The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Kellyanne Conway is a liar. she has consistently moved goalposts, sneered and mocked at people who doesn't agree with her and abused her position as a federal employee to further her boss' family business. I'm struggling to see how people are seeing 'shred of integrity' and losing her sleep. She laughed and criticized the Donald when she was with Trump and she'll do anything to further her business interest.

Not only is this hypocrite now gone, Trump's U-turn on locking her up, which was central to rallying all of the idiots like in the video, was done in no time. For all of the talk about how he's doing things, that campaign's foundations were made of pure bullshit.

the real story folks...the REAL STORY

The President of the USA speculating about security leaks on Twitter. When you actually think about it at any length, you can't quite comprehend how bizarre that actually is.
The President of the USA speculating about security leaks on Twitter. When you actually think about it at any length, you can't quite comprehend how bizarre that actually is.
You get used to it. The Nordstrom tweet already set a new low anyways.
Petraeus is still on probation for that leaked information trial, is he still viable with that?

Yeah he is eligible, although I don't know if Trump will want to deal with the headache of bringing someone with that sort of baggage on after the Flynn fiasco.
@berbatrick @Randall Flagg

Quick & dirty search didn't lead me to the article I had in mind but this is one with information similar as to what I recall. The one I read at the time did not just use 'targeted' but hacked. I believe that it said somewhere that the RNC (server?) was hacked. Need to dig deeper but wanted to share anyway.

The Russian government's cyber-espionage campaign against the American political system began more than a year ago and has been far more extensive than publicly disclosed, targeting hundreds of key people -- Republicans and Democrats alike -- whose work is considered strategically important to the Putin regime, official sources told NBC News.

The targets over the past two years have included a Who's Who of Hillary Clinton associates from her State Department tenure, the Clinton Foundation and her presidential campaign, as well as top Republicans and staffers for Republican candidates for president.

Starting in earnest in 2015, Russian hackers used sophisticated "spearphishing" techniques to steal emails and other data from Capitol Hill staffers, operatives of political campaigns and party organizations, and other people involved in the election and foreign policy. That's according to NBC News interviews with more than two dozen current and former U.S. officials, private sector cybersecurity experts and others familiar with the FBI-led investigation into the hacks.
@berbatrick @Randall Flagg

Quick & dirty search didn't lead me to the article I had in mind but this is one with information similar as to what I recall. The one I read at the time did not just use 'targeted' but hacked. I believe that it said somewhere that the RNC (server?) was hacked. Need to dig deeper but wanted to share anyway.

With the usual caveat (anonymous, probably intelligence sources, with their own agenda, and no corroboration): it makes sense that it didn't come out if a Trump-supporting party hacked it, but I don't think the FSB would take the risk of giving the files to any outsider including WL - anyone in WL could then turn rogue and leak the whole thing.
Yeah he is eligible, although I don't know if Trump will want to deal with the headache of bringing someone with that sort of baggage on after the Flynn fiasco.

But is he trustworthy and most importantly is he trusted by the Army and intelligence services in general?
You get used to it. The Nordstrom tweet already set a new low anyways.

I am used to it, sure, as I've already seen a dictator steadily take over a country I love. It's just when you think to a period when things are normal, you can remind yourself how nuts it is.
But is he trustworthy and most importantly is he trusted by the Army and intelligence services in general?

Petraeus is more respected than anyone else in the national security community. This usually gets forgotten by what happened with his affair and classified info leak. You don't often get 4 star generals with combat experience dealing with the likes of AQ/IS/Taliban, who then also ran the CIA. That's as complete a background in National Security and Intelligence as a person can possibly have.
With the usual caveat (anonymous, probably intelligence sources, with their own agenda, and no corroboration): it makes sense that it didn't come out if a Trump-supporting party hacked it, but I don't think the FSB would take the risk of giving the files to any outsider including WL - anyone in WL could then turn rogue and leak the whole thing.
It does indeed if the party that hacked or possesses hacked documents doesn't release it until convenient for their cause. If WL have those e-mails - similar to that they have but haven't released yet e-mails from a number of French election candidates - it would be obvious that they are not interested in transparency (as if anyone needed more proof but nevertheless).
Petraeus is more respected than anyone else in the national security community. This usually gets forgotten by what happened with his affair and classified info leak. You don't often get 4 star generals with combat experience dealing with the likes of AQ/IS/Taliban, who then also ran the CIA. That's as complete a background in National Security and Intelligence as a person can possibly have.

