The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Good god. This leads me to think the Russia relationship was being kept from Pence. If true, that's pretty diabolical.

These leaks man...everyone around him has an agenda. So, 'his' people are willing to fcuk him over to gain advantage for themselves...seeing as how, they really aren't 'his' people.
Wait what an ingenious solution, build a load of affordable terraced houses across the border and sell them to white racists.
Talking about the wall, so are Mexico going to pay for it or is it going to pay for itself like Miller said?
Talking about the wall, so are Mexico going to pay for it or is it going to pay for itself like Miller said?

Miller is right the wall is going to be terraced housing sold to gun nuts and they're going to pay for it. If you want to go through the southern border, you have to break in and out of a hillibilly's home. They could turn it into a video game.
These leaks man...everyone around him has an agenda. So, 'his' people are willing to fcuk him over to gain advantage for themselves...seeing as how, they really aren't 'his' people.

I wish that after all of this, like in some sort of game where all is revealed in the end, the articles all magically changed and sources were named. I think we'd be surprised by how many times we'd see Pence, Spicer, Conway, Preibus, Bannon, or their closest associates. I might be completely wrong though.
Miller is right the wall is going to be terraced housing sold to gun nuts and they're going to pay for it. If you want to go through the southern border, you have to break in and out of a hillibilly's home. They could turn it into a video game.
Can they build housing right up against the border?
Trump is gonna unload both barrels on the NYT after that story. Wow, this shit is seriously gathering pace.
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