an acceptable approach from the POTUS.

I don't disagree with the unacceptability but it seems that the narrative being advanced is 'Trump's so stupid, he gets briefings for dummies hahaha', when the reality is likely more akin to my post. Accurate balanced reporting hardly gets you retweets, though.
Tbh both front runners have issues, just as their respective ideological backers. Ellison is more likely to be slaughtered in the limelight given his previous association with the NOI while Perez will be seen by the Sandersnistas as a doubling down act by the neoliberal establishment. Buttegieg isn't the answer either because you ended up pissing off both camps instead of just one.

Short answer is they are fecked if they can't unite to fight the common enemy.

A very very left candidate for vice chair praised Ellison and that mayor guy
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