The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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You don't even have to Google it. It says "parody account" in his bio ffs.
Its amazing that no one asked how the feck it took 2 weeks for trump to realise Flynn was "untrustworthy". Then all of a sudden after Washington Post article he suddenly decided the trust was broken :lol:

My highlight of the article is Mar-a-Lago's utmost dedication to 'America first!' :wenger:

For a clue as to just how easy that might be, consider that the Palm Beach Post reported in December that Mar-a-Lago hires dozens of temporary foreign workers each year, using the federal government’s H-2B visa program.

It was not immediately clear where the foreign workers at Mar-a-Lago come from, but another club in the area told members that workers hired under the same visa program come from Romania, Ireland, and South Africa.
You're making an argument that a man still under probation for leaking confidential information is the most suitable candidate in America for the role of National Security Advisor privy to the most sensitive intelligence materials in the country. It's far from clear whether he'd even be given a top secret clearance now unless Trump pardoned him. You might want to brush this off as 'one mistake' in an otherwise glorious career, but this isn't the kind of mistake you recover from.

A romantic involvement was enough to make him spill classified information, what happens if he falls in love with a reporter in Washington or a Russian spy? Are we supposed to just believe that he's learned his lesson and won't do it again? Does anyone apply that standard to any other criminals? Would you hire someone who has defrauded a bank to work back in a bank, or should we should treat Patraeus differently because he's a military hero?

There's nothing to disqualify him from his affair and classified leak. He has already interviewed for the Secretary of State job which is the 3rd most powerful job in the entire government.
Its amazing that no one asked how the feck it took 2 weeks for trump to realise Flynn was "untrustworthy". Then all of a sudden after Washington Post article he suddenly decided the trust was broken :lol:
Several journo's asked. Spicer spun without answering.
@langster isn't the only one caught out with....Nancy Pelosi got duped too :lol:
its very realistic.. Good job by whoever did it!

With the entire 'fake news' phenomena, I'm surprised their is not global legislation for leading social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIN etc. They have gotten to the size where hardcore ID should be required for a person to create their ID.
its very realistic.. Good job by whoever did it!

With the entire 'fake news' phenomena, I'm surprised their is not global legislation for leading social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIN etc. They have gotten to the size where hardcore ID should be required for a person to create their ID.

Would you trust those companies with an image of your Driving License or Passport?
I'm glad someone has highlighted it and the distraction tactics haven't worked entirely. Especially seeing as it's an R.
Media and others will find holes, nuances and implication out of every angle before the day is finished. This will roll a few more days .... the Donald is in real trouble.
Im not sure what the solution is, but one is required. Because its getting silly now.

The solution is to use your brain, the same way people that read papers use theirs.
Why can't Americans see these people for who they are?
'Americans' can - but, this is now partisanship works.

One rule for you and your guys, a different set of rules for the other guys

I care - but do you honestly think a Trump supporter cares? Trump wasn't lying when he said, he could kill someone and it wouldn't hurt him.
The solution is to use your brain, the same way people that read papers use theirs.

Everyone does not have the time, or the brain capacity to note the difference.

Fake ID's seek to create character defamation and disinformation. That kind of activity is illegal in the real world and should be made so in the digital world, at least with major platforms that political, organising and cultural organisations now use to distribute information.
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'Americans' can - but, this is now partisanship works.

One rule for you and your guys, a different set of rules for the other guys

I care - but do you honestly think a Trump supporter cares? Trump wasn't lying when he said, he could kill someone and it wouldn't hurt him.

As I have pointed out a few times, that is exactly the attitude you get in so many debates. Bring up something Trump or one of his officials does and all you get is a list of things (real or perceived) that happened under Obama or Bill or that Hillary has done. Heck, that was the main argument they used when Trumps "pussy grabbing" comment came out, all his supporters did was bring up Bill Clinton and his affairs and rape charges.

Almost got punched when I asked one Trump supporter that if someone grabbed his wife or daughter by the pussy would he accept their defense of "Well other people have gotten away with things like this, so should I."
Everyone does not have the time, or the brain capacity to note the difference.

Fake ID's seeks to create character defamation and disinformation. They are morally wrong.

It illegal in the real world and should be made so in the digital world, at least with these major platforms that political, organising and cultural organisations now use to distribute information.

Twitter and Facebook are nothing else than digital bars. The way you give them importance is exactly what is wrong.
As I have pointed out a few times, that is exactly the attitude you get in so many debates. Bring up something Trump or one of his officials does and all you get is a list of things (real or perceived) that happened under Obama or Bill or that Hillary has done. Heck, that was the main argument they used when Trumps "pussy grabbing" comment came out, all his supporters did was bring up Bill Clinton and his affairs and rape charges.

Almost got punched when I asked one Trump supporter that if someone grabbed his wife or daughter by the pussy would he accept their defense of "Well other people have gotten away with things like this, so should I."

That's a bold move.
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