The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I don't know much about Harward. I was in Iraq at the same time as Petraeus and am a massive fan. If he gets the job and with Mattis at Defense, my confidence in Trump's ability to not feck things up will rise significantly.

What are Petraeus's view on Islam, jihad, etc?
That sounds very good for the American people that their President apparently doesn't have a grip on (all-round) security for the White House.

In all seriousness, surely they will take his phone off him at some point? I feel like I'm living in a piss-take universe when I read his nonsense tweets.
He'll be complaining about line-up leaks next.

Is an interesting question. All of this has happened less than a month in under relatively calm conditions. Mass firings at some point?
You know if you are into conspiracy theories, there is of course the one that JFK got murdered because he pissed off the intelligence services, most notably the CIA. I won't say anymore, because as the NSA just pointed out, they are watching.
the real story folks...the REAL STORY

"I'm saying that because I'm the president and I don't like them, they are ILLEGAL"

He's going to start looking at ways to out the rats. The paranoia is going to be quite something. I bet he ends up leaking something by accident himself and then going after himself full throttle on Twitter.
What are Petraeus's view on Islam, jihad, etc?

Standard establishment hawk with military backround. Worlds better than Flynn, but hardly great.
=no demonization of Muslims/Islam.
=the world needs more USA intervention to keep it safe. Russia, China and Iran are the bad guys, but they are predictable.
=let work with “moderate rebels”
=the Iran deal was bad (but he’ll stick to it and he won’t plan to wage war against them)
"I'm saying that because I'm the president and I don't like them, they are ILLEGAL"

He's going to start looking at ways to out the rats. The paranoia is going to be quite something. I bet he ends up leaking something by accident himself and then going after himself full throttle on Twitter.

He held a fecking situation meeting in the middle of the dining room of his own hotel this weekend, with guests taking pictures and posting to facebook, including the identity of the guy with the nuclear codes.

Trump and his clown car full of morons IS the leak.
Standard establishment hawk with military backround. Worlds better than Flynn, but hardly great.
=no demonization of Muslims/Islam.
=the world needs more USA intervention to keep it safe. Russia, China and Iran are the bad guys, but they are predictable.
=let work with “moderate rebels”
=the Iran deal was bad (but he’ll stick to it and he won’t plan to wage war against them)

Meh. Doubt he'll get the job based on that.

The idea that all these scandals will fall back on Trump is fanciful. These blood sucking republicans will put up with anything as long as they get to guy Medicare and Social security.
What are Petraeus's view on Islam, jihad, etc?

He is the opposite of Flynn. For example, he rewrote the Army's counterinsurgency manual and then came to Iraq at the peak of sectarian violence in early 2007 and actually implemented it. At the heart of the strategy was increased troop presence on the streets and strong relations with local communities as a means to getting local cooperation to fight extremist forces. That started the "Sahwa" movement in Anbar and eventually spread to other provinces, and wound up being the beginning of the end for AQI from 2007-11 until US forces left and eventually ISIS filled the void.

Petraeus' general worldview is you can't be successful unless local populations on the ground are to a degree on your side instead of passive or working with extremists. Part of that obviously involves respecting local customs and religious practices. For example, when that nutty "pastor" in Florida threatened to burn hundreds of Qurans a few years ago....Petraeus came out with this statement. Sounds completely rational and routine, but never something you would hear from Flynn, Trump, Bannon or the rest of them.

Flynn is basically from the paleoconservative, Huntington/clash of civilizations school of idiocy that thinks calling extremism radical islam is some sort of necessary starting point to defeating it; whereas Petraeus has a Phd in International Relations from Princeton. Ideologically, they are light years apart.
Whilst Dem views on Wikileaks have certainly worsened over the past few years, the shift among GOPers has been far more severe

Meh. Doubt he'll get the job based on that.

Trump might still be able to veto appointments that personally opposed him (e.g Elliott Abrams), but I doubt that he can block a respected pick like Petraeus. Trump doesn’t have many people in his corner that have the CV to fill such a position anyway. I think we’ll see now that the establishment is actually taking a hold on foreign policy. Tillerson and Mattis are already pulling the administration to the center and with Flynn gone, the balance of power will shift.
Petraeus' general worldview is you can't be successful unless local populations on the ground are to a degree on your side instead of passive or working with extremists. Part of that obviously involves respecting local customs and religious practices. For example, when that nutty "pastor" in Florida threatened to burn hundreds of Qurans a few years ago....Petraeus came out with this statement. Sounds completely rational and routine, but never something you would hear from Flynn, Trump, Bannon or the rest of them.

Flynn is basically from the paleoconservative, Huntington/clash of civilizations school of idiocy that thinks calling extremism radical islam is some sort of necessary starting point to defeating it; whereas Petraeus has a Phd in International Relations from Princeton. Ideologically, they are light years apart.

So why would Petraeus even be considered for the job?

(Edit): ah I see...

Trump might still be able to veto appointments that personally opposed him (e.g Elliott Abrams), but I doubt that he can block a respected pick like Petraeus. Trump doesn’t have many people in his corner that have the CV to fill such a position anyway. I think we’ll see now that the establishment is actually taking a hold on foreign policy. Tillerson and Mattis are already pulling the administration to the center and with Flynn gone, the balance of power will shift.

In any case I'm all for fresh thinking when it comes to the jihad problem, I don't think Petraeus offers anything new there.
After their latest tweet, you should be able to see why people have turned on them.
not really

I would always have taken wikileaks with a pinch of salt. But my opinion of them today is the same as it was a couple of years ago. Just because it doesnt always fit into the narrative I would prefer, I wont change that opinion.
Preibus in serious trouble now -

President Bannon is setting the dogs on him....


Chris Christie is meeting Trump today. Only a matter of time imo. Although if Bannon wants Priebus gone, he won't like dealing with Christie any more than Priebus.
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