The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Stephen Miller is just a good example of Trump insiders who are willing to lie to gain favor with Trump. If you can follow up Trump's twitter lies with TV interviews reinforcing what Trump said, they you will be on Trump's good side, which is of course what everyone on his team wants.

Its also a bit telling that Spicer wasn't sent out, especially since Miller was talking in Spicer's room. Pretty embarrassing for Sean. Can't see him lasting much longer at this rate.

to add to that the president tweeted congratulations to Miller for a job well done for representing him well. Poor Spicey never got a tweet ever
Again, I'm all for that, but it's the notion that Trump - who has been very public about "America first!", "worst deal ever!", "the [insert random country]'s are screwing us!", etc. - would give up pretty much the only hand America has to play in advance of a deal with Russia that has people puzzled and suspicious. It's totally out of sync with how he's claimed to want to approach all other bilateral relations on the international scene. It doesn't necessarily mean he's in the Russians' pocket - it could be coming more from Bannon's belief in an existential civilisational clash in which Russia happens to fall into the same, or a similar, camp to the US vis-a-vis Islam.

That is partly true, but he didn’t relieve sanctions yet. So it is all just empty talk.
Additionally it is a bit like saying “Trump is usually acting crazy, why does he behave relatively reasonable towards Russia”? We shouldn’t complain about him not buying into the cold-warrior language towards Russia, but about all the other crazy stuff.
The problem at its core is, that American FP towards Russia is still heavily influenced by people who were socialized during the cold war and these people are unable to adapt their ideas. Additionally democrats embraced this language during the election campaign to win votes. They think in outdated categories. Russia is still a regional threat to some of its neighbors and it is reasonable to counter-act their actions, but it is not a global existential struggle anymore.
And like always people are not consistent. Obama’s policy towards Russia was essentially appeasement. He was unwilling to escalate over Syria/Crimea/Ukraine (just like Bush didn’t over Georgia). Sanctions are a tool and they achieved the square root of feck-all. You might prefer that Obama should have acted much harsher (e.g. military intervention or at least meaningful sanctions), you might be okay with this symbol politics or you might just want to move closer to Russia. There are reasonable arguments for all these different options. Yet despite all the claims that Trump is in the pocket of Putin, he didn’t actually change anything yet.
Stephen Miller is just a good example of Trump insiders who are willing to lie to gain favor with Trump. If you can follow up Trump's twitter lies with TV interviews reinforcing what Trump said, they you will be on Trump's good side, which is of course what everyone on his team wants.

Its also a bit telling that Spicer wasn't sent out, especially since Miller was talking in Spicer's room. Pretty embarrassing for Sean. Can't see him lasting much longer at this rate.

I can't believe this slimy douchebag went to my same high school, albeit years later. He must've been one of those angry geeks that was absolutely loathed and probably bullied in the environment of Sanmo high and Santa Monica all together. Probably explains him now. And now he wants revenge.

Scary that someone from such a dorky, douchey fringe could ever make to such political heights, but then again you're dealing with the modern Republikan party, so it shouldn't really be a surprise.
I don't consider code names necessary to begin with - the guy isn't Voldemort, one can simply use his name - but I'd probably use a term that isn't associated with the suffering and deaths of millions of people. Calling him 45 is a bit childish in my eyes but at least it doesn't trivialize a disgraceful operation.
I don't see how referring to him as 45 is childish, I mean, he is the 45th precedent of the US.
That is partly true, but he didn’t relieve sanctions yet. So it is all just empty talk.
Additionally it is a bit like saying “Trump is usually acting crazy, why does he behave relatively reasonable towards Russia”? We shouldn’t complain about him not buying into the cold-warrior language towards Russia, but about all the other crazy stuff.
The problem at its core is, that American FP towards Russia is still heavily influenced by people who were socialized during the cold war and these people are unable to adapt their ideas. Additionally democrats embraced this language during the election campaign to win votes. They think in outdated categories. Russia is still a regional threat to some of its neighbors and it is reasonable to counter-act their actions, but it is not a global existential struggle anymore.
And like always people are not consistent. Obama’s policy towards Russia was essentially appeasement. He was unwilling to escalate over Syria/Crimea/Ukraine (just like Bush didn’t over Georgia). Sanctions are a tool and they achieved the square root of feck-all. You might prefer that Obama should have acted much harsher (e.g. military intervention or at least meaningful sanctions), you might be okay with this symbol politics or you might just want to move closer to Russia. There are reasonable arguments for all these different options. Yet despite all the claims that Trump is in the pocket of Putin, he didn’t actually change anything

