The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I wonder if he ended up being quite shocked that somebody had been able to monitor his call with the Ambassador. Whether he believed his status with the incoming administration placed him above anyone monitoring his calls or that he really had no clue they could or would do that.

The NSA have pretty much every communication on American soil and most others stored. They can call on it if they can get permission.
This kind of arrogance - along with pathetic juvenile rubbish like "We're taking names" - wouldn't be surprising, seeing as Trump's presidential persona practically screams "There's a new sheriff in town...and he's kicking gum 'cos he's all out of ass...or something. What was it again? Hang on, I'll ask Flynn...oh, I can't..."
WP with a detailed timeline of events and some questions:

  • Late December: Flynn, a former lieutenant general who had been selected as Trump's national security adviser, holds a phone call with Russia's ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak. Despite Flynn's later denials, the two of them discuss sanctions and the possibility of relieving them once Trump is president — this despite the Obama administration preparing new sanctions for Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 election.
  • Jan. 13: For the first time, Flynn's talks with the Russian ambassador are reported, though there are few details.
  • Jan. 14: Flynn assures Pence, who was then the vice president-elect, that the two of them didn't discuss sanctions, according to Pence.
  • Jan. 15: Pence tells “Fox News Sunday”: “I talked to General Flynn yesterday, and the conversations that took place at that time were not in any way related to the new U.S. sanctions against Russia or the expulsion of diplomats.”
  • Late January: Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who would later be relieved of her duties by Trump because she declined to defend his travel ban, informs the White House counsel of Flynn's misleading statements and warns that they were so egregious that he could open himself up to Russian blackmail, given Russia knew he had mischaracterized the call to his superiors. The White House does not amend its false statements.
  • Feb. 8: In an interview with The Post that would be published the following day, Flynn categorically denies having discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador.
  • Feb. 9: The Post reports that Flynn did, in fact, discuss sanctions with the Russian ambassador. In response, a spokesperson amends Flynn's previous denial, saying that he “indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up.”
  • Feb. 10: Trump says in brief comments aboard Air Force One that he is unaware of the reports but that he will “look into” it.
  • Around 5 p.m. Monday: Conway says the White House has “full confidence” in Flynn and seemed to excuse him for having forgotten that he discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador.
  • Shortly after 5 p.m. Monday: Spicer issues a statement. “The president is evaluating the situation,” it said. “He's speaking to the vice president relative to the conversation the vice president had with Gen. Flynn, and also speaking to various other people about what he considers the single most important subject there is: our national security.”
  • 8 p.m. Monday: The Post reports that the Justice Department had told the White House last month “that Flynn had so mischaracterized his communications with the Russian diplomat that he might be vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow.”
  • Shortly before 11 p.m. Monday: Flynn resigns.

A few questions on this:

  1. Was the administration planning to take any action based off the Justice Department's late-January news of Flynn having misled them?
  2. Trump professes ignorance about Flynn having misled his administration as recently as Feb. 10. Did the White House counsel really not inform the president about what the Justice Department had told them? Or was it perhaps disregarded once Yates, an Obama appointee, was dismissed in a separate matter?
  3. Does the White House truly accept Flynn's contention that he simply forgot about discussing sanctions? Conway's comments Monday suggest they do. But Russian sanctions were one of the biggest stories in U.S. foreign policy at the time.
  4. Even if Flynn did truly forget, would it be okay that he discussed something he wasn't supposed to during the phone call?

It wasn't stupidity that did him was arrogance. He and the Russian Ambassador knew they weren't on a secure line.

Flynn simply thought it didn't matter and that he was above it all.

He then pulls a...
Ah WikiLeaks I remember when you were the darling of many a person on the left and the right hated you. Talk about a change.

yup - Assange went from being the victim of a witch hunt to being pure evil (lefties) and from being pure evil to a saint (right wingers)....when I heard Hannity was going to interview him, it was more shocking than Trump winning the election.

KAC pulled an all nighter (helping write that resignation letter, setting US foreign policy right in 3 weeks ffs )

The lies are catching up....

Conway looks like someone who has a sliver of conscience deep down inside, and knowing she made a deal with the devil is slowly eating away at her soul.
WP with a detailed timeline of events and some questions:

They really need to explain the time delay between Yates' warning and him leaving (and that only after it was published by the press). Suggests either incompetence or a cover-up.
Conway looks like someone who has a sliver of conscience deep down inside, and knowing she made a deal with the devil is slowly eating away at her soul.
I'm surprised that Darth Trump didn't fire her for her visibly-fading faith in the last stages of the campaign.
Can the Dems all agree that once they're elected again, Sally Yates to be AG? She's certainly deserved it.
Trump fortunately made the mistake to piss of many people in the intelligence community and high up the administrative agencies. They can hang him out to dry, if they want to. Flynn is (fortunately) imo the first big victim of that. Trump will need to accommodate their wishes if he wants to avoid constant disruption.
yup - Assange went from being the victim of a witch hunt to being pure evil (lefties) and from being pure evil to a saint (right wingers)....when I heard Hannity was going to interview him, it was more shocking than Trump winning the election.

Yep, that's what happens when you lock a little brat in his room for a few years. He went right off the rails when they took his wifi away.
After this election I will take everything wiki leaks release with a grain of salt unless I see the original Russian translation.
Conway looks like someone who has a sliver of conscience deep down inside, and knowing she made a deal with the devil is slowly eating away at her soul.
I hope she is destroyed after this clusterfeck. Check out her comments on Trump when she worked for the Cruz campaign. No morals, typical right winger.
What's the odds of Flynn getting immunity and then suddenly eating a dodgey bit of KFC and having major organ failure?
QUOTE="Neutral, post: 20464192, member: 51449"]Wikileaks


You know that was written by SVR RF[/QUOTE]

Oh feck off WL.
Yep, that's what happens when you lock a little brat in his room for a few years. He went right off the rails when they took his wifi away.
After this election I will take everything wiki leaks release with a grain of salt unless I see the original Russian translation.

There is still no evidence, zero, that any of those documents are fake. HRC answered questions publicly based on their contents and attempted to explain them rather than deny, suggesting they are true.

Agreed, Tucker is a fecker, a condescending prick and quite often absolutely off his twat, I get the feeling half the time he just wants to argue for the sake of arguing. He just loves being contrary and obtuse. However, be careful when dissing him in here because he has a fan. @Dwazza loves a bit of Tucker, and thinks he's a snazzy dresser too.

Tucker is the greatest!
KAC pulled an all nighter (helping write that resignation letter, setting US foreign policy right in 3 weeks ffs )

The lies are catching up....

Good grief I know it's not important in the grand scheme of things but look at the state of her since Trump was elected. She looks like someone who's just started a meth addiction.
So Flynn was supposed to be the point-man on Trump's much heralded war on "Radical Islamic Extremism" or whatever:


@Raoul do any of the touted potential replacements share this POV?

I don't know much about Harward. I was in Iraq at the same time as Petraeus and am a massive fan. If he gets the job and with Mattis at Defense, my confidence in Trump's ability to not feck things up will rise significantly.

The brain trust. Wonder how many copies of Time he's got on ol' Resolute.
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