The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump: "I can live with either a 2 state or 1 state solution. I like whatever those 2 like best."

Translation: "I have no idea what I'm talking about"
@2cents @Kentonio
Good posts. We should be careful what we wish for and whom we cheer.
It's a little tough for me to keep track of the timeline, but wiki seems to have some stuff:

Notice how every level of escalation was after Trump criticised the intelligence agencies.
Imagine if Bernie came to power. During the campaign he had criticised the operations to remove Mossadegh, Allende, and the Sandinistas, all carried out by
the intelligence agencies. Suppose someone asked him about this post-election and he said that he hopes the intelligence agencies remain in line, or that they stop spying on their own citizens, and this escalated (via McCain and the Fox/WaPo media) into a feud. r he said that Snowden performed a public service.
You would then have the intelligence services leaking probably unverifiable (but still implicitly trusted) information about Bernie, and his admin crumbling around him in weeks.

The intelligence guys didn't make more than a murmur of protest at Trump's policies, they are in opposition to him because he is in opposition to them. They relished the Bush presidency, with its black sites, torture, and extraordinary rendition. They were even OK with Cheney outing a covert CIA operative as revenge for the actions of her husband. ( Of course, this all followed fatally flawed, if not outright dishonest, intelligence that gave the admin the correct pretext to invade Iraq.

In sum, the intelligence communities responded to a perceived threat to their clout and have brought chaos to (an admittedly already chaotic) administration. It means that they have the means, the most important of which is a large section of a compliant unquestioning media that prints their sources and leaks without asking for corroboration, to bring down any administration that threatens to cut their power and influence. It means they are a danger to democracy.

And @Red Viking Cointelpro, MKUltra, the assassination of Fred Hampton and the push to make MLK commit suicide (and many other operations) aren't conspiracy theories, they're matters of public record due to a break-in at the FBI and the Church Committee formed in the Senate.

The escalation did not just happen because CIA got sulky from a little bit of critic. What is happening now could very likely be because they saw Trump protect Flynn ( they have something serious on the guy and others or he would not have resigned ) and this means the president is protecting someone that should be tried in court or at least fired from he´s position. That made Trump an opponent and of course Trumps childish behaviour when he visited the CIA did not make them like him as he ridiculed them.

As i have said earlier on i know the CIA and FBI have a seriously shady past and i have i noway said to blindly trust them. But if they are able to hold Trump + he´s staff accountable for breaking the law then that IS a good thing for the democracy as no one in a democracy most be untouchable. Also regarding the Allende, Mossadegh, Sandinistas that was horrible and the president that gave the order to commit those atrocious actions should be condemned.

The CIA were not a innocent bystander in the Iraq war and i never claimed that but organizations do change over time and under Obama they have generally been behaving much better unless there is something i don´t know about. But it is important to judge every case by case and judge them on that ( different people involved in the organization etc ). It makes no sense to judge the current CIA version on events for 40+ years ago but they do teach a hard lesson about the importance of judiciary oversight so they can´t break the law.

How is CIA the aggressor in this case ? Flynn was caught flat out lying and he got caught. This is a good thing is not ? so it is hardly them creating an chaotic situation, but Trump and the administration is with their Illegal behaviour. The compliant unquestioning media bit need clarifying as the term media is too generic. Can you be more precise of what media you think acts like that ? I think your opinion on the current CIA is a bit clouded but it is understandable looking at the entire history of its existence.

If Trump and he´s administration acted accordingly and within the law then non of the agencies could anything at all.
According to Man Utd Raju, CNN, top GOP senators urge 45 to withdraw Puzder's nomination. One GOP Senator is firm to not vote for him but it could be up to 12, he said he was told.
So what are you trying to say? that this is just a smokescreen to deflect from Clinton losing the Election with Trump getting 306 Electoral College votes even though he wasn't supposed to crack 220?

Where could you have possibly gotten that idea from?
Remember that if you're Jewish and on the receiving end of anti-Semitism, remind them that Donald J. Trump won the 2016 US presidential election with 306 Electoral College votes, something that people said could never be done. That'll show them.
Hold on. I just realized something very important that needs answering.

Is there a dog in the White House? If not, that's a bad sign (probably to do with Bannon being the anti-Christ or summat), after all even Nixon had Checkers.

:lol: I love you dude, so glad you come in here to add some much needed light relief.
@berbatrick don't get it. The Palestinians have to compromise some more, give it another decade, so the Israelis can steal more land and build more illegal settlements and then build security buffers to protect the illegal settlements and settlers :lol::lol:
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