The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Why would people use Agent Orange as a nickname for him (read it quite a few times on the last pages in here)? Not really funny and quite tasteless.
If you recruited him as a manchurian candidate, what would your code name for him be?
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Why won't his people tell him to stop going after the intelligence community in the open? I get the clowns around him probably it's great fun he's tweeting - but, if you took away his twitter accounts, half the talk would stop.

This isn't a case of no publicity is bad publicity.

Take away twitter and automatically he'll appear to be 100% more presidential.
There's a few articles going around lately about renewed tax resistance protests, would anyone here partake?

I dont know a lot about the american tax system but i find the idea that you don't pay your tax when you don't get the goverment you want to be a dangerous idea. Whilst they're withholding funds for efforts they don't believe in (walls etc) they're also holding back funding for education.
Feck Murdoch

While I completely agree, I can't fecking stand the prick, I don't think he's to blame at the moment quite simply because both The Times, The Sun AND SKY News are battering the shit out of Trump and mocking him left, right and centre. If Murdoch was a Pro Trump as people are saying then his UK press would be on the same page as their US counterparts, the fact they are not makes me think Fox is just sticking to their standard M.O. Although Fox isn't as one sided as you may think, I have seen several instances where Shep Smith and Chris Wallace and even Bill O' have all gone fiercely against Trump since he was inaugurated. Fox still have to make money and survive, I predict that soon even Trump will become indefensible to them and they may start to turn against him as a network. Obviously arse hair like Hannity will stick to Trump till the bitter end, but Fox News will be able to stick true to their base as they don't have to appear to be pro-liberal, just anti-Trump and still very pro conservative. They will just spin it that he is bad for the country or constitution and blah blah blah....
There's a few articles going around lately about renewed tax resistance protests, would anyone here partake?

I dont know a lot about the american tax system but i find the idea that you don't pay your tax when you don't get the goverment you want to be a dangerous idea. Whilst they're withholding funds for efforts they don't believe in (walls etc) they're also holding back funding for education.

Trump's been leading the way with his own tax resistance for years
Why won't his people tell him to stop going after the intelligence community in the open? I get the clowns around him probably it's great fun he's tweeting - but, if you took away his twitter accounts, half the talk would stop.

This isn't a case of no publicity is bad publicity.

Take away twitter and automatically he'll appear to be 100% more presidential.

It's a good point, and to me the only logical explanation is they asked him and he ignored it.
Why won't his people tell him to stop going after the intelligence community in the open? I get the clowns around him probably it's great fun he's tweeting - but, if you took away his twitter accounts, half the talk would stop.

This isn't a case of no publicity is bad publicity.

Take away twitter and automatically he'll appear to be 100% more presidential.

Yep. It's because they're genuinely not that sane and sensible, basically.

I also like to think that in the case of the intelligence community, they have a big problem and the attacks on twitter are pretty much the only option they have at the moment.
See, as potentially scandalous as this all this, the issue is I wager his supporters and the GOP support base in general don't see an issue with any of this.

They'll hammer home Benghazi but will have no issues with their president committing potential treason and being subservient to a long time adversary. They'll even delude themselves into thinking this is some joint media-CIA conspiracy.

Trump himself said it best - he could shoot someone in NYC and they'd still love him, the masochistic weirdos.
See, as potentially scandalous as this all this, the issue is I wager his supporters and the GOP support base in general don't see an issue with any of this.

They'll hammer home Benghazi but will have no issues with their president committing potential treason and being subservient to a long time adversary. They'll even delude themselves into thinking this is some joint media-CIA conspiracy.
No longer about the GOP or his supporters. The American Intelligence Community is working to undermine a sitting US president. That's trouble for him, his people, his foreign policy - and his administration.
See, as potentially scandalous as this all this, the issue is I wager his supporters and the GOP support base in general don't see an issue with any of this.

Yeah, and that's really sad. Like Trump also none of them will see the hypocrisy in them loving all the info when it was helping Trump to get elected, but suddenly now hate the leaks because it's going against him. His hypocrisy knows no bounds, but that's nothing new, the same as his voters tunnel vision is nothing new either. BUT! I think slowly more and more people are coming round, the ones that never will are probably lost anyway.
See, as potentially scandalous as this all this, the issue is I wager his supporters and the GOP support base in general don't see an issue with any of this.

