The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Live stream of Spicer's press conference. This should be very, very interesting.

Edit: Just saw @Dan posted this above as well.
You're not really adding anything substantive to this discussion.

You're making an argument that a man still under probation for leaking confidential information is the most suitable candidate in America for the role of National Security Advisor privy to the most sensitive intelligence materials in the country. It's far from clear whether he'd even be given a top secret clearance now unless Trump pardoned him. You might want to brush this off as 'one mistake' in an otherwise glorious career, but this isn't the kind of mistake you recover from.

A romantic involvement was enough to make him spill classified information, what happens if he falls in love with a reporter in Washington or a Russian spy? Are we supposed to just believe that he's learned his lesson and won't do it again? Does anyone apply that standard to any other criminals? Would you hire someone who has defrauded a bank to work back in a bank, or should we should treat Patraeus differently because he's a military hero?
You're making an argument that a man still under probation for leaking confidential information is the most suitable candidate in America for the role of National Security Advisor privy to the most sensitive intelligence materials in the country. It's far from clear whether he'd even be given a top secret clearance now unless Trump pardoned him. You might want to brush this off as 'one mistake' in an otherwise glorious career, but this isn't the kind of mistake you recover from.

A romantic involvement was enough to make him spill classified information, what happens if he falls in love with a reporter in Washington or a Russian spy? Are we supposed to just believe that he's learned his lesson and won't do it again? Does anyone apply that standard to any other criminals? Would you hire someone who has defrauded a bank to work back in a bank, or should we should treat Patraeus differently because he's a military hero?

In one way, I think you're totally right. And in fact this is why Petraeus' career did indeed come to the end of the line just a year into his CIA role. In any ordinary circumstance, if a mainstream Dem or Rep were thinking about him for NSA I might say that there are many other people out there with enough credentials/experience and none of the dirt. But in this admin, the chance to replace someone of dubious and potentially dangerous thinking, with someone mainstream, rational and conservative (in the non-political sense) is one I welcome.
Spicer claiming that 45 is TOUGH ON RUSSIA ! :lol: April's fool time already?
Flynn being kicked to the curb.

Grab some popcorn, folks. This is going to get real good over the next few weeks.
I wonder if they might be in the process of making a terrible mistake. No way did Flynn just decide himself to make promises to the Russian ambassador, and if they're throwing him to the wolves now that really reduces the likelihood that he'll keep quiet.
You're making an argument that a man still under probation for leaking confidential information is the most suitable candidate in America for the role of National Security Advisor privy to the most sensitive intelligence materials in the country. It's far from clear whether he'd even be given a top secret clearance now unless Trump pardoned him. You might want to brush this off as 'one mistake' in an otherwise glorious career, but this isn't the kind of mistake you recover from.

A romantic involvement was enough to make him spill classified information, what happens if he falls in love with a reporter in Washington or a Russian spy? Are we supposed to just believe that he's learned his lesson and won't do it again? Does anyone apply that standard to any other criminals? Would you hire someone who has defrauded a bank to work back in a bank, or should we should treat Patraeus differently because he's a military hero?
In any other business, if you're on probation or have a serious warning on file for 12 months you're not eligible for promotion
Spicey now telling that 45 asked Flynn to resign ... Hahaha
In one way, I think you're totally right. And in fact this is why Petraeus' career did indeed come to the end of the line just a year into his CIA role. In any ordinary circumstance, if a mainstream Dem or Rep were thinking about him for NSA I might say that there are many other people out there with enough credentials/experience and none of the dirt. But in this admin, the chance to replace someone of dubious and potentially dangerous thinking, with someone mainstream, rational and conservative (in the non-political sense) is one I welcome.

You're probably right. I think its just another example of how previously unacceptable things are quickly becoming normalized or even welcomed though.
You're probably right. I think its just another example of how previously unacceptable things are quickly becoming normalized or even welcomed though.

Not particularly confident he'll get the job, though. Can imagine they won't want to deal with that whole can of worms.
They've basically done a deal with Flynn before the IC could. They've said he was a bit forgetful or that he decided to keep it to himself and he's accepted it and offered his resignation. In return they have declared that his actions are not illegal (and as a result the Trump administration has no plans for the persuit of criminal charges).

Definition of "brushed under the carpet".

I guess that the IC would have offered him immunity from charges that won't be coming now or can the IC itself bring charges on him?
Good to see that journos are not convinced by Spicey's attempts to bamboozle them.
Spicer sounds like he's learning to read. Poor bastard trips over a word in at least every sentence. Slow down, man.

To be fair, he looks like someone who would call his uncle, "paw".
What exactly did he do wrong? As head of NSA does he have authority to speak with Russian ambassador? If so, quite harsh that he is fired for speaking to them a few weeks early as NSA head elect?

You can´t be serious? He was in no position to talk policy or sanctions with the Russian ambassador while Obama was the president. Also Flynn had no position at that time to discuss anything with foreign officials so he had no authority to do any kind of state business ( he properly broke some very serious laws regarding this). He overstepped the political red lines when he made contact to the Russian ambassador under such conditions. Also take into account what they talked about, it make it seem he is working for an opponent of the U.S.A. This is enough to get any official fired. Also the Lying part is extremely serious and it could get him prosecuted under a proper president.

Adding to what @Red Viking was writing: Somebody posted this WP article in which it says:

I bolded the relevant part. Flynn either consciously lied or has such a bad memory that he's a security risk.

Spicer stating that Flynn did not do anything illegal in his job, as I asked earlier. Seems to be saying that talking to foreign counterparts was not a concern for tRump, and verified by legal council. Spicer stating that Flynn was asked to resign because he has lost President's trust due to Flynn misleading VP and tRump.

It seems abit contradictory. If Flynn was legally allowed to speak to Russian ambassador, why would he mislead his bosses about speaking to them?
I think, Sean, that you, the President and his Counsel should be less confident about your legal assessments, after last week.
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