The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So Flynn was supposed to be the point-man on Trump's much heralded war on "Radical Islamic Extremism" or whatever:


@Raoul do any of the touted potential replacements share this POV?

Not sure why so many paint this guy as an innocent bystander in this administration. He had a big role in forcing out Christie from the transition team, due to Christie being the guy who prosecuted his father, which resulted in jail time.

He just does a better job at trying to hide his agendas than the rest of the cronies in Trump's team.
The fact that Flynn resorted to calling the Ambassador to discuss sanctions, knowing the call was being monitored, suggests the number of people involved in his collusion between Trump and Putin involves only a small number of people.

If Flynn had a good choice, he would have used a intermediary to get a message across to the Russian ambassador. He could have used Mannafort or Page, but guess what, they are rumoured to be under surveillance by the FBI with the FISA warrant.
The fact that Flynn resorted to calling the Ambassador to discuss sanctions, knowing the call was being monitored, suggests the number of people involved in his collusion between Trump and Putin involves only a small number of people.

If Flynn had a good choice, he would have used a intermediary to get a message across to the Russian ambassador. He could have used Mannafort or Page, but guess what, they are rumoured to be under surveillance by the FBI with the FISA warrant.

I find it hard to believe that's the case. There are so many channels to secretly communicate nowadays had they feel precautions are needed. It reeks of hubris to me:
Thanks for explaining. I was just getting my facts straight. Its very encouraging as it shows that FBI remains neutral as well as providing early motivating success for the investigative media.

It shows a rapid time lag between issues raised and resolution of those issues. I've been very impressed at speed of the resistance in getting practical actions to illegal activity or unconstitutional laws and ideas. But it also heighten's the issue of CIA/FBI trusting tRump enough to provide him with state secrets. How can he govern if the state apparatus restricts information to him?

In just 3 months of office preparation and 3 weeks of actual presidency, its amazing how many illegal mistakes could have been made. Most normal people would spend the first few weeks in a job learning about their new environment and the rules within which they should operate and understanding how to make things happens. But this administration have arrogantly gone into this like a gorilla in a dolls-house and will pay the price. Next issues are obviously tRump's 'golden shower vdo tape' as well as Bannon's elevation to the NSA council and of course the immigration ban.

There must be many area's tRump himself has illegally breached that has been enabled by his staff. And so there will be fear in ever tRump staffer that 'the rules' remain, no matter how much tRump thought he can ride roughshod over them. Flynn's resignation will do huge damage to the #FakeNews agenda; as the 53% can smell blood in the air and have machete's and axes at the ready.

my only concern is that tRump himself may survive under the 'I was learning the job' excuse and then start behaving .... we should have given him more time to hang himself.

Regarding the CIA / FBI and the mistrust between them it is solely down to how Trump is behaving when he acts like an authoritarian with little to no moral compass. I would guess that both agencies believes that Trump will protect those under him with no regard to the interests of the state and public. This put both agencies in a difficult situation as Trump acts like an opponent rather than a trusted ally. It is understandable that both agencies take precaution when Trump acts like he did when he visited the CIA ( hired cheerleaders making the entire CIA look like idiots, this undermines them ). Trust is everything in politics if you want people to cooperate with you and this is were Trumps lack of political skills really shine through.
The fact that Flynn resorted to calling the Ambassador to discuss sanctions, knowing the call was being monitored, suggests the number of people involved in his collusion between Trump and Putin involves only a small number of people.

If Flynn had a good choice, he would have used a intermediary to get a message across to the Russian ambassador. He could have used Mannafort or Page, but guess what, they are rumoured to be under surveillance by the FBI with the FISA warrant.
I don't understand why he did this. Exuberance in a new job,because he didn't know the rules or because he thought he was above the law.
To follow up on our exchange about Conway in the Flynn story: #alternativefacts :D

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president, who is close with Bannon, was aware of the uncertainty about Flynn's future and the concerns in Trump's orbit but tried to telegraph on TV that the adviser wasn't in trouble hoping the storm could pass, one person familiar with her thinking said.

"General Flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president," Conway said.

Her appearance created waves in Trump's orbit, and Sean Spicer, Trump's press secretary, who has expressed displeasure about Conway to associates, immediately put out a statement that seemed to contradict her.

"The president is evaluating the situation," Spicer said soon after Conway's remarks.
A source close to the president, who was not there but had knowledge of the situation, told me that Trump was going around tables during dinner asking guests what he should do about Priebus and Spicer—a crowdsourcing game he reportedly played when he was deciding which candidate to choose for vice president, and again, when picking who he would nominate as secretary of state. (A White House spokesperson did not immediately respond to request for comment.)

This should be no surprise to anyone either. Anyone who has been unfortunate to see any episodes of his Celebrity Apprentice will know he does this every single show. He continuously asks everyone else what they think about each other or any given situation and then he pretty much asks everyone who he should fire at the end of each show. You can see he just wants to say whatever is the most popular thing to say, or who it would impress the most by saying it. That was frightening enough when he only had power to remove someone from a reality tv show, it's infinitely more frightening now he has almost unlimited powers as President of the USA.