They'll hammer home Benghazi but will have no issues with their president committing potential treason and being subservient to a long time adversary. They'll even delude themselves into thinking this is some joint media-CIA conspiracy.

Trump himself said it best - he could shoot someone in NYC and they'd still love him, the masochistic weirdos.

Exactly and the base is getting what they want and he's doing what he promised (sort of). He's blocking Muslims entry into the US and rounding up illegals while making moves on protectionism. The big question is 'will protectionism bring jobs back and improve the economy'? If it does his base comes out strong and if it doesn't they'll lose their energy. America is probably one place where protectionism could work because of the scope of the country.
@Kaos - in a 3rd world country this would be deemed a precursor to a coup :lol:

Washington (CNN)The head of US Special Operations Command said Tuesday that the US government is in "unbelievable turmoil," a situation that he suggested could undermine US efforts to fight adversaries such as ISIS.

"Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil. I hope they sort it out soon because we're a nation at war," Army Gen. Raymond "Tony" Thomas told a symposium in Maryland.

Thomas oversees America's elite Special Operations troops, including Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets, which have played a large role in carrying out the nation's conflicts since 9/11.

Asked later about his comments, Thomas, a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, said: "As a commander, I'm concerned our government be as stable as possible."
President-elect Trump and then-President Barack Obama were both briefed on details of the extensive communications between suspected Russian operatives and people associated with the Trump campaign and the Trump business, according to US officials familiar with the matter.

I heard a journo suggest that with a little fantasy, you could think that's why Obama was chilling at Branson's private island with such a big smile on his face.
Somebody needs to let him know

Firstly, You cannot fill a cup that is already full. And secondly, do you think he would even listen? Let alone comprehend what you meant. Don't forget In his eyes he is literally overlord, he's still scratching his scalp in bewilderment wondering how the courts could overturn or hold up his Muslim I mean, travel ban. Let's also not forget all these leaks were fine when they were against Hillary and helping him get elected and more recently, didn't he say "Nobody loves or respects the intelligence community more than me" He said it in front of the memorial wall in Langley, so it must have been true. So if he loves and respects them so much he should just let them do their job. ;)

You watch him go against Putin now just to prove a point, and he will piss him off too. He's such a fecking moron.
Somebody needs to let him know it's not politics anymore. It's now governance. They have every right to hold our government responsible for its actions.

I suspect he will hit depression pretty quick when the realisation that as president, you are not an elected emperor. No wonder he thought Obama was indecisive and weak!
His recent pathetic & inadvertently revealing tweets are the literal equivalent of him shouting "Look over there! A squirrel with a fluffy tail!"
Petraeus is more respected than anyone else in the national security community. This usually gets forgotten by what happened with his affair and classified info leak. You don't often get 4 star generals with combat experience dealing with the likes of AQ/IS/Taliban, who then also ran the CIA. That's as complete a background in National Security and Intelligence as a person can possibly have.

What about the previous head of the NSA, was it Keith Alexander? Wouldn't he be a good pick?
I do have to say - I never thought, I'd see the day when the FBI, CIA, NSA and Budweiser were accused of being biased towards liberals :lol: :lol:

2017 - crazy as hell.
He's really desperate to change the topic.

He really is. His problem is though that all his actions and tweets are so transparent and obvious. There isn't anything clever or subtle about it. He's as subtle as a bull in a china store.

I'm confident the media simply won't let him and his adminstration off the hook regarding Russian ties. He can tweet as much as he wants, take only questions from Breitbart, send Spicey, Conway and surrogates to pressers: The topic won't go away unless there's a satisfactory answer. And I dare to predict that once this topic is closed, if he's still in charge, something else will appear in the news and sticks.
Conspiracy theories - stupid fake news/media

Fair enough - this Russian stuff really is merit to anything, just wishful thinking.

But, wait - 12 minutes later this nonsense is very serious matter and an issue of national security!

Which is it buddy?
Conspiracy theories - stupid fake news/media

Fair enough - this Russian stuff really is merit to anything, just wishful thinking.

But, wait - 12 minutes later this nonsense is very serious matter and an issue of national security!

Which is it buddy?

Confirming the fake news is legit :lol:
I do have to say - I never thought, I'd see the day when the FBI, CIA, NSA and Budweiser were accused of being biased towards liberals :lol: :lol:

2017 - crazy as hell.
I entirely agree. But it's an interesting experience that shows it's all a matter of perspective.
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