The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Ivanka clearly wants the D.


Seems like Donald should be more concerned about Canadians trying to enter America.
As I have pointed out a few times, that is exactly the attitude you get in so many debates. Bring up something Trump or one of his officials does and all you get is a list of things (real or perceived) that happened under Obama or Bill or that Hillary has done. Heck, that was the main argument they used when Trumps "pussy grabbing" comment came out, all his supporters did was bring up Bill Clinton and his affairs and rape charges.
The whataboutism is very strong with Trumpers.

Ironically, the term originated as a descriptor for Russian journalistic arguments.
but he never answers her question so you wont find out anything new!
ok fair enough. On another note... is it not PC to say black people? I saw you say african american woman and that always just sounds strange to me .
Something I find very strange about tRump and his staffer's is that they make it sound like they have been in office for years.

I get that many went through the primaries, election and transition together, but thats still only 18 months and another 1 month in power. I guess that since they have been under siege from the first moment of power, 4 weeks must feel like 24 months. Conway and Spicer make comment as though there has been alot of precedent. Eg, Flynn, they talk of the lack of trust eroding .... they guy had been in the job 3 weeks, there was not enough time yet to have a pee.

How are these guys going to handle this level of emotional stress? Conway looks seriously unwell at the moment: like she has hangovers most mornings as she has to hit the bottle every night simply to cope and also suffering from sleep deprivation. I think she may require hospitalisation quite soon.

Within just 3 weeks, there are widespread reports that entire departments are overworked and demoralised. How are these guys going to feel after 4 months, let alone last 4 years!!!! As many fall by the wayside because of stress, burnout, incompetence or illegality, tRump will find it harder and harder to hire qualified people willing to work for him.
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ok fair enough. On another note... is it not PC to say black people? I saw you say african american woman and that always just sounds strange to me .
Yeah, i also felt weird writing it! I don't know what the accepted way is to describe the ethnicity of this group of people? Is black acceptable and inoffensive to everyone?
Yeah, i also felt weird writing it! I don't know what the accepted way is to describe the ethnicity of this group of people? Is black acceptable and inoffensive to everyone?

I have no clue, i dont see why it should be as I have never heard anyone call a white person anything other than that....a white person :lol:. I have her skin color and im neither american or african. I have negro roots but if u called me african anything i would probably just laugh at you :lol:
I have no clue, i dont see why it should be as I have never heard anyone call a white person anything other than that....a white person :lol:. I have her skin color and im neither american or african. I have negro roots but if u called me african anything i would probably just laugh at you :lol:

So how should somebody describe your ethnicity, which would be acceptable to you?

So how should somebody describe your ethnicity, which would be acceptable to you?

i wouldnt really care to be honest as im so mixed. im black im asian im middle eastern all in one. Where im from we identify people alot with what others would call ratial slurs but not we arent being racist. We just use these conotations to describe people. Being PC is something i learnt on the internet (the hard way sometimes) For instance i had no idea the word midget and retarded werent PC outside of my own country.
I have no clue, i dont see why it should be as I have never heard anyone call a white person anything other than that....a white person :lol:. I have her skin color and im neither american or african. I have negro roots but if u called me african anything i would probably just laugh at you :lol:
Never heard of Caucasian?
“I denounce whoever it is,” she said. “It will be immediately deleted. Everybody makes mistakes.

Yes KellyAnne, you make several huge mistakes every day. Every single day. And its only been 25 days.

Apart from the implications for long term stability and security of the country, just remember, shes probably getting a quarter of a million a year for this, straight from the tax payers.
i wouldnt really care to be honest as im so mixed. im black im asian im middle eastern all in one. Where im from we identify people alot with what others would call ratial slurs but not we arent being racist. We just use these conotations to describe people. Being PC is something i learnt on the internet (the hard way sometimes) For instance i had no idea the word midget and retarded werent PC outside of my own country.

Ok, I'm intrigued. What country are you from?!
Good god. This leads me to think the Russia relationship was being kept from Pence. If true, that's pretty diabolical.

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