I agree with all of that, and I'm not complaining, just pointing out one of the reasons people are so suspicious if the Russian links. Personally I believe Bannon sees Russia as a potentially strong ally in the coming civilizational conflicts, and as for Trump's motives, who the feck knows, he's just along for the ride it seems.
I don't see how referring to him as 45 is childish, I mean, he is the 45th precedent of the US.
I doubt those using it would have referred to he predecessor as '44'.

It is childish. Though, whether that is an appropriate response to a president who exhibits the maturity of a child is a fair debate.
He's literally gone back to the play book :D

Calling him '45' and 'Agent Orange' is a hell of a lot better than what the 'other side' called Obama, his wife and kids for 8 years. And this wasn't just random people on the internet, but elected GOP officials at the local level.
I agree with all of that, and I'm not complaining, just pointing out one of the reasons people are so suspicious if the Russian links. Personally I believe Bannon sees Russia as a potentially strong ally in the coming civilizational conflicts, and as for Trump's motives, who the feck knows, he's just along for the ride it seems.

I've generally accepted that Bannon, Flynn, and others are true believers in what they say. For Flynn in particular it just seems to have become monetarily rewarding at one point too. But if indeed they are true believers, Russia is a very natural ally if you think that threat #1 is ISIS/AQ/Radical islam, etc. I've just always disagreed that it is threat #1.
Maybe he does not want the world to go down a dark path with Russia so if he wants to ease sanctions and get the West a little closer to Russia I'm all for it and so should the rest of us.
I politely entirely disagree. I absolutely do not want my country (Germany) to move closer to or turn a blind eye on a country that invades others (Georgia, Ukraine (Crimea, Donbass)), threatens neighbors (i.e. Baltic States), oppresses opposition (including poisening opponents and do show trials), oppresses freedom of speech, oppresses freedom of press, oppresses women's rights, oppresses LBTG rights, enriches oligarchs etc.
I agree with all of that, and I'm not complaining, just pointing out one of the reasons people are so suspicious if the Russian links. Personally I believe Bannon sees Russia as a potentially strong ally in the coming civilizational conflicts, and as for Trump's motives, who the feck knows, he's just along for the ride it seems.

Trump probably sleeps in Putin sheets, because he wants to ride shirtless on a lion as well. Trump's zero-sum view of the world is heavily influenced by his views on trade (+ his trade advisors are rabid anti-china scare-mongers; nobody in academia takes Peter Navarro seriously). But once you buy into these ideas, treating China as enemy, while treating Russia as neutral makes sense. Trump also publicly stated that he has no problems with dictators and doesn't give a feck about other parts of the world. So it kind of makes sense to me, but oh well.
Calling him '45' and 'Agent Orange' is a hell of a lot better than what the 'other side' called Obama, his wife and kids for 8 years. And this wasn't just random people on the internet, but elected GOP officials at the local level.
Ideally we'd aspire to loftier moral heights that just surpassing Republican politicians/supporters.

Its a relevant point. Democrats are still to get their revenge for this and can apply that as the action standard.

Blood has been spilt and predators across the land are gathering to have their fair share. It may have to be death by a thousand cuts, but I's actually prefer prolonged humiliation.
Ideally we'd aspire to loftier moral heights that just surpassing Republican politicians/supporters.'d that, 'they go low, we go high' work out for everyone?

People in general suck - so, yeah...I'm all about the petty namecalling and gutter politics now. I don't want to be better than them, I just want to beat them.
This administration would be laughed at in a banana republic.
Many developing countries have more organised and less controversial Governments right now, and their leader would never even try to get away with the stuff tRump has tried.