To follow up on our exchange about Conway in the Flynn story: #alternativefacts :D

:lol: Fecks sake, the infighting between them all less than a month in is truly frightening. Thanks for the link though, it does explain the contradiction between them both. No surprise Kellyanne went out on a limb. I wonder how many times before she has taken it upon herself to talk for Trump? It's a very stupid and dangerous thing to do, especially with someone as volatile as Trump who changes his mind sometimes 3 or 4 times in one sentence.
This should be no surprise to anyone either. Anyone who has been unfortunate to see any episodes of his Celebrity Apprentice will know he does this every single show. He continuously asks everyone else what they think about each other or any given situation and then he pretty much asks everyone who he should fire at the end of each show. You can see he just wants to say whatever is the most popular thing to say, or who it would impress the most by saying it. That was frightening enough when he only had power to remove someone from a reality tv show, it's infinitely more frightening now he has almost unlimited powers as President

And yet Its probably wise not to take a dramatised tv show as any indication on real life. He's probably not trying to buy a house in Bel air either.
And yet Its probably wise not to take a dramatised tv show as any indication on real life. He's probably not trying to buy a house in Bel air either.

No, but his personality and character traits that have been well documented by countless people including relatives, ex wives, close friends, ex contestants and the man who wrote his autobiography are there for all to see on that show. His misogyny and rampant sexism is also clearly evident as he often makes extremely crass and lewd comments to the female contestants, well the attractive ones anyway, he's often very dismissive and rude about those less physically attractive, as we know, that's clearly not an act.
To be fair thats exactly what press secretaries are supposed to do until a decision has been made. Although the idea of keeping stuff behind close doors is a bit of an hillarious idea when it comes to this administration.
It's a matter of perception I guess but I find it embarrassing how Conway handled the incidence at that time. IMO it underscores that she cannot be trusted on anything she says. Spicer, although his motivation might not be limited to serving Trump, chose IMO a much better approach.
Russians are upset that Comrade Flynn was forced to resign -

Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the foreign affairs committee at the upper chamber of the Russian parliament, expressed frustration at the Trump administration:

"Either Trump hasn't found the necessary independence and he's been driven into a corner... or russophobia has permeated the new administration from top to bottom."

Kosachev's counterpart at the lower chamber of the Russian parliament, Alexei Pushkov, tweeted shortly after the announcement that "it was not Flynn who was targeted but relations with Russia."

Down with Russophobia :mad::mad:
Russians are upset that Comrade Flynn was forced to resign -

Down with Russophobia :mad::mad:

Either Trump hasn't found the necessary independence

Really trying to push his buttons there.
I don't understand why he did this. Exuberance in a new job,because he didn't know the rules or because he thought he was above the law.

I wonder if he ended up being quite shocked that somebody had been able to monitor his call with the Ambassador. Whether he believed his status with the incoming administration placed him above anyone monitoring his calls or that he really had no clue they could or would do that.
been saying it. there is no fecking way these cnuts knew nothing! Trump is taking this job and pissing on it
I wonder if he ended up being quite shocked that somebody had been able to monitor his call with the Ambassador. Whether he believed his status with the incoming administration placed him above anyone monitoring his calls or that he really had no clue they could or would do that.
That seems like he'd have to be incredibly naive, given the long history of monitoring, bugging etc etc. More likely that Trump & co have an attitude of "we're running the show now, and we can do what we like"; as in his business dealings, Trump probably believes he can bribe, threaten or pay off people/organisations that might thwart him and his colleagues.
More likely that Trump & co have an attitude of "we're running the show now, and we can do what we like"
That's sort of the feeling I get as well. It seems like they're continuously surprised when the other branches of government or the media pull them up on whatever shit they've done with complete disregard for how a democracy is supposed to function.
That seems like he'd have to be incredibly naive, given the long history of monitoring, bugging etc etc. More likely that Trump & co have an attitude of "we're running the show now, and we can do what we like"; as in his business dealings, Trump probably believes he can bribe, threaten or pay off people/organisations that might thwart him and his colleagues.

I think Trump told him to do it. To hit the ground running and not care about protocol.

Though it probably happened via a verbal conversation with no witnesses and so impossible to prove.
I wonder if he ended up being quite shocked that somebody had been able to monitor his call with the Ambassador. Whether he believed his status with the incoming administration placed him above anyone monitoring his calls or that he really had no clue they could or would do that.

Didn't he run a spy agency at the Pentagon or something? No way he'd be that naive.
I wonder if he ended up being quite shocked that somebody had been able to monitor his call with the Ambassador. Whether he believed his status with the incoming administration placed him above anyone monitoring his calls or that he really had no clue they could or would do that.

Every diplomatic call is monitored by the host country.
Didn't he run a spy agency at the Pentagon or something? No way he'd be that naive.

I actually could see him being that dumb, to be actually unable to make the connection that the same thing could be done to him.

In my city we actually had vice cops who got busted by other vice cops in a prostitution sting. You would think that being a vice cop, being involved in such stings, would make them smart enough to avoid such behavior.

I try not to underestimate the stupidity of people, no matter how smart they are.
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