The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Even the undereducated hicks from dumbfeck Mississippi must know that there is no way Flynn did this on his own.

I mean, dorito mussolini even talked about removing sanctions after all this happened. I guess the NSA are just stringing it along a bit for fun until they reveal the tapes that connect everything back to the president.
Spicer stating that Flynn did not do anything illegal in his job, as I asked earlier. Seems to be saying that talking to foreign counterparts was not a concern for tRump, and verified by legal council. Spicer stating that Flynn was asked to resign because he has lost President's trust due to Flynn misleading VP and tRump.

It seems abit contradictory. If Flynn was legally allowed to speak to Russian ambassador, why would he mislead his bosses about speaking to them?

Legally is questionable.

Logan Act said:
§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
How can a guy (Spicey) spill out so much BS without bathing in excrements? Poor performance.
I love how he's seemingly trying to prove that while POTUS knows nothing about the law, he has great instincts. Very reassuring, thanks.

EDIT: "Unbelievably decisive". :lol: ... I was unbelievably decisive last night. I was hungry, so I immediately decided to order pizza, and notified the relevant agencies via secure channels (Two Boots Pizza, via GrubHub)
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I love how he's seemingly trying to prove that while POTUS knows nothing about the law, he has great instincts. Very reassuring, thanks.
It's really hard stuff Spicey is trying to sell. 45 is unfit for every aspect of presidency. No lie from Spicey can camouflage it.
This is so stupid. They took 2 weeks to figure out whether they could trust him, and while that was going on he was still sitting in on sensitive meetings.
I can't help but like Spicey. I think in any normal version of the world he'd probably be a pretty nice and funny guy.
Watch them find out it stores the messages someplace and the Russians have been reading them all.
I really hope that somebody hacks the stuff and releases it. I don't even trust that there was a legal counsel as Spicey claims, and if it does who was on it. I reckon 45, Bannon, Miller but certainly nobody with legal expertise who can be trusted.
I love how he's seemingly trying to prove that while POTUS knows nothing about the law, he has great instincts. Very reassuring, thanks.

EDIT: "Unbelievably decisive". :lol: ... I was unbelievably decisive last night. I was hungry, so I immediately decided to order pizza, and notified the relevant agencies via secure channels (Two Boots Pizza, via GrubHub)

Dear god..
The president has been incredibly tough on Russia. He continues to raise the issue of Crimea, which the previous administration allowed to be seized by Russia.

Outrageous by Spicer, but the lack of any shame also made me laugh.
:lol: "Trump's confidence in Flynn eroded over the course of the day" But they knew for 3 weeks at least :lol:

Priceless, can't blame Spicey for getting muddled up, he's doing the best with the shit he has to work with.
Page 500!!!

- If Flynn was legally allowed to speak to Russian ambassador, why would he mislead his bosses about speaking to them?
- And why did it take more than 2 weeks for resignation based on lack of trust?

Thats what Spicer is trying to cover up and will dominate the next steps of this story.
:lol: From Politico's Playbook:

WHAT TRUMP IS TWEETING -- @realDonaldTrump at 9:28 a.m.: “The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?”

-- FLASHBACK: Trump at an October 10, 2016, campaign rally: “I love WikiLeaks. It’s amazing how nothing is secret today when you talk about the Internet.”
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