And people in those countries gather every night after work and host dinner parties to specifically laugh their pants off what is happening in US right now.'d that, 'they go low, we go high' work out for everyone?

People in general suck - so, yeah...I'm all about the petty namecalling and gutter politics now. I don't want to be better than them, I just want to beat them.
It won't work, though. We're not gonna launch a populist movement to accept climate change, stop worrying about immigration and increase public spending.

The only hope is we return to a state where reason is considered a virtue.
Calling him '45' and 'Agent Orange' is a hell of a lot better than what the 'other side' called Obama, his wife and kids for 8 years. And this wasn't just random people on the internet, but elected GOP officials at the local level.
Hold up. 45 and agent Orange isn't PC now. Damn the world is a strange place

Can it be any clearer that the US has its own Manchurian candidate in the White House?
@2cents @Kentonio
Good posts. We should be careful what we wish for and whom we cheer.
It's a little tough for me to keep track of the timeline, but wiki seems to have some stuff:

Notice how every level of escalation was after Trump criticised the intelligence agencies.
Imagine if Bernie came to power. During the campaign he had criticised the operations to remove Mossadegh, Allende, and the Sandinistas, all carried out by
the intelligence agencies. Suppose someone asked him about this post-election and he said that he hopes the intelligence agencies remain in line, or that they stop spying on their own citizens, and this escalated (via McCain and the Fox/WaPo media) into a feud. r he said that Snowden performed a public service.
You would then have the intelligence services leaking probably unverifiable (but still implicitly trusted) information about Bernie, and his admin crumbling around him in weeks.

The intelligence guys didn't make more than a murmur of protest at Trump's policies, they are in opposition to him because he is in opposition to them. They relished the Bush presidency, with its black sites, torture, and extraordinary rendition. They were even OK with Cheney outing a covert CIA operative as revenge for the actions of her husband. ( Of course, this all followed fatally flawed, if not outright dishonest, intelligence that gave the admin the correct pretext to invade Iraq.

In sum, the intelligence communities responded to a perceived threat to their clout and have brought chaos to (an admittedly already chaotic) administration. It means that they have the means, the most important of which is a large section of a compliant unquestioning media that prints their sources and leaks without asking for corroboration, to bring down any administration that threatens to cut their power and influence. It means they are a danger to democracy.

And @Red Viking Cointelpro, MKUltra, the assassination of Fred Hampton and the push to make MLK commit suicide (and many other operations) aren't conspiracy theories, they're matters of public record due to a break-in at the FBI and the Church Committee formed in the Senate.
It won't work, though. We're not gonna launch a populist movement to accept climate change, stop worrying about immigration and increase public spending.

The only hope is we return to a state where reason is considered a virtue.

Even if it isn't we need something less brainy that Agent Orange if we're looking for mass appeal :D
Group urges New York AG to put Trump out of business by revoking charter

Free Speech for People, one of the backers of a nascent campaign to try to impeach Trump, planned to deliver a 24-page letter Wednesday calling on Schneiderman to “investigate whether to bring proceeding to dissolve and revoke the charter of Trump Organization Inc.,” the New York-based company overseeing the president’s real estate, golf, hotel and other businesses that Trump founded and continues to own.
“By continuing to operate under Trump family ownership and control with President Trump in the White House, the Trump Organization flagrantly abuses its state-granted powers, contrary to the public policies of New York against corruption and conflicts of interest, and contrary to the U.S. Constitution,” the letter reads.
“This action is identifying the ability of the attorney general of New York State, without needing permission from the U.S. Justice Department, without needing permission from the president, to use existing legal authority to investigate and possibly dissolve the Trump Organization,” Fein said.
He's got a press conference soon with Netanyahu, should be interesting.
Bernie is on the case ...

Cue tomorrow: Senate IC will not be holding any investigation into Trump.

Cue Friday - New EO stating that investigations of administration staff should be done by a team headed and compiled by the President.
I don't consider code names necessary to begin with - the guy isn't Voldemort, one can simply use his name - but I'd probably use a term that isn't associated with the suffering and deaths of millions of people. Calling him 45 is a bit childish in my eyes but at least it doesn't trivialize a disgraceful operation.
Okay then
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