The man was no good at keeping business and pleasure separate. Other than that, he's about as qualified as anyone in the country for any senior national security post. By this admin's standards that's like an A-..
I am used to it, sure, as I've already seen a dictator steadily take over a country I love. It's just when you think to a period when things are normal, you can remind yourself how nuts it is.
That is actually what worries me most about this administration, that we start getting used to it. I believe it is in human nature to try and adapt to distressful situations, and if we start accepting his views on nationalism, security and religion as normal, then it is truly over. Thats why when people say give him a chance, I say feck that, keep on pointing out his idiocies and keep up the resistance.
Petraeus is more respected than anyone else in the national security community. This usually gets forgotten by what happened with his affair and classified info leak. You don't often get 4 star generals with combat experience dealing with the likes of AQ/IS/Taliban, who then also ran the CIA. That's as complete a background in National Security and Intelligence as a person can possibly have.

I understand what you are saying but you are not answering my question. He is respected for his competences but is he trusted and can he be trusted with all informations? Do you think that it was a one-off?
Apparently the Ruskis violated an arms treaty by moving some weaponry according to the failing NY times.

It's all happening for the Trumpster.
I understand what you are saying but you are not answering my question. He is respected for his competences but is he trusted and can he be trusted with all informations? Do you think that it was a one-off?

Definitely a one off imo. The guy is rock solid and just made a mistake.

Another follow up on Conway, this time Joe Scarborough's take on her role and how she's allegedly perceived in 45's circle. No idea if true but it fits. :D

Joe Scarborough, the MSNBC show's titular host, accused Conway of appearing on TV based only on her own whims and not on any guidance or strategy from others in the White House. The counselor to the president is "out of the loop," said Scarborough, a former GOP congressman whose show is said to be a favorite of President Donald Trump's.

"She's in none of the meetings and she just goes out without talking without having the facts," Scarborough said.

“Kellyanne Conway is a free agent. And they have complained. Everybody in the White House but Donald Trump has complained for months that she is a free agent. She goes out, she says whatever she wants to say. She doesn’t coordinate her message. And then she comes back in and they have to clean it up,” the "Morning Joe" host continued. “Now, she will lie, as she does every time the truth comes out. She will say she's being victimized. She will then go in and get a picture with the president and then she’ll get the president to tweet something and her staff – his staff – will have to clean this all up over and over again."
That is actually what worries me most about this administration, that we start getting used to it. I believe it is in human nature to try and adapt to distressful situations, and if we start accepting his views on nationalism, security and religion as normal, then it is truly over. Thats why when people say give him a chance, I say feck that, keep on pointing out his idiocies and keep up the resistance.

You have the right idea. He'll never be the president America needs, and no amount of horseshit people want to spin on his behalf will change that. They'll lie, pester, and persist to try and get you to accept that he is. It turns out to be pretty sick when enough people have resigned themselves to the idea, and you'd feel sick yourself by that point as if you're living in a mental hospital.

Another follow up on Conway, this time Joe Scarborough's take on her role and how she's allegedly perceived in 45's circle. No idea if true but it fits. :D

:lol: It's all falling down around them, and so quickly too. However, I bet Trump still comes up smelling of roses and blaming someone else. I think we will have to wait a while before he's in the shit. This is great to watch though, the last few days have been fecking hilarious. :lol:
Definitely a one off imo. The guy is rock solid and just made a mistake.

Hopefully your opinion is shared because the reported lack of trust between the various intelligence agencies has been the most worrying subject.
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