The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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@2cents if members of the Trump administration have been potentially committing treason, who do you think should be investigating that, if not the CIA? Presumably you think somebody should be?

Both Agencies can only bring someone down if those people have committed crimes and they have the necessary proof to prove it. If they fabricated proof then it would be a extremely serious misuse of their power and i would never in anyway support such actions regardless of who is the target. I don´t condone much of what they have done in the past especially CIA but what they do now is an entirely different matter.

You can never know for sure what peoples motives are as you can´t actually read thoughts. But they should act independently and within the law to protect the state and more importantly the people as that is their duty. They most not act upon personal preferred ideology.

They don´t actually have a lot of direct power in a sense they can do whatever they want to anyone. They can only use your own actions against you so making sure that your slate is clean and if you have no shady business going then you have nothing to worry about. I don´t care weather people are republican or democrat but bad apples most be treated the same regardless of the party they represent and this is were the republicans are failing massively currently.

I don't have the answers here, under normal circumstances I would have assumed that in the event the CIA or whoever else had information like this, it would be passed on to the relevant members of Congress instead of the Press. Perhaps they have done that already and been ignored.
Itll be interesting to see how farmers fare in the future and if those who voted for for 45 (AKA Agent Orange) will regret their decision.

Both Agencies can only bring someone down if those people have committed crimes and they have the necessary proof to prove it. If they fabricated proof then it would be a extremely serious misuse of their power and i would never in anyway support such actions regardless of who is the target. I don´t condone much of what they have done in the past especially CIA but what they do now is an entirely different matter.

How would we know? At the time programs like MK-ULTRA, Operation Mockingbird and the rest were seen as wild conspiracy theories until they were later proven to be true. In modern times Nancy Pelosi has said that the CIA have lied to congress of repeated occasions. We do know that with the NSA and other they use vast and wide sweeping intelligence gathering programs to collect information on citizens all over the world, and they damn sure continue to manipulate foreign governments.
Not really because Pence would be worse. I also think there's an unwritten rule about prosecuting politicians, it doesn't happen.

Not sure I agree Pence would be worse now after 3 weeks where Trump has been a complete cluster feck. He's the mother of all loose cannons and seems totally on-board with whatever batshit ideas Bannon and Pence put in his ear anyway. They are just using Trump as a proxy to push through the most extreme aspects of their agendas.

If Trump goes down Pence will seem pretty sane after all this.
Trump to get a respite from all the hate today. The great unifying factor in America is in town - Israel!

Dems, Republicans and the media will be falling over themselves to see who loves Israel and Netanyahu more. I know you Brits think you have a special relationship with

The real special relationship is with Israel.

The visit comes at a pretty good time for Trump, the administration and the GOP.
US intelligence has brought down foreign governments before. It's the first time they're bringing down an actual US government

If you believe the conspiracy theories, they did that a long time ago to a certain Dem president. This just evens the scale.
@2cents if members of the Trump administration have been potentially committing treason, who do you think should be investigating that, if not the CIA? Presumably you think somebody should be?
Should be the FBI investigating Americans.
Interesting he didn't even mention the NYT despite them dropping the biggest story about him.
Next monday will be his one month anniversary!!

I cant imagine what the place will be like on its 1st year anniversary! It will be server-busting for sure!
big guy is up and he's not happy with #fakenews

:lol: MSNBC has made the list, until yesterday, Morning Joe was his best friend. This will only incense Joe more and this may be the start of a hilarious all out war. Joe and Hannity are already at each others throats on Twitter, I can see The 45 King becoming the final part of the nuclear triad.
Straight up endorsement of one company over their competition... Somebody counsel him!

Thats quite something :lol:

Attacking one media outlet is a bit strange but it happens, however to endorse a news outlet is just unbelievable. Its what you'd expect from a dictatorship really. Feck Murdoch
Wishful thinking. This bastard has nine lives.

No tax returns, inadvertently admitting to pussy grabbing, etc can kill him.

It will be a death through a thousand cuts for him.

@oates is going to love that feline reference.
How would we know? At the time programs like MK-ULTRA, Operation Mockingbird and the rest were seen as wild conspiracy theories until they were later proven to be true. In modern times Nancy Pelosi has said that the CIA have lied to congress of repeated occasions. We do know that with the NSA and other they use vast and wide sweeping intelligence gathering programs to collect information on citizens all over the world, and they damn sure continue to manipulate foreign governments.

I don´t know either program you mention to be specific about them. There is plenty enough conspiracy theories out there and you will find some that hits the mark if you produce enough of em. But also remember that there are hundreds/thousands of them that is pure bullshit so that is why i´m very careful with such things. Agencies like the CIA and FBI do need to be held accountable of course and if they wilfully lie or deceive the congress during official meetings in the congress then those responsible should face long jail times.

Ideally CIA and FBI would be under judiciary review tied to the Supreme court to make sure they don´t break the law or constitution. This would work as a check and balance on the secret agencies to keep them law abiding and from committing extremely insane actions like those you mention if it came to it.

I will be honest and talk plainly with you regarding the manipulation of foreign Governments. You won´t have any country on earth that don´t at least to some extent try to use covert power through agencies such as CIA and the like ( covert operations is as old as time ). Europe have been very naive about this and this is why Russian have been successful with it as next to no countermeasures was taken in due time. The result is extreme groups making political progress today and this need to be fought against and it won´t be a pretty battle to be honest, but it does need oversight to make sure the countermeasures is appropriate and measured. We don´t want to act like Putin does as we want to be something better than that. But nor can we afford to be naive and just sit idle by. This is a delicate matter that need to be dealt with in a clever way to also make sure no other nation try to use the same thing in the future.

The world is full of absolute horrible/corrupt Governments that terrorize their population through direct and indirect power measures. I do think we need to manipulate such governments to to counter act their worst behaviour for the sake of the people they rule ( use our influence to enforce the human rights etc ). We absolutely have to use our influence to make the world a better place as we have an responsibility to the world we live to not just let tyrants and the like do as they wish ( less wars though and more diplomacy ). We do need to make sure we don´t act thoughtless and do the same as we fight against though and this is were proper judiciary oversight could play a key role regarding Agencies that work in a covert environment.
Why would people use Agent Orange as a nickname for him (read it quite a few times on the last pages in here)? Not really funny and quite tasteless.
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